Reviews for Tenshi No Kookennin!
White Alchemist Taya chapter 17 . 1/11/2006
hey could you please update!

i want to know what happens at the end!

quickly its really bugging me
Mean-chan chapter 8 . 9/17/2005
u need 2 fix ur gramar hunney its great though heh heh
Mean-chan chapter 7 . 9/17/2005
yeah sure the harder they hurt u the more they love u hehheh
DNangel fan chapter 1 . 7/10/2005
I think there should be more chapters soon.
Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan chapter 17 . 7/9/2005
Hey you did well about the info of these characters. I get to understand more now and I'm really excited to read the sequel.
Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan chapter 16 . 7/9/2005
YESS! Chapter 16 is really cute and so funny yet what I really laughed so hard that the Niwa family have discovered that Himeno was different from what they knew before when she was in a guardian mode... SO CUTE!
G.U.3.S.S chapter 15 . 7/5/2005
so wait... Dark is gone and yet your making a sequel about Himeno and Dark? Shouldn't it be prequel?
Memmi chapter 15 . 7/5/2005
RainingHearts chapter 15 . 7/1/2005
update soon
Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan chapter 15 . 7/1/2005
WAH! Chapter 15 has finall updated I can't believe that this is actually the end of this story... Krad and Dark now disappeared so they could end their curse. Which means that Dark has to leave Daisuke and Himeno now.

It's really sad yet so beautiful! T-T I want to read your 16th chapter so badly! NIce work! Xd
pyro the dark angel chapter 15 . 7/1/2005
Can you tell me when the sequel comes out? I can't believe that the next episode is the last one! *tear* But I have the sequel to look forward to, so everything works out. . Update soon so I can read the last episode! )
AnimeHaven chapter 15 . 7/1/2005
OHEMGEE! lol...

Finally! Himeno and Dark together! I'm so happy. So.. is the next chapter... the last one? Or is this one the last chapter? Anyway, I'm looking forward to your sequel!

:victory sign: I love this story!

blackblood1616 chapter 14 . 6/30/2005
I really liked the last chapter, hope the next one comes out A.S.A.P._
IchikoKitsuneKoumori chapter 14 . 6/27/2005
Bad Devils!
AnimeHaven chapter 14 . 6/27/2005
Aww, man! Why did you stop here? [ lol. Is Dark starting to get close to Himeno...? . I love this story so far! Update soon? ]

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