Disclaimer - I don't own the show or the characters, so please don't sue!
This is my first Bones fiction, please let me know if you want me to continue or if i should stick to reading other people fiction!
Set after season 5 premiere, no specific spoilers past this episode.
Watching Booth interact with Parker, Temperance Brennan wondered again exactly how much Booth remembered from before his operation. Since returning to work, no mention had been made of Brennan's decision to have a baby, both of them acting as if it had never been an issue.
Currently in the middle of a game of cards, it was obvious to her that Booth was letting Parker win, she figured this was another one of those times that she was learning it was ok to not be 100% honest. For all his tough guy exterior, Booth let down all his defences when he was with Parker, and it was clear to anyone who saw them that Parker adored his dad.
Sitting by Booth's hospital bed for four days, feeling completely helpless, unable to eat or sleep, she'd finally understood why people believed in religion. Her whole belief system was based on science, but there was nothing that science or medicine could do, the doctors had told her that all they could do was hope for the best.
Hope had always been more of Booth's speciality than hers. She'd spent the time working on her next book, focusing on the characters so that she didn't have to deal with her emotions in the real world. It reminded her of the time when her parents disappeared, the hours spent waiting, feeling like someone had kicked her hard in the stomach, coming across as distant to others but remaining alert for every sound that might mean that this nightmare could finally be over.
Booth had increasingly infiltrated into her life, both professionally and personally. She hadn't realised how much she'd come to rely on him until he wasn't there anymore, with him in the hospital bed she felt more alone than she'd ever felt before. She missed their heated discussions, the way he'd smile at her and make her feel like there was nobody else in the room, she even missed the way he made a point out of invading her personal space. All the things that had infuriated her when they first started working together were the things she missed most now.
She couldn't even begin to explain the felling she got when he came out of the coma and didn't recognise her. She'd been unable to speak, torn between relief that he was finally awake, and feeling crushed that he could forget her. The rational side of her brain knew that it was a side effect of the tumor and surgery, but somewhere deep inside all she could feel was hurt.
She'd left the hospital as soon as the doctors arrived, arranging the flight to Guatemala on the cab ride home, unable to process the emotions that were swirling through her highly developed brain. She'd managed to call Angela to ask her to pass the message to the rest of the team that Booth was awake, and to let Cam know that she was taking annual leave with immediate effect. She didn't tell her that Booth hadn't recognised her, unable to risk voicing it aloud because then it would seem more real. Angela had been furious with her, unable to understand why Brennan could even comprehend leaving at a time like that, but knowing that once Brennan's mind had been made there was no changing it.
For six weeks she'd focused entirely on her work, keeping all communication with the Jeffersonian to a minimum. From the emails she'd been copied in on she knew that Booth was out of the hospital and on the road to recovery. She kept her cell phone switched off, avoiding as much contact with DC as possible. She'd received one email from Booth, making fun of Sweets and the brain games he was using to help with Booth's amnesia. She'd read the email at least a dozen times, trying desperately to read between the lines. He'd addressed her as Bones, but she couldn't tell if this was because he remembered that as the name he called her, or if someone had told him to use the name.
She knew he'd be hurt by it, but despite sitting in front of her laptop a thousand times, she'd been unable to send a reply, which even she knew was ironic seeing as she was a published author. But the books she wrote were fiction, she expressed emotions that belonged to someone else.
In the months leading up to the brain tumor, she'd been spending more time with Booth outside of work, going to his ice hockey games, spending the whole night skating, late night takeaways. She'd begun to think that things might be leading somewhere, she knew she felt closer to Booth than ever before and had hoped that he reciprocated the feelings. But the moment he woke up from the coma and didn't even know who she was, she felt like all that had been taken away from her.
By the time she arrived back in D.C, she's managed to put a brave face on things. She'd spent six weeks metaphorically rebuilding the brick wall to keep her feelings hidden, becoming more like person she'd been before Booth came into her life. Running into him again that first case since the tumor, she'd felt awkward around him, unsure how to act or speak to him, and it was clear that the feelings were mutual. He'd reassured her that the amnesia was gone, that his memories were all back to normal, and to the untrained eye she might have believed him. It was the small things that gave it away, the plain black socks, the way he favoured the other side of his body, the standard issue FBI black suit.
