Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long to get up, but like I said in the A/N, I've been running around being crazy. Hope you like this chapter though! Just to warn you, it is the last actual chapter, but an epilogue might be coming. Hope you guys like it!
RuuD BoY- I know he's annoying, but Serenity would have felt terrible and blamed herself because she already had killed Diamond and Darien had been injured because of her. I know Yaten and Taiki didn't do anything, but they're guilty by association. It's an ugly fact, but it has gotten them banished. I actually wrote that chapter when I couldn't sleep, but I have morning practices and afternoons so it's hard to find anytime to sleep and write. I wish I could multitask like that though.
mysterious advisor- Seiya is finally gone and the weddings are this chapter. Zoicite and Amy are getting married after Sere and Dare. Pretty much everyone is together and everyone is happy for the most part.
ViscountessKiera- I'm a swimmer so I'm around sweaty-chloriny guys all the time so I'm kind of indifferent to it, but some of my friends hate it. I had to put something cute in the chapter after the action to lighten up the mood.
BlAcKfIrE889- I never went on the ride, but I was there when it reopened. I've been on the ride so many times though and it's always fun. My mom is having way too much fun with the meet, but I get to help so I'm not complaining. Thanks for the review!
VcChick- Yes the end is coming. One more chapter after this.
Moon Cosmic Power- This might be the last chapter with an epilogue after it or I have two epilogues. One for Sere and Dare and one for everyone else.
Gr33nJ3w3lRain- Thanks
LynGreenTea- Here's more.
Brianna- I think everyone wishes that Seiya had died, but I don't hate him that much. I actually don't hate Seiya, but he just fit the role.
Ffgirlmoonie- ;p
Nusaiba- Thanks! I don't know where to get a lot of SM stuff. Check any local anime/manga stores, but all my stuff is from like 6 or 7 years ago. Thanks for reviewing though!
Kana07- Thank you! Sorry, but this is the last chapter so not a lot more!
Skyhighdreamer- Thank you! Glad you like it!
Sailor Saturn2- Pirates was a great movie, but nothing in the movie is going to get incorporated into this story now. Maybe if I do a sequel. I'm not in school anymore, but I'm swimming like crazy so I still don't have a lot of time.
Alexandria18- See the movie as soon as you can, that's all I can say. Ya, Senior year is crazy right now, but my friends and I are still having fun.
shanay1993- Thanks, here's the ending.
vegetasprincess1- I updated, but my busy life kept me from doing it soon. Hope you like it!
Ara- I'm just having fun right now and hanging out with friends who are juniors, seniors, and are going to college. My Senior pictures are next week so I get to figure out what to do. My stress begins when I start school, 4 APs… ya, it's going to be crazy. Hope you're senior year is fun, and don't let it be all stress!
To All Citizen of Ceinlys and Aderyn
The royal families of Ceinlys and Aderyn are proud to announce the marriage of:
Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity
The wedding shall be held next Sunday after church. A private ceremony for friends will be first followed by a public ceremony for all citizens to witness and reception for all upper class citizens
"Mom! Does this mean everyone in the entire country is going to be there?" Serenity asked.
"I do not know how many people will be there. The dinner will be most of the Lords and Ladies you already know. The private reception will be the group you and Darien came with along with other people you two have grown up with."
"Will Andrew and Rita be there?" Serenity asked. "O! With the new baby too? They named her Nora and she has dark blonde hair and light brown eyes."
"We sent them a personal invitation for the private reception, yes." Selene smiled. She had been doing her daughter's hair when Serenity started firing questions at her about the wedding, who was invited, and what was going to happen.
"Now Serenity, your hair is done and I believe you promised your betrothed to a ride through the forest?"
"Thanks mom!" Serenity was already out the door and heading towards the stables where she knew that Darien would be waiting for her. Darien was standing next to the stalls talking to Andrew when she arrived.
"There you are." Darien said as he wrapped his arms around Serenity and kissed her forehead.
"Mom wouldn't let me leave. Hi Andrew! How are Rita and the baby?" Serenity asked.
