I know I'm very late with this, as I had planned to post this last week, but school's been a bitch so I just didn't have the time. Hope you all enjoy the chap though! R&R!
--: Dance :--
Chapter 02
"And that concludes our graduation. We hope to see you all next year!"
With loud cheers, one last song was put on so those who wanted could dance one more time.
Yuugi laughed as Yami twirled him around in his arms while dancing, before taking a firm hold again and pulling the smaller teen closer. They still looked horrible, but none of the people watching them seemed to notice very much, too impressed by their talent.
Anzu had 'mysteriously' vanished, though when asked about it, Yuugi would burst into giggles - as Yami had finally told him what happened – and Yami would smirk victoriously. Needless to say, no one pushed the matter.
When the music stopped, everyone who had stayed for the last dance rushed to their coats, talking loudly and making it hard to hear anyone a little too far away.
Lucky for Yuugi, he had his own personal bodyguard with a glare that could kill. One look from Yami and everyone stepped aside to make room.
Within no time, the two had grabbed their jackets and were out of the dance school, the slightly cold night air passing over their exposed skin.
"So, you want to come to my place to celebrate?" Yuugi blushed at the suggestive and lustful tone in Yami's voice. Not that his own mind wasn't swimming with the same ideas Yami's mind obviously was.
"Well, I would, but my Grandpa's waiting and he'd get worried and-" Yami cut the now rambling teen off with a searing kiss.
"If you don't want to yet, just say so." Yami smiled gently at the furiously blushing teen in his arms. He was disappointed on the inside of course, but wouldn't show it; he wasn't going to push Yuugi into anything he didn't want yet.
"N-no!" Yuugi pushed himself closer to Yami again and kissed the other teen. Drawing back, he smiled at the other, "I do, I just have to tell my Grandpa first."
Yami smirked and pulled a cell phone from his pocket. "Well then, give him a call."
Yuugi hesitated for a second, knowing that his house was very close and his grandfather would prefer him coming home first, but then decided that it wasn't all that important and took the phone offered to him. Dialling the number, Yuugi just hoped his grandfather wouldn't object too much.
-"Sugoroku Mutou speaking."-
"Hey grandpa." Yuugi sat down on a nearby bench with Yami, and had to hold back a yelp as Yami pulled him into his lap, before wrapping his arms around the younger's waist.
-"Yuugi? Is everything alright?"-
"I'm fine, Grandpa. I'm just calling because I'm going over to Yami's." Yuugi bit back a small moan as Yami started to suck on his neck.
-"Going to celebrate eh? Are you going to stay the night there?"-
"A-ano," Yuugi fought back another moan as Yami bit down softly, slipping his hands under Yuugi's shirt and caressing the skin there, " Y-yeah."
-"Are you sure you're okay? And do you want me to gather some stuff for you to take?"-
"I'm o-okay, Grandpa. I'll b-borrow stuff f-from Yami." Yuugi gasped as Yami kissed his way to the boy's ear and started to suck on the lobe, and a quiet moan finally escaped his lips.
-"Yuugi, what's gong on?"-
Oh god, his grandfather was sounding suspicious, and it didn't seem like Yami would stop any time soon.
"N-noth-ing, Grandpa. I h-have to go now." Without waiting for a reply, Yuugi ended the conversation.
Hearing Yami chuckle behind him, he turned his head slightly to glare at the other. Well, it was supposed to look like a glare, to Yami it looked more like a pout.
"My Grandpa is going to be asking a lot of questions when I get home tomorrow." Yuugi sighed at the innocent look on Yami's face.
"Well you're not going to be having a lot of time tonight to think about an excuse." Yami grinned as he stood up with Yuugi once again bridal style in his arms.
Yuugi 'eep'ed and threw his arms around Yami's neck. Giving his boyfriend another glare – again Yami thought it looked more like a pout – Yuugi gave in to the other immediately as the taller leaned down for another kiss.
Pulling away and smirking slightly at the dazed looking boy in his arms, Yami walked over to his car. With one last brief kiss, he put Yuugi down and walked to the other side of the car, opening Yuugi's door as he sat down.
Smiling with still a few traces of cloudiness in his eyes, Yuugi sat down in the passenger's seat and buckled his seatbelt. "So… are you home along again?" The look on Yami's face as he started the engine and drove in the direction of his house was enough to answer Yuugi's question.
"No, my father came home unexpectedly just before I left to pick you up." Yami glared at the road in front of him; his father was going to be a problem.
Yuugi smiled, "Yeah, you really didn't have to pick me up; I live really close."
Yami shrugged, his glare not leaving his face, "I wanted to."
Yuugi glanced at the harsh glare on his boyfriend's face, before leaning over and giving the other a quick kiss on the cheek.
Yami's glared instantly vanished and a smile replaced it, "Thanks, Aibou."
