This is the last chapter :( It makes me sadder than I had thought! But, at the end of August, after my vacation there will be another multi-chapter Gregstophe. So that soothes it a little.

One very, very important question will be answered in this chapter: Gregory's internet password! Your guesses were all very good :)

Hope you enjoy this last bit. I know I did:)


The need to travel, to see the world: it was still there. But now he had a whole different way of shaping that need. He shaped it with Gregory. The idea of travelling with Gregory was somehow even better than travelling alone. He had a desperate urge to see Gregory scowl and frown over stale eggs in youth hostels. Or better, have secret sex in some showers in a 8 person bedroom. But of course, he knew that that would be nearly impossible to accomplish.
But they had made a surprisingly good compromise.

They had decided on Sweden for the fall. Christophe still hadn't seen the Northern lights and was very curious and excited about them. And what was perhaps even more important: so was Gregory. Of course, travelling with Gregory meant hotels and fixed travelling days but together they had managed to work it out. Hotels, trains: yes. But also: a few days of hiking in the mountains and visiting some ancient caves. It would be quite fun, to see Gregory up to his knees in the mud, fuzzing about his hair and his nails. Even if they would end up in a horrible fight it didn't matter. He was going on a three week trip with Gregory and see beautiful new places and that was what counted.

And that silly fear Gregory had had, was proven to be very silly indeed. Christophe knew for sure he would never get enough of him. They spent a lot of time together, but somehow it was never enough.
At Friday nights after work they would often visit 'Cafe Belgium' and have drinks together. The waiting stuff knew them well after a few times and gave them a lot of free drinks. Gregory was quickly losing inhibitions about not getting drunk in public and just filled up their glasses and talked and talked and talked. Christophe fell in love with him even more after each time they had had a few drinks and Gregory started talking enthusiastically about tea, work or even gravy, at which point Christophe felt obliged to cut in:

"Gravy is nice yes, but not wiz French food."

"Sure it is! Some pate en croute with gravy is superb!" Gregory exclaimed. Christophe stared at him in chock before realizing he was joking.

"Asshole!" he had yelled as Gregory had laughed and poured them some more wine.

But having private moments was something Christophe valued perhaps even more. Sure, feeling Gregory up in public was fun and arousing but when it was just the two of them it was even better. He had been quite surprised when Gregory had closed the curtains one time and had turned on some mellow jazzy music. He had blinked, surprised, as Gregory had held out his hand after making a little bow.

He wanted to dance.

And so they did. Slowly and with their arms around each other. He allowed Gregory to make him 'the woman' in the dance and quietly enjoyed the closeness of it. It was, perhaps, even better than the first time they had danced together. It was slow, tender and sweet. After that they danced together quite often.

But a lot of times they weren't so gentle at all. Especially not Christophe. Very often he would come home and go for Gregory immediately. Sometimes the blond would be doing the dishes when Christophe walked up to him, kissing him urgently and practically ripping his pants off of him.
The knowledge that he could pretty much have Gregory whenever he wanted to made him horny at work just a bit too often. And he loved claiming and owning the blond. Forcing him to bent over the sink, pants down as Christophe thrusted into him hard and fast. The blond whimpering and moaning as he braced himself on the sink, the coffee table, the bathroom counter, the floor... Pretty much any surface in the house.

Gregory, in turn, was more gentle with him. Making love to him instead of the harsh, desperate fucking Christophe did. Gregory would take his time, kissing all over his body and driving him insane with pleasure before actually stretching him and having sex with him. It was extremely tender and lovingly the way he did it.
Their eyes never leaving the other as Gregory carefully grinded his hips. Fingers entwined on the sheets and kisses falling over his face and neck as the blond moaned and panted into the skin of his neck.