"They're good. The baby keeps waking us up in the morning, but she's good other than that." Andrew said. "You guys are going out to the forest I presume?"
"Yep, that's my favorite trail." Serenity said while swinging Darien's arm with hers.
"Well, Willie and Pride should be ready to go out." Andrew said. "Would you like me to get them ready?"
"We can do it ourselves. It won't be hard and I think I'll ride bareback today. Thanks anyways." Serenity smiled at Andrew as she pulled Darien over to the stalls that housed Willie and Pride.
Darien had decided to use a saddle and bridle while Serenity stuck to riding bareback with a bridle. Darien quickly groomed and saddled his black stallion as Serenity just brushed Willie's coat.
"Do you need any help up?" Darien asked as he watched Serenity lead Willie out the door of the barn. When he got out to the front he noticed Serenity already on Willie and leading her around in circles.
"I think I got it. Don't you agree?" Serenity asked looking at Darien.
"Ya, I guess you do. Now where are we headed?"
"We're heading towards the forest. There's a nice lake with a waterfall out there." Serenity said.
"Well you know where we're going so you get to lead."
"Just make sure Pride can keep up, he likes to be lazy while Willie likes to go pretty fast."
"I'll make sure he doesn't fall behind." Darien said as he trotted Pride up to Willie and the pair started walking into the forest. Soon they came upon a clearing where the lake and waterfall Serenity described were.
"Let's go set up the picnic things on the shore." Serenity said as she got off of Willie. Darien got off of Pride and took off their lunch from behind his saddle and joined Serenity at the water's edge.
"In a week we'll be married." Darien said pulling Serenity closer to him. Serenity was quietly munching on her sandwich, but was also cuddled into Darien's side.
"I can't wait." Serenity answered.
"Where are we going to live? I mean neither of our parents are close to handing the throne over." Serenity said.
"I don't know. Well, actually. To tell you the truth I don't think I can give up the life of a pirate yet. It's all I've known for the last couple years, it's just hard to give up."
"I can understand that. Why don't we keep living that life, but we'll make a pact with Dad's navy."
"You want to make what we do legal? Can you even do that?" Darien asked. His hand was unconsciously rubbing Serenity's arm up and down.
"I was thinking we'd make a treaty between the two groups. Like, have it so the Ceinlys navy won't attack the Sea Cobra and the Cobra won't attack our Navy and we'll help each other." Serenity said.
"Are you sure you didn't listen in to any of your father's diplomatic meetings?" Darien asked with a sly smile.
"Actually, when I was younger I'd rather sit in with Dad rather than listen to my mother and the other Ladies while they sewed. Than again, my favorite thing was when you'd come. I actually had something to do." Serenity said. "I'm going for a swim."
"I said I'm going for a swim." Serenity got up and slipped out of her riding dress. Underneath was a pair of black pants and a red shirt. Darien just smiled and took off his shirt and boots and joined her in the water.
Serenity had swam behind the waterfall and jumped when Darien came up behind her and started to kiss her neck. Serenity giggled before slipping out of Darien's hold and swimming under the water. The couple played their cat and mouse game for a few more minutes before they decided to get out and sun dry in the grass.
"So what has the crew been doing?" Serenity asked. "I mean with you and the guys here, who's to captain them and make sure they act civil enough to keep the ship close by?"
"They're waiting for a signal for when we return. We've had messages being relayed back and forth so we keep in contact. I think Malachite has actually sent them to Triste so they can relax. They'll be back the day after the weddings."
"Wait, weddings?"
"Ya, Zoicite said that he's picked the day for his and Amy's wedding. It's like three days after ours. I believe between that, the others are going to get officially married at night. Something quiet, but they want to do it."
"Wow, a bunch of swashbuckling pirates getting married and settling down? Never though I'd hear of such a thing."
"Ya well, love makes us do crazy things. The guys have been settled down with the girls for a while. They've been faithful since they met Rei and Mina. Neph never did anything since he joined the crew. We think it's because of Lita."
