Title: A Good Night's Sleep

Author: Kendopunk

Rating: K+…or is it T…I don't know.

Summery: "Where is it written that once you start dating and sleeping with a guy…you automatically can't sleep unless they are with you?"

Author's Note: Ah…I have no friggin clue where this came from. So, don't ask. But I've decided to do a bunch of one-shots. None of them have anything to do with each other. So seriously, don't ask. But most of them are going to be romance, friendship, and some action. ENJOY!

Pairings: SasuSaku and NaruHina (always)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Never have. Never will. I do however own this nifty computer that I can post fanfics about the show on! YEY!

…Fifty-seven. Fifty-eight. Fifty-nine. Sixty. Sixty…Oh wait, she already counted that one.

Haruno Sakura growled at the ceiling, where she was counting the invisible sheep that were hopping over the invisible fence in the dark room. She ran a hand through her short rosy hair and her lips became a thin line.

"A forty-eight hour shift and when I finally get some time to sleep…I can't." She grumbled.

It was true. The medic kunoichi had been lying in the top bunk of the waiting room for the past hour, but it was no use. The sandman just didn't seem to like her. Not since…

She groaned and rolled onto her side, then swung her head over the bed, looking down at the bunk below hers, where her friend laid.

"I can't sleep." Sakura broke the silence. "Can you sleep? I can't sleep."

Hyuuga Hinata's long dark hair was thrown on the pillow, surrounding her head like a halo. She had a pale arm thrown over her equally pale eyes in attempt to try and get some sleep. But alas, she seemed to be on the sandman's snub list too.

"No." She replied in her timid, wedding bell voice. "I can't sleep. Not since Naruto-kun left on his mission."

Sakura sighed. "Sasuke too. Damn him! Stupid man with his stupid…large heat generating body. Where is it written that once you start dating and sleeping with a guy…you automatically can't sleep unless they are with you? Cause whoever made that rule, I will gladly kill."

Hinata lifted her arm off her translucent eyes and smiled softly.

"They're supposed to be back tomorrow, Sakura-chan, if it's any help."

"Yeah, I guess." Her green-eyed friend grunted. "But…I mean, come on! I have a surgery to do in an hour! I should at least get something!"

Hinata bit her lip. "I have to make rounds in fifteen minutes."

Sakura sat back up in her cot before falling down onto the pillow once more. She rubbed her temple in aggravation and then a smile lit up her face.

"Hey, Hinata! Maybe…if we hug the pillows tight…and pretend that it's them…we can at least sleep for like…five minutes."

Sakura heard the Byakugan user rustling beneath her and figured she was trying it, so why not do the same? She grabbed her pillow in her arms and rested her head on it, closing her eyes tightly. She tried to imagine that she was back in her and Sasuke's apartment. The one that she had insisted they buy last year because it had the biggest kitchen. She tried to envision the soft mattress of the big bed beneath her, and her warm sheets all around her. Then the sheets would lift up, and she would feel the bed dip down and the warm, oh so very nicely muscled, body of her boyfriend would get in next to her, and she would cuddle up close to him. Because no matter how cold he appeared, the man was a human furnace. She would smile, and brush a kiss against his collarbone as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Then, she would slowly drift to sleep with a happy smile on her face.


Sakura punched the pillow before throwing it against the wall.

"Didn't work for you either?" The voice chimed from below.

"No." She bit out. "I hate this. I always have trouble sleeping when he's gone."

"Do you think…" Hinata paused and Sakura waited patiently for her to continue. "Do you think that the boys are having the same problem?"

Sakura took this into serious thought. It was totally probable that Naruto was moaning and groaning over Hinata, but highly unlikely that the Uchiha avenger was loosing a wink. He was a big, fat, stupid, pompous ass like that.

"Naruto, yes. Sasuke, not at all."

Little did the Hokage's apprentice know…

This didn't happen.

This simply didn't happen.

Uchiha Sasuke had full control over his body.

He was hungry when he said he was hungry.

He was tired when he said he was tired.

He would sleep when he commanded himself to sleep.


But, alas, the sandman didn't really care for Sasuke either tonight. Maybe he was out drinking? Or banging the sandwoman? Or maybe he quit his job?

He turned over in his hammock once more, tugging his ANBU mask over his face in attempt to block out the moon's bright gaze. But unfortunately, he couldn't stop his best friend's voice from plunging into his ears.

"Hey, Teme? Are you awake?"

"If I wasn't, I am now." He replied in his velvet smooth voice.

"I can't sleep." Naruto whined.

Sasuke lifted his mask up over his face and glared at the blond. "So what?"

"So…I can't sleep."

"What the hell do you want me to do about it, sing you a lullaby?"

The Kyuubi vessel's cerulean orbs brightened. "Would you?!"

Sasuke stared at him for a moment before slowly shaking his head and rolling over. He wasn't even going to dignify that with a response.

"Relax teme, I'm kidding. Jeez, lighten up."

"I don't want to lighten up." He growled. "I want to sleep."

"Admit it," He could hear the grin in Naruto's voice, which very nearly made a vain pop in his forehead. "You miss Sakura. You can't sleep with out her."

"I miss my bed."

"Which you share with Sakura."

"I miss my pillows."

"Which is sometimes Sakura."

"I miss the quiet."


Sasuke smirked. Got him.

"…Sakura's quiet."

"Will you kindly shut the hell up?!"

Aah, silence. Sweet silence. Too bad that with Naruto, silence only lasts about three seconds.


He wouldn't have responded if it weren't for the fact that the blond sounded like he was being serious now.


"…Are you happy to be going home?"

Sasuke thought for a moment, and for a reason he could never openly admit, a picture of a smiling pink haired girl came to mind.


The next night, Sasuke came out of the bathroom and saw a lump in his bed.

He smiled slightly.

The sheets were pulled up to her chin, and from his view she was just a lump with a patch of hair. She had looked exhausted when he came home that day; the bags under her eyes were horrendous. As soon as he came into view, she had grabbed his hand and pulled him home, waving a tired goodbye to Naruto and Hinata, who were headed in the direction of their home as well.

Sasuke crept towards the bed and lifted the sheets up, sliding in behind her. He slid one arm under her waist and pulled her slumped body to him. Sakura groaned slightly and he raised his other arm to come around her, sliding up her arm to reach the hand that lay limply on the pillow next to her head. He slid his fingers between hers and moved his head so that his nose was buried in her hair.

"Sasuke…" She whimpered tiredly.


"I missed you."

He paused, silently soaking in her words before nuzzling the nap of her neck with his nose.

"Aa." He murmured. "Me too."

Sakura smiled softly as she felt his strong form relax behind her and she snuggled closer to him before slowly drifting off to a deep slumber.