![]() Author has written 21 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Wing/AC, Avatar: Last Airbender, Hellboy, Tin Man, Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, and Inuyasha. Hi all! My name's Fire. Nice ta meetcha! Any who: This is the page where I put a bunch of stuff about me. So Shall we? Parental warning: Some cuss words on this page! Name: FiresideChild Age: Legal, that's all you need know. Race: No thanks I suck at running. Locale: FAR FAR AWAY FROM WARMTH! Favs- Color: Blue, red, green, white. XMAS COLORS! Food: Sweet Stuff! Muisc: ALL OF IT! Artist: Uhm...STILL unknown. Person: My BFF KAILA AND MY CAT CHILI! Chili: ...Meow... Kaila: HI GUYS! NOT FAVS- HATE NEON PINK! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! Hate green foodstuffs. ME for artistyness. AND I DESPISE whoever is responsable for the NEON PINK ULTRA MINI SKIRT! YOU BASTARDIZED MY WORLD! Fav Peoples- Naruto: ITACHI! (thats it) HP: TWINS! LUNA! DRACO! Gundam Wing: Mariemaia, Treize, Duo, Quatre Avatar: IROH! and Toph and Teo. YuGiOh: Ryou and Seto. YYH: GENKAI BITCHES! GodChild: Mary Dorothy Of Oz: Mara, Abee, Namu, Tails, Toto. LURV DEM ALL! Fav Pairings- Naruto: Um no. Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius, Hermione/Ron, Luna/Neville, Fred/George, Blaise/Pansy, Ginny/NO ONE YOU LITTLE SLUT! Gundam Wing: Heero/Duo, Quatre/Trowa, Wufei/Treize, Une/Sally, Relena/Dorothy (i jus' wanna see 'em kill each other.) Avatar-The Last Airbender: Aang/Zuko, Sokka/Suki, Katara/Uhm...NO!, Toph/TEO! TOTALLY TEO! YuGiOh! (The original you dolts): YAMI HIKARI ALL TEH WAY!, Jou/Seto, Seto/Ryou, Marik/Bukura, Jou/Malik, Tristan/Duke, Isis/Rashid, And NO FUCKING WAY I LIKE TEA, SHE"S A SLUT! YuYuHakusho: Kurama/Hiei, Jin/Touya, Kurama/Kuronue, Yusuke/Kuwabara Godchild: CAIN/RIFF GOODNESSSSSSS! Q _Q Dorothy of Oz: NONE...yet. Many Others...Not many are straight though..._; So yeaaaaah, I live up north and it's colder than a witch's tit here. ~FiresideChild AKA CrazyChik AKA her highness of oddness |