![]() Author has written 1 story for Kingdom Hearts. Hey there everyone! Luv-blonde-bunny here. I thought it was about time to update this information so now I'm gonna bore you with- I mean, tell you a little about myself. I'm a total yaoi lover. If you don't like me now because of that I really don't care. Unbelievable as it may be, but the truth is that the amount of my concern for your opinion of me is drastically lowered WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. Any of you that DO know me, and that I know, would most likely not be surprised or replused by my love of B.L. Also, if you DO know me, then do me a favor and make sure to check out my story that I'm currently working on. It is, obviously, a yaoi. It's a Kingdom Hearts story, but FYI the majority of my stories are typcially Harry Potter fan-based. my fav fanfiction universe(s) + hooks: Danny Phantom - Danny/Vlad (...please DON'T ask...) My story Likes: - Happy endings!! I rarely EVER like a story that ends in tragedy. - Angst stories. I feel that a story isn't realistic enough for me if at at least one point in the story I haven't wanted to cry. After all, love isn't easy, so naturally there should some points in it that make us want to cry. - Creature fics. The idea of the conflict between instincts and one's personal preferences really intregues me. - Mpregs. LOVE 'EM, but with a condition that I explain later. My story DISlikes: - Poorly written stories. I know my stories aren't perfect, but there's a difference between a grammatical error here and there, and someone basically text-writing a story! TnT - Mary Janes. I have yet to come across a realistic sounding (or well written) Mary Jane, and if it was realistic sounding than it defies the classification of what a Mary Jane is (being as there's now a character in the story that the original canon never had). - Horror. I DON'T READ HORROR. - Character rape. It about kills any desire I have to continue reading a story when a main character gets raped. - AU (aka Alternate Universe). I have a limit to how AU you can take the story before I insist you're no longer remaining true to that particular character or original story setting. Example - Voldemort in a tutu or Harry and Snape perfectly solving all of their differences. NOT HAPPENING. - Mpregs. I DO like mpregs, but going along with my dislike of poorly written stories, if the impregnation cannot be tied in smoothly and realistically (by that universe's standards of reality) then I just really can't stand reading it. Okay, some final things to make a note of - I don't co-author stories. I thought I'd make that clear after the first time explaining: I have trouble keeping deadlines and updates regular, and so I don't like the idea of tying anyone else into that kind of situation. It would only give me and them added stress and aggrivation. I also DON'T do fanfiction requests. I have enough trouble trying to settle my own ideas into coherent stories without someone else dictating the perramaters in which I'm "aloud" to use my imagination. Also, be aware that I'm hardly ever on. E-mails that get sent to me, therefore, probably won't be seen for a while, so either be patient or don't send me a message. My story comment section IS open to the public though, so I suggest you contacting me through those means (you'll have a much better success rate). I don't have much to say other than that. Please help yourself to the current story I'm working on, Broken and Healed, any of my Fav. Stories, and my newly updated Fav. Author's section. Sometimes you can find some really good stories by finding someone with matching tastes and going through their fav. stories/author's sections ;) so don't be afraid to surprise yourself ;) Well, BYE-BYE! Keep on Writing, - luv-blonde-bunny |