Gradually over time she'd began to relax around him again – things weren't quite back to the way they were, but for the first time since the tumor she'd begun to feel like they were well on their way to being themselves.
Yet she still hadn't broached the topic of having a baby. After all of the confusion and hurt she'd gone through over the last six months, she wasn't even sure if she still wanted to have a child. The person she'd normally talk to about things like this, who'd help her understand and translate her heart instead of her head, was the one person who she couldn't talk to.
She was distracted from her thoughts by a sudden squeal of laughter from Parker, who was being pinned on the ground by Booth as he attacked Parkers stomach with his hands.
'Daddy! Stop, it tickles!' Parker could barely talk through the laughter, doing his best to wriggle free him Booths much stronger position. 'Help me Dr Bones!'
Looking across the room at the two Booth boys, she knew she wasn't able to resist either one of them. Booth had his back to her so didn't see her sneak up behind him and reach for his arm. Fifteen years of martial arts training meant she knew exactly how to take him down, twisting his arm behind his back before pinning him to the ground underneath her.
'Quick Parker, aim for his feet!' Parker let out another squeal of delight as he turned the tables on his dad and began tickling him back.
Brennan made eye contact with Booth for the first time since she'd tackled him, silently daring him to fight back. 'Now remember what you've always taught Parker, no fighting with girls Booth.' She knew her words would infuriate him, but also that he would set a good example to Parker and resist the urge to fight back.
As Parkers tickling efforts increased, she began to notice Booth squirming underneath her, trying unsuccessfully to escape from the two pronged attack. Without thinking, she pushed her lower body harder onto Booth, trying to still his movements. It only took a split second to realise the position she had put them in, her whole body pressed tightly along the length of his, so close she could feel this rise and fall of his chest. She couldn't prove it, but she was sure she heard his breath catch and his breathing quicken when he realised exactly where she was touching.
Momentarily forgetting Parker was in the room, Brennan couldn't focus on anything but the feel of him against her and the way he was looking at her, trying to speak with his eyes. In the movies, this would be the point that they'd kiss, but she knew that Booth didn't feel that way about her. Every cell in her body was telling her to lean down and kiss him, but her subconscious took control and wouldn't allow her to set herself up for such a fall.
She was brought back to reality by Parker, who'd abandoned his position and was now crouched to the side of their faces. 'Eww, are you two going to kiss now?'. Brennan got to her feet immediately, straightening out her clothes and purposely avoiding eye contact with Booth and Parker.
'Parks, how many times have I told you that me and Dr Bones are not boyfriend and girlfriend?' She'd heard the words a hundred times before, everyone they ever worked with seemed to think they were a couple, but hearing it just then gave her that same pain in her chest that she'd felt when she realised Booth didn't know who she was. 'How about we go get something to eat now?' Just like his dad, Parkers face lit up at the thought of food.
'Can we have pancakes? Please?' Not getting an immediate answer from his dad, Parker looked at them both with the same sad eyes Booth used when he wanted to get his own way. 'Please Daddy, can we go get pancakes. Dr Bones, tell my dad its ok and that pancakes will help me grow into a big strong boy!'
Despite the fact that she knew there was no scientific link whatsoever between the consumption of pancakes and the release of growth hormones, Brennan was unable to resist the pleading look on Parkers face. He shared so many of the same characteristics and traits as his father, one of which being a skill in getting his own way! 'Well, I can't see what harm it will do. Booth?' She looked up at Booth for the first time since she'd removed her body from his, and laughed at seeing him hold his hands up in surrender.
'Fine, but only if Dr Bones comes with us'.
It hadn't been part of the plan for her to spend the whole evening with them, she knew how precious little time Booth got with Parker and she didn't want to intrude any further than she already had. She opened her mouth to protest but was immediately silenced by Booth's finger.
'No arguing. Its what Parker wants'. Brennan looked down at Parker, who was nodding his head in agreement with a huge grin on his face, and she knew it was pointless to argue. Taking Parkers hand in hers, she smiled back, nodding her acceptance.
'Fine. But I'm paying.' With both Booth boys smiling broadly at her, she knew she was powerless to resist.
Feedback would be much appreciated!