plumred chapter 4 . 5/5/2019
Thank you for making Vegeta intelligent!
plumred chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
I'm a little late to the DBZ universe and game. Just now discovering this site. This is very well written. Easy to follow along and close to the characters. Bulma is acting mature which I prefer.
MysticChemyst chapter 7 . 10/8/2018
Mr. Breifs just isn't such a hard man. Not to mention there's no way he could or would order his daughter around like that.
MysticChemyst chapter 7 . 10/8/2018
I reeeeaaaally don't think that this is how the Briefs would react to finding out about Vegeta's past. It's just too extreme, especially considering they're so eccentric and, frankly, quite ditzy albeit in different ways. I also don't think Yamcha would be that cruel or even that motivated. Sure he's not the most likeable character, but he's not mean-spirited either.

That being said, you do great work and im enjoying reading this tale!
thanks for your hard work
BV4ever chapter 19 . 8/29/2018
OMG...this story was amazing! Started reading it AO3 but couldn’t wait so I binged here! My heart ached for Vegeta. The abuse he endured was too overwhelming! That bitch Dorothy should have died! Curious as to why a condom wasn’t mentioned in their sexual encounter. It’s obvious she was a whore! Loved your portrayal of both B/V. Bulma showed so much unconditional love and patience towards the emotionally challenged Saiyan. Vegeta although the would never verbally admit to his feelings for Bulma revealed them the best way he knew how. I’m assuming a bond is forming or has definitely formed with the union of their minds and body. Stop fighting it Vegeta! You now have an heir to the House of Vegeta! Baby Trunks is on the way! There is HOPE for the surly Prince after all through the unwavering love of the Heiress! Excellent job! *hands clapping*
Guest chapter 12 . 2/16/2018
I felt physically ill when Vegeta was more or less forced to fuck Dorothy, I almost quit this fic then and there but this chapter more than made up for it lol. To think that this was published 17 years ago and for this fic to still hold up is incredible. Can't wait to waste my saturday on the three volumes.
ROGUEFURY chapter 19 . 1/17/2018
Soooo, I'm on a serious DBZ(S) kick, and just HAD to re-read your stuff. Still stands up after all these years as being my favorite Vegeta/Bulma stories. Hands down. Is it selfish as hell to say I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll dive back in and write about our favorite mercurial Saiyan Prince and the genius Capsule Corp Heiress more in the near-future? No? You've been kicking around ideas to expand into more great story-telling involving these two? And it shall be glorious? OH GREAT! Can't wait! But seriously. Love this story, and I'll probably pester you with more re-reviews in the future. Sorry, not sorry
OziGirl16 chapter 6 . 1/4/2018
This chapter stomped on my heart and then sliced it up into little pieces.
OziGirl16 chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
"son of a bitch" my reaction when they leave only the two bread crusts lololol
yangri chapter 19 . 11/11/2017
Goodness, this was published 3 days after I WAS BORN.

And I love it.
Ayumi Sigma chapter 19 . 11/4/2017
A-MA-ZING! Loved this fanfic
Kitty in the Box chapter 19 . 6/30/2017
Where do I even begin? I am completely blown away by the sheer magnitude and intensity of this fic. I feel the absolute remorse and misery and regret. I love the thick layers of adventure and drama of their love. how much they have to fight for it. so amazing. I am trembling with anticipation as I proceed to delve deeply into the second part of this epic story you've written so well.
M.Lstarlake chapter 19 . 6/27/2017
Great stuff! Thanks for the wild ride! :)
Guest chapter 7 . 3/28/2017
I don't know but you made Bulma's parents look so bad in this chapter. It just made me lose my interest in reading further.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/31/2017
I don't know if your still on here but I wanted you to know from bad to worse and the other stories in this universe are on my favorites list and i have read them about 6 times now
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