"Ya, you're probably right. When she came here she was so quiet, and so sad."
"I can't believe you didn't here."
"Well I'm sorry, but our mothers have been keeping my busy with the wedding and the details, and the duties of being married, blah blah blah." Darien laughed at Serenity's ending.
"Well, soon they'll be off your back." Darien smiled.
"They will never be off my back. It's their job to bother us constantly."
"Good point." Darien laughed. "I think we should head back. I believe we're expected at dinner."
The Wedding
"Mom, is my hair ok?"
"Yes dear."
"Lita, is my dress good?"
"Yes Sere."
"Mina, is my make up ok?"
"Yes Serenity."
"Rei, is my… is my…"
"Serenity, you'll be fine." Rei stopped before Serenity could find something else to worry about.
"Where are my flowers?" Serenity hollered suddenly. Rei just rolled her eyes as she turned around and got the bouquet for Serenity.
Serenity had on the traditional white dress that had lace wrapped around her neck and went down to about her chest where white silk took over. There were beads that swirled around the dress coming into a solid layer completely around the bottom about three inches from the bottom of the dress. The tiara that she wore had lace with pearls and diamonds that flowed down the back of the dress and created the train.
Darien gasped as he saw Serenity enter the church. When she finally looked up at his her blue eyes shined like the rarest sapphires and her smile started out small, but widened until it couldn't expand any farther. Serenity's father took her hand and led her down the isle, past the viewers who were standing and murmuring things about how good Serenity looked, and up to Darien.
As soon as he could, Darien took Serenity's hand and took her to the alter. He had to restrain himself from running up and taking Serenity too early, then he had to stop himself from kissing her when he did get her.
The priest started the usual ceremony, but the bride and groom weren't listening. "Do you Prince Endymion; take Princess Serenity as your lawfully wedded wife?" Endymion was just staring at Serenity and didn't acknowledge what the priest had just said. "Prince Endymion." The priest repeated a little louder.
"I do." Endymion said before the priest had to repeat himself again and Malachite was able to nudge him in the back.
"And you Princess Serenity; do you take Prince Endymion as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked turning to the blushing pride.
"I do." Serenity said staring up into Darien's eyes.
"I pronounce you husband and wife. Prince Endymion, you may kiss your pride." The priest finished and stepped back letting the newly married couple have the spot light. Darien pulled Serenity closer to him and kissed her. Serenity had to nudge Darien back to stop him from getting too excited.
When they finally pulled apart the crowd erupted in applause. Before Serenity and Darien could do anything Serenity's parents and Darien's parents stepped up to the alter and presented the couple with two silver circlets. The couple turned to the crowd and smiled as they rushed out of the room.
Twenty minutes later the crowd had moved into the main dinning hall where they were waiting for the newly weds. Outside the door, Darien had stopped the guards from opening the door for a moment alone with his wife. "Are you ready, Sere?" Darien asked hugging her.
"I have never been this ready." Serenity leaned up and kissed Darien before turning to the guards.
"We're ready."
4 days later
"Serenity, we need to get ready to go." Darien whispered to his sleeping bride. The first two days they were married they were barely seen by most. When they exited their room they were usually having a picnic in some remote area of the garden.
Today Mina was getting married to Malachite followed by Rei and Jadeite's marriage. Lita and Nephrite were going to go last, but everyone was attending the wedding. They even snuck in some of their crew during the night so they could see it. Malachite had gotten over the fact that his crew might not like seeing his weakness in loving Mina, but he loved Mina and nothing was going to stop him now.
"The sun's not up." Serenity muttered flopping back into the pillows.
"We need to get out before our parents get up." Darien whispered.
"Hm, good point." Serenity propped her head up on her hands and looked at Darien. "Where did the crew sleep last night?"
"We got them some tents and food for them and took them pretty deep into the forest. They'll be fine. We limited the alcohol so they wouldn't get noisy."
"Alright, c'mon, let's get dressed." Serenity pulled Darien over to their wardrobe and acted like she was in deep thought about what to wear.
