DN Angel
(c) Hibiki Sakura
I do not own Dn Angel. If I did, would I be here? Or making and adding more characters? Oo
Notes: I watched the starting and the ending of the anime but did not watched the middle part. So I might changed some places ie. the school building or so.

Title: Tenshi No Kookennin!
Summary: A pretty lady appeared unexpected and claimed that she was Dark's Guardian. She looked powerful and used to be a Pristess, and frozen for 40 years to wait him reappear once again. Why Dark love to tease this girl? She was Dark's lover's bestfriend and seem to treat Dark different. Does she has feelings towards Dark? Or her responsiblity is only to guard him any dangerous situations or the other way?
Category: Drama/Romance/Action/Adventure

Episode 01: Guardian Appearance

40 Years ago

A pristess chanting was heard from the mysterious temple. The room was dark and two dead bodies were in front of her. One of them looked like her and another one was a younger boy. She looked at them and there was a grin on her face.

"Do not worry, I shall protect Dark like you wished..." She shut her eyes and tears streamed down her cheeks. She started chanting again and a thunder storm strike.

Three Years Back

The temple where the pristess chanted perviously was already demolished for they thought it was haunted. Since humans were curious then, they dug the underground and found two dead skeletons and one frozen life beautiful girl in a crystal. Almost all the workers drooled immediately looking at this pretty lady in the glass. The long purple hair and shaply pretty body, what man in the world wouldn't want this girl?

Right after they touched the glass crystal, the lady's eyes were wide opened thus the workers screams were heard.


It was early in the morning and the sun was shinny prettily unlike yesterday, it was raining heavily. Daisuke was heading towards his school with his brown fairly size bag on his shoulders. He stopped and turned to a fuss of students mostly of his age on the corner. He at first observed but at end, he started to be curious. He tried to hear what they were talking about it.

"Wah! She look beautiful!" One of the girls adored, "I never seen such senior." The others agreed.

"What senior?" Daisuke asked.

A short brown haired girl about his age turned. She snorted, "Don't you know about the new transferred student?"

"Yes! Our new senior!" The longer one added. "Senior?" Daisuke looked up ahead and saw a few girl students ringed her.

"Excuse me, may I ask what's your name?" One of the girl asked looking up at the lady. She stopped and looked down at her. Not just pretty, she was also tall wearing the girls' school uniform. Her long violet hair with silver strips on ut tied up in a knot behind her head, looked shinny and different. All eyes glowed, looking at her pretty unique eyes. Right eye was blue while the other was golden.

"Are you using contact lens?" They beamed and an eyebrow shot up.

"What's contact lens?" She blinked with dotted eyes while everyone around her shared the same sweat drop.

"Uh... lens that you use for your eyes..." One tried to explain but still she couldn't understand.

"I am sorry, I don't really get what you girls are talking about," She corrected, "But this are my color eyes."

Their eyes widened, "Really? That's so cool." They adored her more.

All of them praised and made another fuss. She just smiled. She stopped smiling and caught a glimpse of Daisuke, with a different expression.

Daisuke flinched with sweat drops. 'Why is she looking at me? Did I do something wrong?' Soon afterwards, he saw her smiling sweetly towards her. He had question marks all over.

Daisuke was walking on the corridor on the next day break. He turned around to a halt and saw the mysterious senior he saw yesterday, bowing the staff room.

"Thank you so much," She thanked and stood up. Here, Daisuke just realized she had two different eye colors. Despite of his curiosity, he started to looked at her deeper. As she turned and looked him, he blushed red. It became redder when she smiled and walked towards him.

She stopped just a few centimeters from her and she was five centimeters taller. She looked down at him still smiling: "Hello Niwa Daisuke, it's nice to met you."

Daisuke blinked and he lost track just as she stepped away. He turned and watched her from her back. He scratched his head with dots eyes. "How does she know my name?"

'Wow, she's into you!' Dark pointed inside him thus he immediately retorted blushing. "She's not!" Dark laughed.

The next day, they saw each other again on the same place but this time she said something else.

"You look cute today, don't you know that?" She left him blushing red. 'She said that I am cute today!' Dark snorted. "She didn't say you're cute!" Daisuke retorted angrily.

When school was dismissed the next day, they dump to each other at same place again. This time she told him something different.

"I'll see you tonight, Daisuke," She left him again mysteriously. Daisuke raised an eyebrow pondering what she meant.

'She's asking me for a date!' Dark claimed as Daisuke had a sweat drop. "She doesn't even know you..." 'Everyone knows I am handsome...' Dark sounded so determined thus the sweat drop increased in number. Daisuke stopped and started thinking. "What does she mean?" He tilted his head aside.

Daisuke was lying on his bed that evening looking up the ceiling while Dark's transparent soul were leaning on his one storage bed with cross arms.

'Hrm...' Dark thought by himself, 'I am sure she likes me...'

Sweat drops formed on Daisuke's head with irritated eyes, "I told you... she doesn't even know you..." He looked left just as someone knocked his door.

