Reviews for Valentine's Day
Phoenix chapter 79 . 7/30
This is super awesome. And I hope you're Muse will allow you to continue this story.
KitkatMoon chapter 79 . 6/13
With the New FFVII remake out, so you think you will get re-inspired to make a sequel to this? This was an amazing story, I did not realize you also wrote Black Sky, which I follow closely. I will try out some of your other stories later, great job as a write and keep up the good work.
Storyman09 chapter 52 . 5/14
I appreciate Veld's character and his non-stupidity. It's refreshing, given that he's someone with a large amount of power in Shinra- A category of characters not normally known for their non-stupidity.
Storyman09 chapter 45 . 5/14
I find it amusing how despite anyone else and any obstacles, Chaos just does whatever he wants. Seems like a trait that his avatar somewhat has as well for all that his avatar has to work more at it, not being a primordial herald of the Planet.
Storyman09 chapter 40 . 5/14
This helps me understand what's going on. I like the prevailing theme of this chapter, in regards to Angeal at least, being "the price of freedom." It brings to mind the song of the same name from the soundtrack.
Storyman09 chapter 39 . 5/14
I, like Zack, have lost all trace of understanding what is going on by this point.
Storyman09 chapter 26 . 5/14
I liked this bit. It's quite an interesting passage from a world building perspective.
Storyman09 chapter 21 . 5/14
Pranks become a whole lot larger in scale when they're developed by someone born of a Valentine infused with Chaos and themselves raised as a lab experiment and living weapon as well as infused with the DNA of a sentient, alien super-virus; encouraged by someone else trained by aforementioned Valentine in information gathering and possessed of world class instincts for turning a situation around to their own benefit. Duly noted.
Storyman09 chapter 20 . 5/14
I think the higher order, possibly multi-dimensional, semi-god construct with dominion over entropy definitely planned this ahead of time when he made the offer.
Storyman09 chapter 19 . 5/14
I do love Zack, and how all these military trained and hardened veteran soldiers are quaking in fear but a short thirteen year old chocobo kid is completely unconcerned. I guess that's what makes him The Hero. That, and being "in the know."
Storyman09 chapter 15 . 5/13
I must say, I am enjoying this. Some of the connections require my concentration on the details of the story to follow since it's been years since I've played the game but I quite like this story so far.
Koda chapter 79 . 11/3/2019
I doubt you will see this but I have to try. Please please make a sequel. This is one of the best fics I have read for in a long time. I am eager to see where it can go and what stories can be told. You are an amazing author and I really hope you see this and make a sequel...I have only read this story 10 times by now and I check for a sequel everytime I finish it.
Golden Light 001 chapter 25 . 6/25/2019
I kinda just imagined sephiroth in a blue tanktop/ tunic thing, in black pants, and boots, with a ponytail, and braclets on his upper arms.
Golden Light 001 chapter 9 . 6/25/2019
That we have a shirou level weapons master. If it's bladed you better hope there at least a small army between you and him. Guns and others like it are merely use if he has to but even then he'll hit you 8 out of 10 times. So basically don't mess with him.
Robby the Cyber Warrior chapter 79 . 5/17/2019
If you ever return to this storyline, I will be ecstatic, though I completely understand Black Sky and its affiliated works being your priority right now, as they are amazing, and how I and many others first found you.
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