It was in moments like these that Christophe completely lost it, biting his lip and moving his hips in time with Gregory's. He could feel a warm breath on his neck and his fingers dug into the soft skin of Gregory's shoulders, feeling the moving muscles underneath. His legs bend and spread, Gregory leaning over him, braced on his elbow. One hand moved over his chest, caressing lovingly. He loved rough and hard sex. The way Gregory would submit to him totally was something to get addicted to.

But this type of sex, the slow thorough kind, was something he secretly preferred. He would never admit it though, how this loving way was way hotter and sometimes nearly brought tears to his eyes. But that was something that would make him too vulnerable if he were ever to admit it.

But he couldn't stop himself from touching Gregory reverently in these moments and share sweet kisses with him. And among the muffled moans and gasps he had one night uttered:

"I love you, Gregory." barely audible in Gregory's ear.

"I love you too." Gregory murmured back. Christophe's eyes snapped open. This time he had noticed it. He grabbed Gregory's blond hair and yanked him backwards.

"I knew it." He hissed dangerously.

"What?" Gregory gasped, eyes pinched shut in pain. "Christophe, let-."

"When did you learn French?" His voice harsh and angry. Gregory smirked in a very arrogant manner, hips never stopping their movements.

"Years ago."

"What?" Christophe was stunned and stared up at Gregory in amazement. Gregory seemed to realize something was really up now and stopped thrusting. Christophe relaxed his hand and locked eyes with Gregory.

Gregory blushed as he held his gaze.

"I learned it in high school because I wanted to speak French with you."

"What- what?" Christophe breathed.

"But I never dared to tell you, I was afraid you would laugh because I'd probably be bad at it."

"Oh, mon cher, I wouldn't have minded that." He said in French without noticing he did it. "I'd have loved speaking French with you." He finished.

"Are you sure? What about my vocabulary? What about my accent?" Gregory whispered back. Also in French, with a delicious English accent. Christophe whimpered under his breath at the sound. Gregory smirked.

"I don't think I would have minded."

"No, you like it when I speak French, don't you?" Gregory smirked some more and started moving his hips again. Just then did Christophe remember Gregory's odd expression when he had spoken French with Lucien on skype. He had minded it later on, but at first it had turned him on. Probably still did.

"Ah, but you like it when I speak French as well." He whispered back. Gregory bit his lip and moved harder.

"God, yes. It's such a sexy language. Coming from your sexy,sexy mouth." Christophe fell back, letting Gregory work him over harder and harder.

"You should speak French to me more often." He tried, involuntarily contracting hard around Gregory.

"Fuck, I will." Gregory fell back into English and for the rest of their night of sex could only pant and moan, finally spilling himself inside Christophe as the Frenchman had murmured dirty things in French in his ear, making him go insane with pleasure.

After that Gregory would speak French with him more often. Nervous in the beginning but getting bolder and bolder with it. He confessed that he had learned a bit of French in high school. And later he had ordered books after he graduated from Law School. He told he had kept thinking of Christophe when he came back from work, missing his old friend.
He had wanted to go after Christophe, figuring he would probably be in France. He had tried to learn the language by himself and practicing when he was alone in his room or by going to an international café to be able to speak to natives. When they had met again in the bar he had already bought a ticket to Strassbourg. He had cancelled it the next day.

"So, you were after me ze entire time?" Christophe had said over dinner one time.

"Well, yes." Gregory said. "As a friend first, I really missed our friendship. But I can't deny that even in high school there were moments I'd...fantasize about you."

"Really?" Christophe drawled out. "What kind of fantasies?"

"Hm." Gregory mumbled, getting up from the table and walking around it to whisper in his ear. "Fantasies where I'd fuck you over the dinner table for one." Christophe had growled and yanked Gregory to him by his hair. Dinner quickly forgotten.

Also, Christophe found that he loved surprising Gregory. Especially the one time he had called Pete Melman and had arranged that he could sneak into Gregory's office. Gregory's face as he came in to see a naked Christophe sprawled across his desk was something that would be one of Christophe's most precious memories. The blond had dropped the folders he had been carrying, papers and files scattering everywhere. He had slammed the door shut and had rushed over to Christophe.

