To everyone that has stuck with me this far, thank you, I really hope you all enjoyed it.
Special wishes to Nehan Shinzui34 for the letting me fill this prompt for her, it's been so much fun.

Fixed it.

Chapter 17: Valentine's day

It had been three months since the accident but to him it felt like longer, as if time had slowed down or maybe even stopped that day and it still hadn't resumed. At the moment he stood by the window smiling to himself as he watched the sun ever so slowly set behind the trees. Shades of beautiful pinks and purples painted the sky which seemed all too fitting for what day it was…

Today was Valentine's day.

But as the sun disappeared completely behind the trees and the darkness of night to the place of the bright colors his thoughts turned darker. His mind turned back to the accident like it did so many nights. He managed to busy himself for most of the day enough that he didn't think about it but it was impossible to truly forget.

The car sped towards Charles as he limped back toward the sidewalk to get out of the middle of the street as fast as he could. Charles clearly hadn't seen or heard the car coming until he heard the two men on the sidewalk scream his name in warning. The scene was like an accident in a cliché romance movie where the leading lady, Charles in this case, was in the street unable to move fast enough to safety because he was hurt having twisted his ankle, while the driver wasn't paying enough attention to the road to slam on the breaks until doing so wouldn't have changed the outcome.

He had run into the street to grab Charles and get him out of the way, get him to the safety of the sidewalk so he wouldn't be hurt but he was too late. He could only watch in horror as the car hit at almost full force and Charles was tossed over the back, landing harshly in the middle of the street in a crumpled heap.

He wasn't able to move for a long time, all muscles had locked in place making running to the younger man's side impossible until he heard someone yelling for someone to "Call for an ambulance!" He didn't realize that person had been him, screaming for someone to call for help. The moment hi muscles 'unlocked' he rushed to Charles'.

His body was shaking from the pain as he tried to stop the quiet whimpers and pained gasps from leaving him by biting his lip. He found was scared to touch him, he didn't want to cause him any more hurt than he was already feeling. "Charles…" He whispered softly as he gently brushed the younger man's hair off his forehead.

Charles opened his eyes and smiled sadly up at him, he couldn't help but thing about how he looked so small and terrified behind that smile. His stomach tie into knots when he realized this was the look someone gave a loved one when they knew they were dying but didn't want to worry that person. "Erik." His voice shook as he tried to fight the tears pooling at the corners of his eyes even as they slipped free anyway.

Erik, as gently and as carefully as he could, pulled Charles half way onto his lap and held him close. He wanted to say it would be okay that Charles would be completely fine but he didn't know if that was true. He could feel the familiar tackiness of blood and a huge bump start to form on the back of his head as he stroked Charles' hair. He started whispering sweet nothings in several different languages, quietly promising him he would translate them for him later when the younger man said he didn't understand something.

They stayed like that, not paying anyone else around them any attention until the ambulance came. The paramedics came and had to practically pry Erik off of Charles, who had lost consciousness at some unknown point, to get him in the ambulance.

Erik didn't move from where he sat in the street, he could only watch as they carried Charles away and got him in the back of the ambulance so they could take him to the hospital. He would have stayed there like that watching as the ambulance disappeared down the street but a hand on his shoulder snapped him out of his trance and he numbly got to his feet. "Let's go, we can meet them at the hospital." Logan said as he ushered Erik towards his car.

It was strange how Logan had suddenly changed from beating him up to shoving him in the passenger side and handing him some wet wipes to clean the blood off his hand after he got in. Logan didn't seem the type to just have those on hand. The question had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it but Logan laughed and told him it was Charles' fault he did.

They got to the hospital in no time, arriving only a few minutes after the ambulance. Erik jumped out of the car barely before it stopped moving and ran inside the ER. He quickly spotted Charles just as he was being taken through a pair of large double doors. He started to run after him but a nurse stepped in his path. "Sir, you can't go in there."

"I'm with him." He panted, finally realizing how out of breath he was as he pointed at the doors just as they closed.

"Are you family?"

