![]() Author has written 14 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Yu Yu Hakusho, Babylon 5, and Bones. This is the update section for all of you who care. If you don’t you can just skip down to the third slash, slash, slash thingies and be on with it -_-; WARNING: IF YOU'RE FEELING VERY ADVINTUROUS GO CHECK OUT MY MATE'S PAGE. SHE'S UNDER THE NAME MOLKO MOLKO BANG AND SHE'S POSTING A YU-GI-OH/CHOBITS STORY THAT WE WROTE TOGETHER NEARLY EIGHT YEARS AGO. IT IS NOTHING BUT SILLY STOOF... WELL, WE WERE ACTUALLY TRYING TO BE SERIOUS... "Oo BUT IT DIDN'T REALLY WORK OUT THAT WAY, BUT IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH AND A WAY TO PASS THE TIME, THEN BY ALL MEANS READ IT!! (THE AUTHORS' NOTES ARE FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS... THEY MAKE UP HALF THE STORY LIKE!!) =3 DONT FORGET TO REVIEW!! Note 1: I took off the story “Probably wouldn’t be this way” because it only got four reviews and I wanted to make way for more stories and “Finding the forgotten” kind ‘a flopped. I donno what else to do with it but I’ll leave it for now. If you have some good ideas I’d love to hear them! That’s a story I’m really interested in finishing if I can! Guten Tag! Wie geht's? My name is Hikari. (Hikari_Kayko@ or brownme@) although you probably already know that seeing as how your reading my bio page! Sorry. (I'm a blonde, that's my excuse for everything-_-,) I'm 21 years old and A JUNIOR AT STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY!! (a.k.a. Nacaog-fuckin-NOWHERE! lmao) XP anyways, I'm a little enthused, can you tell! I absolutely adore fine arts, choir and literature! (kuh-duh!) and I also love German studies! (although I tought german 2 because the school couldn't find a replacement teacher. Yeah I know, Ball High was dumb for that one...) I'm from Texas ( Galveston) and, yes, I do kind ‘a have that southern twang thing going, but I try to keep that low profile for the rest of the community-_-# I love sci-fi. As a matter of facts you could say I live for it! My favorites being Babylon 5 (All hail the great maker!) and Star Trek (especially Generations and Voyager =P) and Firefly. I generally keep a look out for any others on the rise, so if you spot one holler my way, eh? I also love anime/manga like Sailor Moon, InuYasha, GTO, Parasite, Gundom Wing, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hskusho, Time Stranger Kyoko, Tail of the Moon, Chibi Vampire, etc... Favorite books: (The movie was soooo disappointing! But four was way cool, even if it did leave a lot out. T_T) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Did I just spell that wrong...? -_-#), The Host, and the Inkheart trilogy.(rox my sox off! though I'm still waiting for number three, write! damn you WRITE!) And of course, Twilight, because despite what people might thin i am just a girly girl at heart... and i love vampires! lol. Favorite movies: Labyrinth, Star Dust, Legend, Star Trek: First Contact, Harry Potter: 1, Titan A.E., The Dark Crystal, 10th Kingdom, Anastasia, Transformers, All the Inuyasha movies (1-4), etc... and Star Wars episode 3 : Return of the Jedi! (Dramatic music=P) Favorite fanfic. parings: Babylon 5 (I/M) Star Trek: Voyager (J/C and K/7) Sailor Moon (H/M) Yu-gi-oh (K/J & K/S) Yu Yu Hakusho (cannon mostly... Kuwa/Yuk, Yus/Kei, Kur/H, & H/Oc) @_@ I am an absolutely hopeless romantic, I mean, people say that all the time, but I mean it! Hopeless! If it were a medical condition it would be fatal! Favorite quotations: Delenn: I am grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey. We stand between the darkness and the light. ( B5 ) Tulio: "I blame you!" (Road to El Dorado) Marcus: I used to think it was a terrible thing that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'what if life were fair, and all of the terrible things that happen to us came because we really deserved them?' Now I take great comfort in the general unfairness and hostility of the universe. ( B5 ) Hiei: "What is it like to live in a constant haze of stupidity?" (Yu Yu Hakusho) Blatherwort: N.B.C. Proud as a Troll! Used to be a peacock... but we ATE it!!" (10th Kingdom) Marcus: Alright my turn. I spy something begining with... 'B'. Steven: Boxes Marcus: Alright, I spy something begining with... 'M'! Steven: More boxes. Marcus: Right! Steven: And that’s when I shot him your honor! ( B5 ) G’Kar: I was doing fine until you showed up with that... thing in hand. Marcus: It's a Minbari fighting pike, several hundred years old. You are just jealous because you don't have one. Bad case of pikal envy, if you ask me. (hehehee! pikal...puny!) ( B5 ) Yusuke: "Guy saves the world, STILL has to do algebra!" (YYH) King Arthur: "Run away!" (classic!) ( Monty Python and the Holy Grail. ) Tim the Enchanter: "There are some who call me... Tim..." ( Monty Python and the Holy Grail. ) Hatsuharu : "They say that my dyed hair and necklaces are unacceptable... so i have no choice but to get a third piercing." (Fruits Basket) Hiei: "The wind coming in feels like home. It's comforting and it soothes me. It tastes like freshly spilled blood on the rotting flesh of decaying corpses." (YYH ... heheh, gotta love the sadistic masocists... XD ) House: "That is why I cleverly have no personal life." (House MD) Wolf: "Sheppardess makes quite a mess, but little lambs are lovely!" (10th Kingdom) "Keys I haven't lost yet." (Kalan key chain) "If you don't like the way I drive then stay off the side walk." (Kalan key chain) "Was today really necessary?" (Kalan key chain) (I keep this one pined to my school i.d.