There isn't enough Cryde on the internet and I love that couple: the stoic Craig and the hysterical Clyde are fabulous together. Just like in the episode Crack Baby Athletic Association.

Contains a lot of SMUT, you be warned.

Chapter 1

It was always nice with Bebe. She was good looking: a mass of blonde curls and curvy. The best thing about her however, was her intelligence. He could talk to her after they were done, about interesting things, not just shopping or getting begged to buy her shoes. She wasn't talking now. Well, not really.

"Oh, yes, Clyde." She moaned, pushing herself down onto him. Clyde gripped her hips and helped her in her movements, yanking her down. She ran a hand through her sweaty curls. Clyde's fingers drifted over her clit, circling it in the way he knew she liked it. She clutched him and he felt her contract around her. He moaned loudly, she smiled at the sound. But her face contorted into pleasure as her orgasm ripped through her for the fourth time that night. She panted and rested her forehead against his.

"I'm really tired, honey." She whispered. Of course. They had been going at it for hours now and it was nearing midnight already.

"That's okay, babe." Clyde kissed her. She got of his lap.

"I'm getting closer though, right?" she smiled uncertainly as she reached for her panties. Clyde smiled softly at that.

"Yes, you are."

"Good." Clyde got up. His erection still hard and firm between his legs.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Clyde, you can do that here too, you know."

"I know." He said reaching for his jeans. "I just don't want to get you all horny again." But that wasn't the main reason, she knew that too. But she giggled and pulled on her bra.

"Will I see you the day after tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, made reservations at Charley's Diner. But I really have to go to the bathroom now, babe. I have to take care of this before I go meet the guys." He kissed her on the lips and exited the room.


"Dude, how come you don't get off when you're having sex? I mean it's Bebe, for fucks sake!" Stan was still shocked when hearing this.

"Dude, I already told you. It's basic self restrain."

"Yeah, but I mean. Bebe! Fuck man, she's the hottest girl in school."

"That's true man." Token chimed in. Craig as always, said nothing and drank his coke.

"It's just a trick you have to learn." Clyde run his hand through his hair, shooting them his famous grin. "And when you learn it the girls just can't stay away from you."

"I still can't believe you're dating Bebe and are seeing Red on the side. They know! And they don't even care." Stan groaned.

"They just want to be the one that finally makes him come." Token said. "And can we please not talk about that. I'm trying to watch a show about food here."

"Why are we watching Master Chef again?"

"Because it is awesome, Stan."

"I'm going to get a beer." Clyde walked into the kitchen. He jumped when he heard Craig's voice. He must have followed him.

"I don't think it's a trick."


"That you don't get off when you're with one of your girls. I don't think that that's a trick." Clyde opened the beer and took a swig. Craig just stood there, silent, ominous.

"What do you think it is then?" Clyde said jokingly. Not really caring about the answer.

"I think you do want to get off, but can't." Clyde was shocked into silence by that. "Because you don't know what really turns you on."

"Oh, and you know what turns me on?" He scoffed.

"I have a pretty solid guess." He stared at Craig, who stared back.

"You're weird." Clyde finally said and walked past the boy back into the living room.

He sat down on the floor, one knee pulled up and beer resting casually on it. Stan and Token still chatting about the show, girls or homework. Clyde barely listened, thinking about his upcoming date with Bebe. She was the first girl he ever did that with. He was seriously considering going exclusive with her. He reached over to get some popcorn from the table and let out a painful yelp. He gripped his shoulder.

"Strained yourself while fucking Bebe?" Stan quipped.

"Cut it out Marsh! I strained myself during practice. You know, dude, you saw it because we're on the same team, remember?" He snapped, irritated in his pain.

"You should have Craig massage you!" Stan exclaimed. Clyde chocked on his beer.


"He wants to become a physical therapist and he's taking these courses on how to treat muscle injuries."

"Really?" Clyde was stunned. Obviously Craig was always silent so it shouldn't be such a shock that he had hidden that from Clyde. They weren't that close anyway.

"Yeah, dude. He massaged me last week when I had to pull apart Kyle and Cartman and Cartman like, sat on my leg, nearly breaking it. He's really good at it, too."

"Where is he anyway?" Token asked.


"What?" Craig's annoyed voice came from the kitchen.

"What are you doing, man?"

"Backing an egg."


"I'm hungry."

"Make me one!"

"Shut up, Marsh." Craig came back from the kitchen with a plate with some scrambled eggs on it. He sat down in his arm chair.

"We told Clyde you massage." Clyde grinned at the dark haired boy who still wasn't looking at them. Maybe he was pretending to be bored. Then again, maybe he really was. There was usually no way to tell with Craig.

"I strain my muscles from time to time, maybe you could…do me some time." The other two boys laughed at that. Craig just ate his egg.

"Whatever, Donovan." But Clyde knew that that was Craig's way of saying yes.

Friday night with Bebe was fun, the dinner exquisite and her company was, as always, fantastic. However, when they were having sex later in her bedroom he found that his thoughts weren't on it. And not in the normal way. It was true he didn't need much encouragement not to come, somehow he could only come by his own hand. Even when he was concentrating on the girl in front, above, or under him. But tonight he wasn't thinking about her at all. He was thinking about what Craig had said. He DID know what turned him on: a hot chick doing stuff to him or herself. He just needed to jack off for that final nudge. There was nothing wrong with that. And who was Craig to talk about that? How did he even know? He pushed harder into Bebe but shuddered when she put her arms around him. He couldn't concentrate anymore. He always needed to do it himself, was that normal? It made girls go crazy, sure. All other boys in school were so horny that they came quickly, he was known to give girls something worth their time: nearly endless sex with a lot of orgasms. And they all wanted to return the favor but never managed to. It didn't matter what trick or technique they used: he came only when he wanted to. And never with them around. They wanted to see the popular jock lose control so bad that they did anything. Bebe noticed he was zoning out.

"Am I boring you?" She whispered in his ear.

"No, honey, just a bit preoccupied. Don't worry." She nibbled on his ear.

"Do you mind continuing this some other time?" She nodded in agreement. He didn't think she would have minded, two orgasm was a good run for one night. Better than Kyle had ever accomplished, apparently. She climbed off of him and dressed. He kissed her.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She smiled, but he could see that that smile didn't quiet reach her eyes. He got home and closed the door behind him. He walked into his room. He hadn't even been in the mood to finish himself off. He had kept on thinking about what that douche had said.

He bit his lip. This had to stop. He sat down on his bed and pulled out his phone. He quickly scrolled through the contacts until he reached the name he was looking for. He pressed 'dial' not even bothering that the other person might be asleep. The phone was picked up by the third ring.

"Hello?" Came an indifferent voice.

"Tell me what it is." Clyde swallowed nervously, wiping his still sweaty brow with his other hand.

"Tell me what it is that might get me off."

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