The rest of the way – only a ten minute drive – was in silence, as both boys were obviously fantasizing about that night. Yuugi had a dreamy look on his face with a blush visible on his cheeks, as Yami was smirking like there was no tomorrow.
As they reached Yami's home, Yuugi snapped out of his daydream and glanced at the expensive looking car in the driveway. "Is that your father's car?"
Yami glanced at the car briefly, before parking his own, "Yes, the show-off can't resist but to leave it in the driveway so everyone can see it.
Yuugi couldn't help but giggle at the exasperated way Yami spoke as both stepped out of the car and walked towards the house – though Yuugi considered calling it a small mansion. Yami decided to ignore his cute boyfriend for now; he'd get back at him as soon as they were in his room.
With a scold set in place, Yami opened the door to reveal his richly furnished home. He had barely closed the door behind him before another man entered the hall Yuugi and he was standing in. The man had a similar scold to Yami's on his face, though his seemed to radiate disappointment rather than dislike like Yami's.
"Well it's about time you got home! The guest room is all wrong, I want your room." The man's voice commanded authority and Yuugi felt like saluting while saying 'Sir, yes sir!'.
"Well that's too bad," although Yami's voice sounded calm, Yuugi could clearly hear a slight growl mixed with the tone, "you're not getting it."
Yami's father glared – Yami matching that glare with his own, "I think I have most authority in this house."
"I think I do since I live here. Both glares intensified until the older of the two finally noticed a third presence in the hallway. His glare turned to Yuugi and disgust mixed in with the anger. Yuugi visibly flinched and had to resist the urge to hide behind Yami.
"And who is this." Even the man's tone screamed the disgust showing in his crimson eyes. Being subtle was obviously something this man wasn't good at.
"This is Yuugi," Yami pulled the smaller teen into his arms protectively, "my boyfriend."
Yami's father traded a lot of expressions in mere seconds; disbelief, disgust, anger, hatred, and finally settled with disgust once more. The man obviously hadn't known his son liked guys instead of girls.
"You're… he… boy…" Yami couldn't help but smirk at his speechless father. Sure, he'd had other relationships with guys before, but since his father was never home the man had never found out about his sexual preference. Yami wasn't the type to hide it though, and he loved the way his father was reacting right now. Getting Aknunkanon Atemu speechless was something that was very rare and had almost been declared impossible.
"If you'll excuse us, Yuugi and I are going to celebrate." With one arms wrapped around Yuugi's waist, Yami started towards the stairs, planning to ignore everything his father said. Too bad Aknunkanon had other ideas.
"You're not excused," the older growled, a glare set on his face once more, "and he's leaving."
Yami stopped at the bottom of the stairs and mentally strangled his father. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Yami turned to glare at his father again.
"Go ahead to my room Yuugi, I'll be right there."
Yuugi glanced between the two men in the hallway, before slowly nodding and walking up the steps.
As he heard the door to his room first opening and then closing again, Yami's glare intensified to the point where you'd almost die because of it. "You're never home, you've never cared about me, you've never even asked how I've been in those times that you were home, but now you think you can tell me who to love and who not!" he hissed.
"You can't love that runt! It's wrong!" Aknunkanon matched Yami's tone, though disgust was once more evident in it as well.
Before even Yami knew what he was doing, his hand had connected with his father's cheek in one swift motion. Aknunkanon's expression changed to shocked as a handprint slowly appeared on his cheek, a stinging sensation making itself known.
"No one speaks about Yuugi like that." Yami hissed, "If you ever speak of him like that again, I'll do much worse."
Without waiting for a reaction, Yami turned around and walked up the stairs, leaving his father's still shocked form behind without caring what he'd just done or the possible consequences of it.
As Yami reached the top of the stairs, some of his anger was replaced by shock as he saw Yuugi's brightly smiling form leaning against his bedroom door.
"Yuugi? What are you-" before Yami could finish his question, Yuugi's lips connected with his own in a passionate kiss.
As the two broke apart, Yuugi found himself pushed against the door again, as Yami's lustful crimson-red orbs stared at him.
"Thanks." the younger said, another smile on his face.
Yami raised an eyebrow, "For what?" Reluctantly he pulled away and opened the door to his room, locking it as soon as Yuugi was inside.
"For defending me against your father." Yuugi removed his shoes and socks before flopped down on the bed, watching as a smirking Yami approached him after getting rid of his shoes and socks as well, his eyes filling with more lust as he got closer.
"My pleasure," Yami purred, slowly crawling over the king-sized bed in a seductive manner.
Yuugi groaned at Yami's speed - or lack thereof – as he felt himself growing harder. God Yami could be such a tease!
Chuckling at the impatience showing in Yuugi's amethyst depths, Yami finally reached the boy and smirked, "Impatient, are we?"
