Title: Dark Serenity – Betrayal of the Soul
Author: Queen Serenity
Fandom: Sailor Moon:
Chapter: Ten – The New Dark Moon Warrior
Once she had turned Serena Tsukino… Sailor Moon… over to Wiseman, Hypnotina had teleported herself to the throne room where she knew her master, Prince Diamond, was.
When she'd arrived there, she had made her report to Prince Diamond. Starting out, she had simply given him a brief overview, but he had insisted upon hearing the entirety of what had happened.
Afterwards, the prince had dismissed her, assuring her that he would see that she was amply rewarded later.
To the casual observer, the leader of the Dark Moon was in his normal, monotonous mood. He was just sitting there, seemingly contemplating the wine which he was swirling in his glass… but, in truth, his inward thoughts were practically quivering with excitement.
It was hard to believe that the past self of the beautiful, goddess-like Neo Queen Serenity was here right now… here, within his domain, within his reach.
Currently, Wiseman was doing something to her… 'persuading' her, he'd said…
And it had been hours since Diamond had dismissed Hypnotina. He felt curiosity gnawing at him… what was taking so long?
Just then, Wiseman appeared, partially obscured in the shadows. "Your Highness…"
Prince Diamond looked up, looking over at his advisor. "What is it, Wiseman?"
"Allow me to introduce our newest ally."
From the shadows beside Wiseman a teenaged girl stepped forward. Her blonde hair was done up in what Diamond readily recognized as the traditional royal hairstyle. She was clothed in a schoolgirl outfit; a pleated blue knee-length skirt and a white shirt with a sailor collar and red bow. Affixed to the middle of the bow was a locket similar to the one Sailor Moon had had… except that where the previous locket had been gold, this one was silver… where it had been pink, it was a light blue, and there was a black Negamoon symbol in the center of the star upon it.
The girl's eyes, the same deep purple as the energy of the Dark Crystal, watched him curiously.
Behind the girl, Wiseman moved slightly. "Show him who you really are, girl."
Smiling slightly, a slightly sinister smile which was new for this girl, the girl clasped her locket, which, unseen to those watching, contained a special piece of Dark Crystal, a piece specially imbued with certain energies for this girl to use.
The transformation was much simpler than one would expect. As her body took on a bright glow, obscuring the features of it from view, her clothes disappeared, and she lifted her arms gracefully above her head. First, the usual white sailor suit appeared, along with her white gloves except that they both shined almost as though a pearl-like substance had been misted over it. Next, her skirt and the collar to the suit both appeared, both a dark, stormy gray, the collar shot with its usual white lines. Next to appear was her choker, with a black downturned crescent moon on it, along with her boots, with silver lining the tops, matching black moons at the points like on the choker, the bow on her chest, the bow at her lower back, and the elbow bands for her gloves, all of which were a deep purple to match her new eye color. Last to appear was her jewelry and barrettes, and tiara, too. The downturned moon dangly earrings and tiara were both silver, the jewel on the tiara the familiar shade of purple, and the barrettes were purple, too. When the transformation ended, instead of ending with a pose, the girl simply lowered her arms once more.
Transformation finished, the girl promptly knelt in front of the prince, her head bowed. "At your service, your Highness."
Diamond looked down on the girl with interest… he knew it was her, but still… "And what are you called, warrior?"
At this, the girl looked up at him, and smirked slightly. "As I was before, Highness, you may call me…
But now I am…
Sailor Negamoon."
To Be Continued
(The sequel is Dark Serenity: The Dark Sailor Soldier, Sailor Negamoon.)