It had been embarrassingly short for both of them. Gregory couldn't keep himself from coming prematurely, Christophe's legs over his shoulder as he moved rapidly and harsh. He apologized over and over after he spilled inside Christophe with a loud cry.

"Zat's okay, mon cher." Christophe whispered, completely out of breath. "You can finish zat for me in another way." He traced his fingers over Gregory's lips who smirked down at him.

"Bon." Gregory had murmured before moving down to suck him off, Christophe came nearly as soon as he felt the heat of his mouth on him.

Needless to say that Gregory's colleagues were waiting for them to come out of his office, all cheering and whooping. Gregory just scratched the back of his head and blushed, sending Christophe an unsure but sweet smile.

But Gregory had ways of surprising him as well. Christophe had stood stock still as he had walked into the shower one Saturday morning. Gregory. Showering. With a shirt on. And...masturbating.

Christophe knew that this was for him. Gregory would never willingly ruin a shirt if he didn't get something out of it as well. That blond bastard knew how much he had loved it when they had been in the shower together when he was sick and was still wearing his suit. Gregory in a suit was something that still made him incredibly horny and a wet suit, or even just a part of that suit...

"Good morning." Gregory whispered, voice heavy and breathless.

"Morning." Christophe had said back, noticing how Gregory was not slowing down the movement of his hand in any way. He discarded his own clothes quickly before moving into the shower. A wet Gregory, sweet Lord...

"Having fun?" He said. Already, he could feel himself getting hard of the sight of Gregory touching himself and watching how the warm water of the shower slid down his legs.

"Hm hm." The blond licked his lips and closed his eyes.

"What are you thinking off?" Christophe whispered and trailed his hand over Gregory's face. He could feel the blond shudder slightly under him.

"You." Gregory quirked his eyebrow, as if the say: you knew that.

"Ah, and what am I doing to you in your fantasies?" He could only stare at him. Of course he knew that Gregory wanted him but seeing the proof of it like this in front of him was something else entirely.

Gregory didn't reply, instead he grabbed one of Christophe's hands to bring it to his mouth. Eyes never leaving his as he took his fingers into his mouth. A hot tongue swirling around them. Then, he took his fingers out of his mouth and brought them down to his back. He curled his leg up, brushing it over Christophe's waist before pressing his fingers inside of him.

Christophe moaned loudly as his fingers felt the warmth within. He still marveled out how good Gregory felt every time they did this. He couldn't stop himself from expressing his feelings out loud:

"God, yes." He groaned, pressing his fingers in deeper. Gregory breathed out loudly and grabbed for the shower gel.

"Slick them up." He whispered. "And push them into me. Please!"

"Sure thing." Christophe whispered, slicking his fingers up with the shower gel. Gregory pulled him in for a deep kiss as Christophe slid his fingers into him again, humming contently. But he was quickly losing it. He whimpered, hitching his leg up higher and pushing back onto Christophe's fingers.

"What made you so horny?" Christophe whispered in his ear, marveling at the sight of his lover falling apart before his eyes. Gregory grabbed at him and pulled him closer, kissing him messily and harshly, the water of the shower mixing in their mouths.

"Just, just knowing I can finally have you now." He whispered. So urgently, so much in love.

"Fuck yes, you can." Christophe growled, pressing his fingers up, aiming for Gregory's prostrate. "Any time, anywhere."

Gregory panted fiercely and dug his nails into his shoulders.

"Please." Gregory panted. "Please! I want you."

"Anything you want." Christophe murmured and took his fingers out. Gregory turned around, bracing himself on his elbows against the tiles and looking back over his shoulder with one of the most alluring looks he had ever given him. Christophe moaned pathetically and grabbed for the shower gel again and rubbed it over himself. He grabbed Gregory's hips and pressed in slowly.