-_-#) "There are three kinds of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what the hell happened!" (Kalan key chains) can you tell i have a key chain fetish! "Support our troops, donate your Hummer!" Random bumper sticker. "Eve was framed!" Random bumper sticker. "Do not upset the dragons, for you a crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Random bumper sticker. "Want a taste of magick? Lick a witch!" Random bumper sticker. "Yes, as a matter of fact... I do own the Whole Damn Road!" Random bumper sticker. "The darkness can be understanding; the light can reveal an empty room." -Anon "At the end of the day both the king and the pon go back into the same box." Ashlyn Leigh Shoemaker Me and my friends "Well cry me a fucking river!!" -Destiny "Fan-fucking-tastic!" -Me "WHAT?!" -Kirsten "Because I SAID so!" -Amira "Well uh!" -Kirsten when she's to worked up to actually insult you. "Kuh-DUH!" -it's a choir inside joke... gods we're such nerds... lol "Captain, we've LANDED!!" -Me when I hit the curb while parking. "Come here so I can beat you with my CHANCLA!!" (flip flop) -Amira "Bob's Bar, this is Bob speaking..." -How I answer the phone. "Hahahahah... I don't get it." -Kirsten (she's a blonde... lmao) "Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?!" -Destiny "BANE OF MY EXISTANCE!!" -Me "Its just a math book Hikari..." -Amira "Wife!" -La.Detra... yeah...not really sure how it happened but apparently we got married a few months back... shrugs "Son of a Sea Horse!" - Me "Hey guess what... I don't care!" -Mary Ruth "Listen to Sean!!" -Sean said this in a high pitched whinny voice when he was trying to talk and Kirsten and me were not paying attention. lol "Yeah, I guess you're right... but i still win." -Angelica... she always wins no matter what "OPSILON!!" -My friends called me that all freshman year in German class because i was the only one unfortunate enough to have a y in my name... T_T "When, where, and how hard?" -Amira in responce to being flipped off... lol "Don't get your knickers in a twist!" -Me "The Chinese proverb; think twice, speak once." -Mr. Robertson my Government teacher "Is this a manly-man contest? Because if it is I've already won! My piece is thirteen inches... BEAT THAT!!" -Me... not very lady like... but its TRUE!! hahahah! "I'm bi-sectional!!" -Me and Destiny cuz we sing both Soprano and alto in choir... it makes people double take... fucking hilarious if you ask me! XD "Yes, she is that black!" -Frau King, my german teacher... LMAO!! "Hey this is fun! We should not have school spirit more often!!" -Iza, the admin ppl made us take a whole choir class out to learn the school song to prove that we weren't a bunch of ignorant heathens... donno if it really worked though. lmao. "Now white people, when they barbeque the meat look pretty... but it don't taste good!!" -Mr. Robertson... lmao "So they're divinely skinny, is that what you're saying?!" -random chick from my English 4 class. =P "Who could have known that a high-five would end in disaster!" -Frau King "Ever since President Roosevelt the federal government has been sending down money to the state governments and the states have become like crack addics, they NEED that money!!" -Mr. Robertson "Aim for the stars... and you'll make it to the moon." (Ashlyn Leigh Shoemaker) I have a sad little story to tell, and it goes like this... I don't have a beta reader! T_T so all my stories have a considerable amount of mistakes in them. I do what I can, but for some people... grumble ... grumble ...that's just not good enough! (and for all of you high maintenance people, I'm sorry!) anyways... (OH! and before I forget! everybody needs to look up a writer under the name "Lovechilde" and then you need to read her story "Duality" great I/M fic. One of the best I think, and then you review/e-mail her and tell her to get crack'n on that sequel before the rest of us go bonkers!) Anyways, now that I've bored you all silly and wasted your time, on with the fiction reading, and as I always say... READ, REVIEW, AND BE MERRY! This small section is devoted to a very special friend; one of the greatest girls who never saw her debut. May she forever live on in our hearts and our stories... ASHLYN WOULD GO! (You can visit Ashlyn's on line memorial at /Ashlyn20web20page.htm and at ) : Ashlyn Leigh Shoemaker: Beloved daughter and friend. May 20, 1990 - April 21, 2005 (I know in my heart you've finally found the perfect wave. Have fun on those crystal beaches babe.) This small section is devoted to the first and greatest man in my life, may he have smooth sailing to Summerland. : Joe Fred Brown Jr.: Beloved father to his three legacies. Nov. 13, 1957 – Sept. 13, 2005 (I miss you Daddy and I’ll always love you. I finally know what I want. I'm sorry it took so long for me to say it.) postscript: For every one who reads me work I wish you a cornucopia of many happy things, and for all you other writers out there, may inspiration come at the most inconvenient times so that you may curse loudly and scramble for pen and paper before the thought escapes you ... =D Tschoos! "AXE EM JACKS!" ~ HIKAR |