Once upon a time, the Organization's members came across a paper the thought should be shown to their Superior.


"20 Ways to Make Xemnas Lose His Mind

20. Bring up the fact that he keeps loosing to a bunch of teenagers who travel with farm animals and wield HOUSE KEYS!

19. Make him watch tape of his failure. With SUBTITLES!

18. One word: MANSEX.

17. Stick him in a mini van with the other Nobodies. Send them to some far-away place, like um… New Jersey!

16. See instructions for "Killing Xemnas".

15. Make him go to group therapy for "Young Women: Ages Eight Through Eight-teen". Make him actually listen to all the emo brats.

14. Force him to stay in a locked closet with one of his fangirls, better yet take away his ability to move and THEN lock the door.

13. Sick Demyx on him.

12. Sick Axel on him.

11. Hide his hair gel.

10. Hide his fwooshy black cloack.

9. Tell him that Valentine's Day is where you get to give hearts to people. Watch as he makes an ass of himself trying to steal paper hearts.

8. Force him to face Sephiroth in a "Who's the Baddest Villian?" contest.

7. Laugh when Sephiroth kicks his ass.

6. Make him listen to the Spice Girls.

5. Make him sit through one of those generic animes about "friendship, love, and acceptance".

4. Force him to work at a day care.

3. Force him to read this list.

2. Sick a Mary Sue on him.


1. Make him read the Yaoi on about HIM!"

Xemnas looked at the list in pure horror and his mouth dropped open as he saw the name at the top of the paper.

"From the Desk of Saix the Berserker"

Xigbar laughed himself into a coma and Axel was beaten to a bloody pulp for going into Saix's desk without permission.

Needless to say, the Superior was never the same.