Erik didn't know what to say to that, if he said no then he wouldn't be able to see Charles until he was all fixed up, he needed to be with him as much as possible right now. However if he said yes then he'd have to make up some ridiculous story about their relation. He wasn't the best with improve so he would probably blurt out something like 'his brother' then not be able to kiss him when others are around without getting strange looks.

"He's Charles' boyfriend, should be listed as his emergency contact, Logan." Logan said coming up behind the two. The nurse looked down at the clipboard in her arms as if checking if that information was correct and apparently it was because she nodded and stepped out of the way.

Erik felt relief flood every sense and he was just about to take off running after Charles when he realized this meant Logan had just suddenly given up on being with Charles, letting him be with him instead. Erik turned and looked Logan in the eye, "Thank you." It wasn't the best way to show his gratitude for this, he would have to think of some other way to do it later but it was the best he could come up with while his mind was focused completely on getting to Charles.

Logan nodded and told him to go and he did, he took off through the double doors after Charles and the paramedics.

He caught up with them and told them the same thing that Logan had told the nurse when they tried to tell him to get back to the waiting room. They easily gave in and let him hold Charles' hand. He was sedated and already had a shot of morphine so he wouldn't be in pain while they waited to get him in for X-rays but the moment Erik touched his hand his eyes opened slightly.

Charles smiled faintly up at him before his eyes closed again and they took him in for X-rays. After only a few minutes they took him out of the room and were rushing him to surgery for internal bleeding because he threw up blood while getting the x-ray. The doctor only briefly explained before telling a nurse to take Erik to the waiting room.

Erik was ushered to the waiting room where Logan was on the phone with Scott, telling him to come to the hospital. Erik sat with his head in his hands ignoring the happening around him until the room opened and he looked up, Scott stood there. He began wondering how much time he'd let laps but dropped the thought when a doctor came in looking very grave.

He closed his eyes and rested his head against the cooling glass as a long sigh escaped him. That had been one of the worst days of his life and then seeing that doctor come into that room with that expression only made it worse... He just wanted to hold Charles close to him but he couldn't.

He opened his eyes and looked up at the night sky. The stars were coming out, offering some hope to those who needed it since the moon seemed to be nowhere to be found.

"Why so gloomy?" The beautiful accent instantly wiped the deep frown that had formed on his lips off his face. He turned around to see Charles smiling brightly up at him, slight concern written in those captivating eyes.

"I was just thinking."

"About what?"

Erik gave a noncommittal shrug. He'd been thinking about how terrifying it had been to almost lose that gorgeous smile but he wouldn't tell Charles that. He quickly closed the gap between them to claim his red lips in a soft kiss. He felt Charles smile into the kiss and he couldn't help but smile as well.

Charles was alive and making a healthy and quick recovery, most of the bones that had broken were fully healed if not close to it. Personally Erik liked to think it was because Charles had spent all winter break lying in his bed. He couldn't say how many times he wanted to rip the younger man's clothes off and show him just how happy he was that he was okay.

He wasn't taking no for an answer tonight.

Erik broke the kiss and picked Charles up bridal style to carry him upstairs to the bedroom. He liked to think of it as their room since Charles had been living with him while he recovered. Maybe tonight would also be a good night to ask if Charles wanted to continue living with him after he was fully healed.

He nudged open the door to the bedroom and grinned when Charles gasped in surprise. He had bought dozens of red and orange roses and laid them out like they had seen in a movie when they first got back from the hospital. Charles was out of his mind on pain killers and said how much he would love if someone did that for him. It hadn't meant to be something Erik was supposed to hear but he did and had filed it away, saving it specifically for today.

Charles just stared at him for a long time before he kissed him, passionately claiming his lips as Erik walked them over to the bed. He set him down on the rose petal covered bed and moved over top of him, neither one breaking the fierce kiss.

"Mm... Erik." Charles sighed contently as Erik turned his attention to the younger man's neck, softly kissing behind his ear. He smiled against the soft skin and drew back enough to look into those beautiful blue eyes as they gazed happily up at him.