They looked the door wide open and saw Emiko's evil grin and immediately Daisuke could tell he has an assignment today. Emiko showed a picture, "Your target is this tonight."

Daisuke had narrowed eyes while Dark started laughing. He vanished and Daisuke stood up looking at the picture of Risa. He immediately blushed and changed into Dark. The dark purple hair with handsome looks smiled evily: "It's been a long time since I last steal arts." He looked ready and called With.

The police officers were outside the museum, ready to catch Dark, who sent a warning that he would steal the latest sculpture at 1 in the morning. Inside was dark and quiet, the red alarms near the ceiling and the floor could be seen clearly by Dark. He had an evil grin. "Do they ever realize that Dark is a very intellegent one?" Daisuke whimpered from inside. A sculpture of a Knight Riding on a horse was on a stand inside a glass, that was ringed by the red alarms.

He looked at his white fluffy animal: With, who just gave him a sweet smile. He looked at the red alarms again. He started walk over the red alarms carefully. 'You call that intellegent?' Daisuke pissed him thus Dark had sweat drops. "You got any clever ideas?' He retorted.

Looking through the glass, Dark looked satisfied at his work. He started bragging about himself while With at starting point sighed with sweat drops. He concluded with a laugh. 'Walking over the alarms is not what anyone would call intellegent. You dope!' Daisuke pointed. Dark paused his laugh.

Suddenly, the alarm went off and Dark started to panic sarcastically. 'Now what did you do, Einstein?' Daisuke flared. "I just... laughed..." He replied in chibi but his expression changed to serious he saw the mirror of him with blonde in front of him just as With rushed towards him: "Kard..."

The sound of alarms siren and red lights continued to go off. Dark and Kard stared each other seriously. 'Why is he here?' Daisuke asked, 'How did he know we are here?'

The police outside surrounded all the entrance screaming and warning themselves that Dark was inside. Kard started to move his huge white wings and headed towards Dark. Dark, who seemed relaxed, had an evil grin. He called With and then jumped up with black wings opened wide on his back.

They flew up high heading towards the top and lights and sounds were heard from them. Kard was hit and crashed on of the walls, some of his white wing feathers fell off. He was enraged and flew up towards him, just as Dark gave him a sneer stare. Fighting repeatedly and seriously made Dark's black wings stuck in the air-conditioner.

'How can your wings get stuck in the air-conditioner?' Daisuke screamed worriedly and here, Dark started to grow fear pulling the wings off the air-conditioner. Kard laughed and headed towards him in high speed. 'Dark!!'

Just as Dark blinked with sweat drops, he saw a long violet hair with silver strips on it. His eyes widened as he could immediately tell she was a girl. He then heard a sound of hitting metals. He saw this lady holding a staff with a sapphire on top, swirled in the staff's metal. He recognised the stone.

Kard looked surprised with this lady appeared out of thin air that could stop his fierce attack. Her long fringe blocked her eyes so Kard couldn't see her face. Just as she looked up at him with a murderous look, he flinched. What shocked Kard was her eyes were in different colors. He didn't think twice nor ask, he just pulled back and left the building, flying towards the window.

Dark got lose from the air-conditioner and landed down the floor with tired and crossed eyes With. "You did good, With," Dark stroked his head. He stopped and looked up at the girl. For whole of his life, he never seen an ordinary girl flying, especially without wings.

He felt something unusual just as he looked her landing on the floor gracefully, as if he knew her, as if he was something to her, as if she was something important to him. Her dress was weird. It looked like a Chiense clothes: no sleeves with short skirt reaching on her middle knees with a pretty symbol of wings and a ring on top of it. Her long boots, which reached her lower knees, looked unique. A two dragon heads on her arm looked like an armlet with the same ring signs on her shoulders, boots and her staff, which her right hand was holding. Her long pretty violet hair was shinny prettily, especially the silver color strips. The sapphire stone on her staff were gleaming to his eyes.

She landed down and looked up at him. "Dark Mousy, how longed I wanted to met you again." The different color eyes were seen that both Dark and Daisuke shrieked. 'Her?' "You?"

Dark started smiling wide, "Are you that presistent about our date tonight?" 'I told you, she don't know you!' Daisuke beamed angrily. Dark looked at her seriously now, "What are you?" His eyes were curious and glistening with a beware feeling.

She tilted her head aside with a smile grin, "I am Ichitoki Himeno." She bowed down a little, "I am here to protect you, Dark Mousy!" She looked up at him respectfully, "I am your guardian."

Daisuke had eerie expression while Dark had a sweat dropped on his cheek. It was silence and the comfortable wind outside below a few petals away.

To be continued

Episode 02: The Legendary Guardian

A/u: How's the first chapter? Boring or maybe you take it a Mary Sue? Himeno had weakness, it will be told in next chapter. If I have at least 3 reviews, I promise I will comtinue it Thank you and enjoy your day!