![]() Author has written 5 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Greetings and Salutations, Fanfiction World! I hate my own autobiography, because it's rather lack-luster, but here are a few things about me: 1. I'm a teacher. I teach 8th grade Math and Science. 2. I'm clinically insane. See #1. 3. I am happily married and have four kids. Yes. I said 4. See #2. 4. Cats, aka, los gatos, aka Neko-chans are my FAVORITE TYPE OF FELINE. 5. I've done cosplay. Usually as a FF type white mage. I made my own costume. :3 6. I can't explain it, but I have a weakness for Dragon Ball Z fanfiction... (hate the anime, love Team Four Star's DBZ Abridged). 7. Bulma is my favorite. :3 I've cosplayed her as well. 8. Final Fantasy VII REMAKE!!!!! OMG!!!! *fan-girls and faints* 9. Final Fantasy VI is better than VII... Mainly because of Locke and Celes... And Suplexing Doom Trains. 10. I don't hate Sailor Moon Crystal. 11. I'm an indie writer as well. Fanfiction is a recent outlet for me, but before this I've been quite busy. I have a book in print and in ebook format, as well as two (or three) other original books in the works. 12. I'm not famous. :3 13. I have a (poorly neglected) fictionpress dot com account as well. There is only one lone unfinished story on it... but I have over 200k works typed on my thumbdrive... I should really update it... It's called Lord of Dragons, if you be curious. (I hate the title...) 14. I also have a blog called Otherworld and Back. Also... sorely neglected, but lots of content. I should really start updating things... 15. Coffee is the nectar of the GODS. 16. Chocolate is mana from heaven. 17. I'm a procrastinator. I really should fix that, but I'll get around to it eventually. 18. My favorite story is about a girl with dreams and aspirations who trades her freedom to a despotic tyrant in exchange for the life of her ailing father who has been imprisoned for trespassing. Over the course of her imprisonment, she develops Stockholm Syndrome and falls in love with her captor, who in the end murders her stalker by tossing him from a high tower. Oh, Beauty and the Beast, how I love thee! 19. I used to gag every time I tried to eat sushi. Now its my favorite non-chocolate food in all the world. 20. I was born on Pi Day. :D HOW COOL IS THAT! So... I mentioned in my story that I'd link to a spliced picture I made using my lowly paint dot net skills... here it is: SOLDIER Yuffie: http : / / fav . me / d9gyudn |