With slow movements he set the pace, enjoying the warmth and tightness of Gregory's body. Gregory's wet shirt clung to his body, showing his smooth back underneath. His hair was wet and messy, little rivers of water seeping out of it. But while he was tender and sweet, Gregory wanted to have nothing to do with that.
He moaned and pressed back harder against him.

"Harder." He moaned softly. Christophe could only listen to that and picked up his pace. Gregory in his wet shirt, pressing back towards him was too much and he started to push in harder and faster. Each movement earned another moan, another content sigh.
And then, he remembered: how much Gregory had loved it when he was rough with him. So he grabbed Gregory's hips, pressing him forward against the tiles and practically slammed into him. And Gregory only moaned louder and louder, allowing himself to be pressed flat against the tiles, curving his back against him. He sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of Gregory's skin and he felt the blond's moans grow loader and reverberate under his lips.

"Yes, oh God yes."

"You're such a filthy man." Christophe murmured, licking at Gregory's wet skin.

"Only for you." Gregory moaned back. And that did it. With a choked off moan he came. And Gregory, surprisingly, as well, without even having been touched.

"God, I love you." Christophe whispered, caressing the softly trembling body underneath his hands.

"Hm...I thought that there was no God here?" Gregory taunted, leaning back to kiss him on the mouth. All Christophe could do right then was slap him on the ass, any other reply had evaporated from his brain.

"Spanking?" Gregory murmured, appreciation shining in his eyes. "Please do!"

Christophe practically yanked Gregory into the shower every Saturday after that.


When they had been seeing each other for three months he was home alone, making some changes in the house. They had decided to sleep in the same room. Christophe valued his privacy greatly but they had agreed to make Christophe's old room into something for himself. He turned the laptop on, trying to find some good music when Skype gave him a notification of a friend request.

He recognized the name immediately:

"Victoria Edwards" Gregory's mother. With a frown he accepted her request. She appeared in the list of his contacts. He could see she was online at the moment. And she must have seen he was too for a pop up appeared indicating she wanted to talk to him. Still frowning he clicked on 'accept'.

"Hello?" She appeared in the screen.

"'ello." He said, still confused as to why she wanted to talk to him. "Are you trying to contact Gregory but isn't 'e replying? 'e will be 'ome soon." That seemed to be the only reasonable explanation to him.

"Oh, no, no. That isn't the case at all." She waved her hand in the hair, much in the same way Gregory did when he dismissed something. "I wanted to talk to you actually."

"Oh." His mind was making a hundred miles per minute. Perhaps Gregory's birthday was up and she wanted to plan something for his birthday or something? But that couldn't be it, Gregory's birthday wasn't until November. He knew because Gregory's middle name was Valentin, something he tried to keep a secret desperately.

"How are you?" Victoria said chirpily.

"Good, good. 'ow are you?"

"Oh, just fine. How is your new work?"

"Eet's very nice, very challenging and my colleagues are a lot of fun. I enjoy eet a lot."

"And how are things with you and Gregory?" She said it inconspicuously but something about her tone was off. She used the same tone Gregory did when he was lying or when he asked something he already knew the answer to. Christophe wasn't sure if he was reading her correctly, so he tried to be safe.

"Oh, just fine. Living with 'im is quite easy actually."

"Hm." She smiled at him, not saying anything. And then he knew why she had wanted to talk to him so suddenly. She wanted to get a good look at the man her son was dating. And now she was waiting, like her son would have done, for him to spill. But he knew how to deal with Gregory, he sure as hell could take on the mother as well.

"I got him a nice colleague to date actually." He grinned. She rose her eyebrows at him.

"Did you now?"


"Would I like...them?"

"I think you will, you like zeir crepes after all." She smiled widely at him. Radiant. Happy.

"I sure did. When we left I told Hugo what a nice couple you made." She said.