"I know you aren't thinking that hard." Darien whispered into her ear. He quickly grabbed a white poet's shirt, a silver vest, and light grey pants with grey boots.
"Our wedding was 4 days ago. We can stop wearing white now." Serenity joked.
"It's silver and grey." Darien shot back.
"Well, I'm wearing…. This!" Serenity grabbed a light pink dress. There were sequins scattered across the dress that made it shine in the light.
"I like it." Darien said.
"You like everything I wear." Serenity said glancing at him.
"Good point."
"Are we ready?" The priest asked looking tired.
"I'm sorry Father, but we needed to keep this a secret." Serenity said. "Please forgive us."
"It is alright child. Now who is the happy couple?" The Father asked looking at Serenity.
"Well, there's three."
"Sorry again Father."
"It is alright, just unusual. Are they ready?"
"Aye sir."
"Then let us begin."
All the ceremonies went on without a hitch and soon everyone, but Amy and Zoicite were married. Everyone was talking, the women talking to some of the pirates, and the higher standing pirates talked to their captains.
"I have a question for everyone!" Serenity suddenly said startling the group. The priest had left after Lita and Nephrite's wedding so he could return to his church without anyone thinking anything had happened. Everyone turned to Serenity who was standing up on a small rock with Darien holding her so she wouldn't fall.
"What would a wedding be… without… a feast?" Serenity smiled before clapping. From behind a grove of trees a carriage rolled out. Andrew was at the lead and was smiling to everyone as he pulled up. Inside was filled with everything that was at Serenity's wedding.
"Serenity, how?" Rei asked.
"Andrew's wife, who's a close friend, works in the kitchens and said she'd help. I helped her as well and we got everything ready and Andrew said he'd be willing to help." Serenity explained.
"Thank you Andrew! And tell Rita thank you as well."
"You can tell me now." Rita said coming to stand next to Andrew. She was holding a little bundle wrapped in a pink blanket.
"Rita!" Lita ran over and hugged her friend, being careful not to crush the baby girl in her arms. Rita laughed and started talking to Lita.
The crew was happy to get a good, full meal for the first time in a long time. For the most part the rest of the crowd was just happy to be there with the people who they loved.
Towards the middle of the day Malachite stepped up onto the rock that Serenity had used earlier. "For the crew, go back the ship and sail to Triste. Do what you want and we will be joining you after the last wedding has been attended to."
The crew nodded and murmured their goodbyes before leaving for the boats that were waiting for them on a private stretch of beach. The rest of the group started making their way towards the castle and made idle chit chat the whole way back.
You are cordially Invited To:
The Wedding of-
Lady Amy
Lord Zoicite
The wedding will happen in three weeks after the Sunday meeting at church. It will be a small ceremony followed by a small reception, open only to friends and family.
"Are you ready Amy?" Lita asked as she finished pinning Amy's hair back.
"Amy you look wonderful!" Serenity said as she hugged her friend.
"The last of us to get married and we're still in the same week." Mina smiled. "This is so cool! We get to celebrate our anniversaries together!"
"I think we can celebrate at the same time, but maybe not together." Rei shot back at Mina.
"We need to get you to the alter, now." Lita said taking Amy's hand and leading her out of the room. Her father took her hand before the doors to the chapel were opened.
Again, the ceremony went on, the bride and groom said their "I do's" and left the chapel for their reception dinner.
Everything everyone had ever wanted was now coming true and no one could be happier. Everything seemed to be right in the world for once.
Before the crew set back into the sea they found her a way to make a treaty between their ship and the navy. Serenity and Darien had decided that they'd live life like the newly married couple they were. They would follow their friends back to the sea where they would live until they were called home to take their places on the thrones.
The End….
…. BUT! There will be an epilogue coming and the prologue I had started will be getting updated, but it won't be all that long. I'm thinking about a sequel, but I have other stories I want to start first. Some SM and some others for other categories and for ficitonpress… Thanks to everyone again for reviewing!