A/N- So this is my first Sailor Moon story. Reviews are appreciated, flames accepted, but not really liked. This is just the prologue, but the real story starts in the next chapter…

Same disclaimers apply… don't own the Sailor moon or the characters blah blah blah…

"Mommy!" A little blonde headed girl yelled as she ran to her mother. Her mother laughed and set down her briefcase as her daughter jumped into her arms. "Mommy I missed you!"

"And I missed you. Why are you still up?" The mother asked.

"I was going to bed when I saw your cab outside the window. I knew you were home so I came to greet you! Will you tell me what you did on your trip?"

"It's too long to tell you now, but when you wake up I'll tell you what I did. How about I tell you another bed time story?"

"Ok, can I pick which story?"

"Of course, but you have to be in bed and ready when I get there."


"Now, where is your father?" The mother asked. She stood up with her daughter's hand in hers.

"He was on the computer in the office. I think he was doing work." The daughter said as she wrinkled her nose at the thought of work.

"Alright, now go get to bed. I'll be in there soon."

"Ok mommy." The child ran down the hall towards her bedroom so she could get ready for bed. The mother just stood there and smiled as she watched her daughter ran off into her room. With a smile she went off in search of her husband.

Sure enough he was in front of the computer working on some finances. "Always working. You need to get some rest." The mother said as she leaned up against the door frame.

"I know, but I need to get these finances down. How was your trip?"

"Long, I need to cut back so I can be with you and Sere more. C'mon, Sere wants me to tell her a bed time story."

"I'll be right there. I just have a couple more things to do. They won't take me longer than 5 minutes."

The mother just nodded her head and walked out of the office. She walked down the hall into her daughter's room to find her daughter aimlessly watching the ceiling. "Do you know which story you wanted me to tell you?"

"The one about the princess and the pirate. It's my favorite!" The little girl exclaimed.

"Alright, you know that was my favorite story from when my mother told me bed time stories."


"Yep, that's why I know it so well. Here's your teddy bear." The mother said as she handed her daughter the worn teddy bear. "Once upon a time there was a great kingdom called Ceinlys…"

A/N- Alright, this is just the beginning and Sere and Endy come in the next chapter… this was just like the intro. I'll hopefully have the next chapter up tonight or tomorrow night…. Please review! If you don't review on this chapter (because it might be hard since it is the prologue) then review on the next one!