Christophe was silent, shocked, and just stared at the screen. She laughed.

"You think I don't know my own son?"

"Well, you didn't say anything zen, so I thought..."

"Mother?" Christophe looked behind him. Gregory had again walked in on him skyping.

"Hello Gregory." His mother called from the screen.

"What are you- Why are the two of you talking to each other?" He demanded. And how long has this been going on? seemed to be included in the question.

"I just wanted to talk to Christophe for a moment." Gregory drew nearer and Christophe could easily tell he was nervous. Normally he would have touched him, his shoulder, his arm, anything, to make him calmer but right in front of his mother it seemed a bit daring to do.

"Why, though?"

"Can't I talk to my future son in law?" Gregory stared at his mother, pale in shock and fear. Christophe tugged him down onto the spare chair.

"Or are you telling me you are still not dating this wonderful man?" Victoria continued.

"You- you knew? When?" Gregory said, scooting a bit closer to Christophe.

"High school, I guess that was when we knew you were gay."

"High school? I was still dating girls then!"

"Yes, but I've always had the feeling you were pursuing Wendy more for her friend Stan then for her." Christophe smirked, he had known that too; Gregory like men with dark hair.

"But then you started hanging out more and more with Christophe. And when he left after graduation you were quite devastated about it." Christophe should have known, he felt, mothers always knew such things when it came to their sons. Even his own mother had said to him when he was 15 and had been sulking in his room for days after Gregory had started dating Wendy: "Eet's ze British guy, non?"

Gregory seemed a bit at a loss for words, especially as his mother seemed to expect some sort of answer from him.

"I, well, yes." Gregory finally said. "But I always thought you didn't approve of gays." He muttered.

"We didn't, no. But when you're own son is gay, struggling with it the way you did, then you change your mind."

Gregory still stared at the screen. British prudence be damned, Christophe figured, and he put a hand on Gregory's shoulder, squeezing it softly. Gregory whipped his head to him and stared at him.

"I.-" he turned to his mother again. "Well, you're right. I'm gay." He swallowed. "Very, very much in fact. And Christophe and I..." Christophe grinned, Gregory was adorable like this. He leaned in and kissed him softly on his cheek. He could feel Gregory blush under his lips. If anything, he loved him even more now.

"I know, love." His mother smiled. "But I can see that you're getting a bit upset by this conversation. We can continue it some other time."

Gregory nodded in relief.

"Bye darlings." She said. "It was great talking to you."

Gregory mumbled a goodbye and Christophe just waved. He closed Skype and turned the computer off. Gregory was tense, his nerves practically radiating towards him. Gregory turned around and Christophe saw immediately what he needed. He slammed the lid of the laptop down and pulled Gregory in for a kiss, both of them desperate.

He could tell Gregory would not be gentle with him this time. His need was all out explosive and it turned Christophe on as well, he loved it when Gregory was this needy. And he knew what Gregory needed right then, and more: he wanted to give it to him. He dropped to his knees and moved between Gregory's legs, unbuttoning his pants with a smirk on his face.

"Hurry!" Gregory hissed, yanking his pants and briefs down.

"With pleasure." Christophe murmured as he took Gregory into his mouth fluently. He already knew the tricks, the things that made him go crazy and have him begging in no time. And he loved making Gregory beg. The sounds and soft pleas were something he could never get enough of. He felt himself getting hard from just sucking Gregory off and he moved faster and deeper.

But Gregory was desperate, hungry for it. He grabbed Christophe's head, forcing him down and moaning loudly when Christophe let him. Gregory's moans become louder, more strangled and Christophe knew that it wouldn't be long but Gregory yanked him up by his hair. He growled out in pain but that was quickly forgotten as his shirt was whipped off of him. He smiled and backed up, unbuttoning his pants.

"Eager much?" He teased.