"For all we know your father is going to break the door down after he gets over his shock." Yuugi giggled at the memory, as he had watched it from the top of the stairs. The look Aknunkanon had given had almost made him burst out in laughter, but luckily he had managed to hold it back.
Yami chuckled, "Lucky for us, the door's really strong. My father's tried and failed every time he did." Yami smirked again as he straddled Yuugi, before leaning down and starting to kiss and suck on the boy's neck.
Yuugi let out a small moan as he tilted his head to the side to give Yami more access, while his hands came up to tangle in the other's hair.
Slowly Yami kissed and licked his way along Yuugi's collarbone, frowning as he reached the black sleeveless top the other was wearing. Starting to suck and softly bite down on the flesh just above the shirt, Yami's hands travelled down to slip under Yuugi's shirt and caress the boy's stomach.
Yuugi moaned as Yami's hands kept going up, pulling his mouth away just long enough to get rid of the annoying shirt that was blocking the elder's way. Yuugi arched into his boyfriend, wanting to feel the other more.
Yami groaned softly as their still clothed members rubbed together for a second. Only barely containing the urge to rip the rest of Yuugi's clothes off him, one of Yami's hands darted down to Yuugi's pants, as the other massaged the boy's nipple.
Yuugi groaned as Yami merely toyed with his zipper, merely teasing without actually pulling it down, while at the same time kissing his way to the still free nipple. His hands tightened on the spiky locks they were holding and another moan escaped his lips as Yami bit down softly on the erect stub, swirling his tongue over the tip.
Finally deciding that he had teased Yuugi enough, Yami pulled the zipper of the other's pants down, before removing the item completely. Yuugi was now left in nothing but his boxers, and the bulge in them showed how aroused he really was.
Looking up into approving, lustful crimson, Yuugi blushed slightly, though his mind was already too hazy to make it a very deep one. Letting go of the other's hair, Yuugi let his hands slide down the other's chest, drawing a slight moan from his boyfriend. Yuugi tugged at the shirt still covering Yami's upper body, before removing it completely to reveal a well-toned chest with a very nice tan.
Yami smirked as Yuugi's eyes travelled down his chest. Leaning down, he claimed the other's lips in a deep and lustful kiss again, before making a trail of butterfly kisses along the other's jaw line to reach his ear, "Like what you see?" he purred, before kissing his way down and starting on a new hickey.
Yuugi shivered, closing his eyes in pure pleasure. Feeling Yami's hands travel down again to obviously pull off his boxers, a few coherent thought managed to somehow slip back into his mind, reminding him that Yami was still wearing his leather pants.
With on swift motion, Yuugi flipped their positions, leaving Yami to give a slightly shocked look, though it was quickly covered. Yuugi simply grinned and leaned down to start his own hickey in Yami's neck.
Yami let out a soft moan, his arms coming up to push Yuugi's head closer in a demand for more. Yuugi responded eagerly by biting down on the skin while with one hand playing with Yami's nipple, as the other slipped down to undo the older teen's pants.
Pulling away to get rid of the black leather pants, Yuugi was slightly surprised to find nothing underneath, leaving Yami completely naked. Yami – who had closed his eyes while Yuugi had been working in his neck – opened his crimson eyes to smirk once again as Yuugi's eyes automatically travelled down to his member. He grinned and took the opportunity to flip them around again, drawing a slight yelp from Yuugi.
Yuugi didn't get much time to even so much as blink, as Yami's lips once again crushed against his own. Yuugi immediately wrapped his arms around the other's neck to draw him closer, gasping as Yami pulled off his boxers in one swift motion before grinding into him.
Yami chuckled as Yuugi threw his head back as he continued to grind into the other, loving the gasps, groans and moans he received. Yuugi was by now panting and just about ready to come even without any further help. Yami decided that that wouldn't be any fun, and with a groan of protest slip off Yuugi.
"Y-Yami?" Yuugi watched through half-lidded eyes as Yami reached for the nightstand next to his bed, and into one of the drawers. His mind was too hazy to comprehend much, let alone understand why Yami had stopped. Not to mention that he was still a virgin and didn't know that much about having sex anyway.
Yami grabbed a bottle of lube from the drawer and looked back at his boyfriend with a reassuring smile, though that was pretty hard to do through all the lust clouding his senses, "Don't worry, Aibou." He quickly crawled back to the younger teen, lying back on top and giving the other a deep kiss.
Yuugi melted into the kiss, his last few sensible thoughts leaving him completely now. At suddenly feeling Yami shift off his slightly, and then feeling something cold enter him, he pulled away and yelped slightly.
Yami smiled apologetically at the surprised look in those beautiful amethyst orbs. Knowing the preparation would hurt – as he'd gone through it once himself – he had tried to distract Yuugi as much as possible. Needless to say this failed miserably. Leaning down, he started to nibble on Yuugi's lobe again, once again trying to distract his boyfriend.