He started undoing the buttons on Charles' shirt but was stopped by a hand over top of his. "Do you really think it's okay now?" Charles asked biting his lower lip.

"We can be careful." Erik tried to reassure him softly as he went back to unbuttoning the one in his fingers had already had a hold of hen Charles stopped him.

"The doctor said… I just don't want to be…"

"I won't cause you any damage; I don't want you stuck in that chair any more than you want to be in it." Erik reassured him as he thought of the wheelchair down stairs. Charles had been stuck in that thing since the hospital; the doctor said it was to make sure that the damage to his spine didn't worsen. He had gotten extremely lucky, he had broken his back in the accident but no lasting damage had been done to the spinal cord.

Charles smiled, "I trust you..." He moved his hand and let Erik continue to undress him.

Erik quickly stripped Charles of his clothing, leaving him completely naked on the bed while all Charles managed to get off of him was his shirt. The younger man blushed and bit his lip as Erik looked him over. He was drinking in the sight he'd only been able to have while helping Charles because now he was allowed to touch him how he wanted to.

Leading down he pressed his lips to the long scar on Charles' lower stomach where the surgeon had to cut to get to the place he was bleeding internally from to seal it. He remember being angry about it the first time his saw the stitches while he helped Charles get a shower because he knew it would turn into a scar, leaving a permanent mark on Charles' perfect body to remind both of them of that day. Now it was just another perfect part of him.

The lower his kissed the deeper and harder Charles' breathing became until he moaned Erik's name as he ran his tongue over the head of his erection. After the accident the doctor told them no strenuous activity, especially sex and the younger man had been celibate practically the whole time, how he did it Erik couldn't even imagine. Erik had the time alone during showers that he used to take care of himself or else he would have jumped Charles a long time ago.

Erik smiled and took Charles into his mouth, sucking and doing wicked things with his tongue to make the younger man wither in the ecstasy he had denied himself for so long. Charles moaned, grabbing his hair as he arched off the bed.

Charles lasted a lot longer than he thought he would have after so long. He came just as Erik claimed his lips, firmly stroking his leaking erection. He had tossed his head back in a silent cry, as his seed coated Erik's hand and his stomach.

He started kissing Charles neck, not giving him time to fully recover as he used the younger man's seed as lubricant to slide a finger into him. His body jerked and he gasped at the intrusion. "Erik…" He moaned as another finger was added, he was already half hard again as his body slowly opened up nicely for Erik.

Erik smiled against the soft column of skin before gently biting down as he thrust his fingers deep inside the younger man to find the spot that would make him melt. Erik found it on the first thrust and he stroked it until Charles was once again fully erect and moaning before he removed his fingers and unzipped his agonizingly tight pants to free his cock.

Coating his erection with the slowly drying left over cum, he lined himself up with Charles' entrance wanting nothing more than to slam himself inside the tight, waiting heat and pound into him as fast and as roughly as he could but he waited for Charles to tell him it was okay and entered him slowly. Charles was so much tighter than he remember from their first time.

When he started thrusting into him his name left Charles' lips as if it was the only word he knew. He was being as careful as he could be with Charles moaning for him to go faster or harder. He was trying to keep what the doctor had said in mind, just in case, but when Charles pulled him in for a kiss and wrapped his legs around his waist he wasn't able to hold back anymore.

They made love, hot and passionate and perfect as Charles moaned louder and begged for more, anything that Erik would give him and he gave him everything.

He cried out Erik's name as he came this time, tightly holding the man to him. Erik thrust into him a few more times before he hit his own orgasm, spilling his seed inside of the younger man. He pulled out and wrapped his arms around him and held him close as they both tried to regain their breath.

"I told you I would be careful with you." Erik laughed softly and Charles rolled his eyes hitting him lightly before drawing him into a slow kiss. Their tongues lazily massaged each other, exploring each other's mouths until Charles pulled back just slightly.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Erik." Charles whispered softly against his lips.

"I love you Charles."

"I love you."

They kissed again, both knowing this was the first of many Valentine's days they would spend together.