"Shut up, and let me have what I need." Gregory snapped before claiming his mouth in a hot kiss. He was pushed to the floor and his pants and boxers disappeared as quickly as his shirt. Gregory looked around desperate and quickly grabbed the lube from the bedside table. Christophe had hardly blinked before his legs were hefted up onto Gregory's shoulders. He gasped as two fingers were pushed into him harshly.

"Damn, Gregory!" He moaned out. But it seemed as if Gregory ignored him, stretching him with a need unprecedented until then. His fingers moved in deep and fast. Christophe noticed how he was moaning under his breath and gasping every time Gregory brushed over his prostrate. This all out need reminded him of the first time they had ever had sex, so desperate as if he would disappear if he didn't hurry up.

"Come 'ere." He moaned, and grabbed Gregory by his shoulder to pull him in. A quick kiss was pressed against his mouth and at the same time he felt Gregory push into him. He moaned out loudly against Gregory's lips. He was barely stretched open and it burned in a wonderful and terrible way. But Gregory was eager, very eager and started thrusting with abandon. Not gentle or lovingly like usual, but fast and urgent.

"What would your mother say, huh? If she saw you like zis? Fucking another man on ze floor?" He whispered out as Gregory groaned and panted above him.

Gregory looked nearly pained, squeezing his eyes shut. His pace unwavering, hard and fast.


"If she knew how much you love eet when I suck your dick." He said breathlessly, as Gregory fucked him even harder. Teasing Gregory at moments like this was strangely exhilarating.

"Christophe-." The blond tried again. He started to look angry. Perfect.

"'ow good you are in taking eet up ze ass." Christophe murmured.

"Don't talk." Gregory growled, grabbing his hips and slamming into him.

"'ow good you are in fucking me in ze ass." He added

"Shut up, Christophe!" Gregory panted out, ramming into him. "Just, shut up!" Gregory's breathing grew heavier and he moaned out loud as he came without warning. His arms quivered as he came down from his high. He nearly collapsed on top of Christophe but managed to keep himself up. Finally, his hand moved to Christophe's erection that was burning to be touched. It took all but a few strokes before Christophe came onto himself, his hands making deep scratches in Gregory's arms as he gripped him. He let his eyes slip close and rested his head back onto the floor. Gregory could get really rough when he was in a mood like that and he loved every second of it. Gregory's voice floated towards him, softly and unsure.

"Mon cher." Christophe looked up at him. Gregory speaking French in such a soft tone could not be good.

"Oui?" He whispered, still trying to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry for being so rough. I was just- I really needed it like that for a moment. My know how much they put me on edge."

Christophe snickered.

"Darling." He drawled out in an exaggerated English accent. "You know I like eet when you are rough with me."

" nasty man." Gregory whispered, before kissing him softly. They got up from the floor. Christophe winced as he dressed himself. He felt filthy and he knew he would be very sore come the next morning.

His eyes fell on the computer and something hit him, something he had wondered about for quite some time now. He turned to Gregory.

"Your password, I never 'ad ze chance to ask. What ees eet?"

"What do you mean?" Gregory said, buckling his pants.

"Your wifi password. I still don't know eet. I only know ze 'int "enemies, friends and lovers", but I can't figure eet out."

"You can't?" Gregory smiled at him as he combed his hair with his fingers to get it to look perfect again. "Of course you can."

"Bacon?" He tried. Gregory didn't say anything, just kept looking at him, smiling. Christophe's face broke out into a wide grin, as he understood.

"Ze French."


Many, many thanks to you. For reading this and leaving your messages:) This story is very dear to me and I'm so sad to see it end. It means a lot to me on many levels. Being very ill, looking for a job and falling in love: I've been there, as I am sure many of you as well.

Special thanks goes to INeedCoffeeArghh, who inspired me and helped me get the Britishness right. Without you this story wouldn't have been here! Check out her awesome fics, they are little jewels.

I write more Gregstophe and other couples, if you are interested. But for now: thank you for reading this :)