"Just relax, Yuugi. It'll make it easier." Yuugi shifted somewhat awkwardly, before trying to relax as much as possible. He felt Yami play with his bangs while continuing to whisper calming words, and smiled slightly at the attempt to distract him.
Slowly Yami added a second finger, hating the slightly pained cry he received but knowing it would soon fade into pleasure. Yuugi's body had automatically tensed at the intrusion once more, making it only more painful, "Relax, Aibou."
Yuugi forced himself to relax as Yami had said. Why did people have sex exactly if it only hurt?
Before Yuugi could ask anything though, Yami had once again started a deep kiss, while at the same time adding a third finger. Yuugi's pained cry was muffled by the kiss and the younger teen managed to keep his body relaxed, but Yami knew how much the boy was hurting at the moment.
Mentally apologizing, Yami started to make scissoring movements to stretch Yuugi further. Yuugi broke the kiss and clenched his eyes shut, only barely holding back another cry of pain.
Yami kept going for a few moments, while trying to find the spot that would have Yuugi crying out in pleasure. A smirk appeared on his face as soon as he found the prostate, knowing the pleasure would now take over.
Yuugi's eyes shot open as the tip of Yami's finger brushed a spot inside him, and the pain mixed with extreme pleasure. He moaned as Yami hit it again, his erection that had started to go limp again slightly at the pain shooting back up.
Yami grinned as he saw Yuugi close his eyes in pleasure this time, while moaning loudly in a demand for more. He continued for a few more moments until he was satisfied that Yuugi was prepared enough. He withdrew his fingers only to receive a groan of protest. Chuckling, Yami gave Yuugi a chaste kiss as he slicked his erection with the lube, before throwing the bottle into the room without care.
"Y-Yami?" Yuugi opened his eyes in frustration, to meet Yami's crimson orbs. He wanted more and he wanted it now!
"Don't worry, Yuugi. This will hurt again though. Wrap your legs around my waist." Yuugi blinked, before doing as he was told. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for what was coming.
Yami carefully positioned himself at Yuugi's entrance, before sliding in slowly. He moaned loudly at the sweet heat and tightness that met him, almost loosing the self-control that was keeping him from thrusting in as fast as he could. He didn't want to hurt Yuugi any more than was necessary.
Yuugi winced and bit his lip softly as the new intrusion. Yami stopped once he was fully embedded in him, obviously letting him adjust to the new sensation.
Yami started to kiss and suck on Yuugi's neck once more while waiting for the other to be ready. As he felt Yuugi relax again and a small moan escaped the other's throat, Yami pulled out of Yuugi almost completely, before slamming back in, already trying to find Yuugi's sweet spot again.
Yuugi moaned as Yami kept thrusting into him. On one hand it hurt like hell, on the other it went wonderful, and the mix of pain and pleasure felt so good it left him craving for more and more.
As Yami finally found Yuugi's prostate, he grinned through his pants at hearing Yuugi give his loudest moan yet. With all of his strength he kept slamming into that bundle of nerves, moaning loudly himself. He reached between their bodies to grab Yuugi's throbbing erection and started to pump it in time with his thrust.
Yuugi lost himself completely to the pleasure that was completely keeping every coherent thought away from his mind. He threw his head back as his hands gripped the cover of the bed he was laying on, almost pulling it loose. His legs tightened around Yami's waist to try and draw the other in even more, something that earned him a low groan from Yami.
Not able to take anymore, Yuugi screamed Yami's name as he released between their bodies, his orgasm taking him over and leaving him in a complete daze once more. As soon as he released, his inner walls tightened around Yami's member, pushing the older over the edge and making him release with a loud moan of Yuugi's name.
Yami collapsed on top of his boyfriend, not having the strength or will to pull out of the boy. Both lay there until their orgasms finally faded away, leaving both boys satisfied and happy, but very exhausted.
Yami pulled out of Yuugi and lay down next to him, before drawing the younger into his arms and sighing happily. Hearing loud banging on his door, Yami blinked in surprise. He could now also hear his father's voice yelling angrily from the other side of the door, demanding Yami open it.
"How long has he been…?" Yuugi glanced up at Yami in question, seeing the same confused look on the other's face.
"I don't know… But I'll bet he's been there for a while and we just didn't hear." Yami grinned sheepishly, "But who really cares?" He kissed Yuugi deeply again, before reaching for the covers and draping them over their bodies. Both sighed happily as they snuggled together and closed their eyes, completely ignoring the angry man on the other side of the door.
And that was the chap! Now I hadn't even planned on writing this, but after I got a few reviews that wanted this so much, I decided to just write it. This was the last chap for real, so review and tell me what you thought!