Hey everyone. This is my first Xmen fic so be kind. It's an AU but a lot of the characters from first class and beyond make an appearance. It will have SLASH eventually so if you do like that I would stop now. Hope you guys like it. Feedback is always loved!
The campus was full this morning as expected. The first day of a new term was always exciting for everyone and it was no different for Charles. Walking to his office, Charles couldn't help his wide smile as the students snaked through trying to locate their classes or catching up with friends. Charles had accepted his teaching position four years ago after graduating early with a PhD in Genetics and several offers came Charles' way after graduation because of his reputation so early in the field. He was elated to take the position he was offered by Oxford. He was already a campus favorite and many students wished he would teach other course work besides science and although he did minor in English he stayed in the Science department much to most of the young female student population's dismay. Charles passed the Faculty conference room where Moira bounded out of.
"Good morning Moira," Charles' smile grew.
"Oh Charles Good morning!" Moira spun around at Charles' voice. "Happy to be able to get back in the lab?"
"Of course! As nice as the break was I'm glad to be back, and I'm pretty sure Raven was close to killing me several times."
"Ha! I'm sure. How is she by the way? Is she excited to start school? She's enrolled in one of my classes actually."
"She did mention your class yes, and she is ecstatic about finally starting Uni. She has been trying not to be too excited you know, blowing her calm collected persona out the window, but she has been trying to casually ask me questions all summer." Charles shook his head.
"At least she has you to ask."
"True, but some of the things she asked, I wasn't exactly an expert on. I mean, I didn't have much time to worry about where the best place to meet singles on campus was."
"I suspect Raven's school experience will be a great deal different from yours. Pre and post graduation." Moira laughed.
"Hey! That is my little sister and I'd rather not think about that, and I had fun in school by the way."
"Right, well when's the last time you went out with someone, and don't lie because I'll know."
"Well, I can't really think right now, but it wasn't too long ago."
Moira Scoffed. "Charles, face it, you need to get out there," they reached the corner where the wings split. "I have to get to my classroom and set up. I'll talk to you later." Moira pecked Charles on the cheek before heading towards her class.
"Have a good day of classes Moira, you busybody!" Charles mockingly glared before walking to his Classroom. It was just how he had left it at the end of last spring. One of the perks to his position as one of the heads of the Science department was that they didn't use his classroom during summer school which ensured that nothing was destroyed while he was on break. Students started taking seats while Charles continued to write some things on the board to get the introduction going. Day one was always for going over the syllabus and expectations. Charles liked to go over those things and end with a class discussion on what the students wanted to learn specifically and seeing if he could work it in to the lesson plans if it wasn't there already. He had found this made students feel more involved. At eight on the dot Charles turned to his class.
"Good morning class! Welcome to an Introduction to Human Genetics." Charles bounced around the classroom going over everything as well answering questions.
After his morning classes let out Charles made his way to his office where his three TA's stood waiting and bickering.
"You don't even know what a football looks like Bozo."
"I do too! It's the leather one that isn't a perfect sphere!"
"Will you two cram it? Oh hey Professor!" the youngest of TA's stepped forward to grab some of the papers Charles was carrying.
"Hello gentlemen. I see that summer break hasn't deterred your good spirits." Charles let the group in to the office. Once inside they discussed the schedule for the new term and what they had accomplished over their breaks. "I need a cup of tea. Coffee anyone?"
"I'm good, and Hank has already consumed enough coffee for the entire term." Alex smirked.
"I'm not that bad." Hank straightened. Charles missed the banter between the pair over break.
"No thanks, I've got my energy drink." Sean lifted the can of his energy drink that looked to contain far too much sugar to be healthy and judging by Sean, his face said as much. "They aren't that bad professor."
"I'll be sticking to tea." Charles made his way out of his office only to run into someone's chest and fell backwards. Instead of hitting the ground like he expected however he opened his eyes to find he was not in fact on the floor but being held up by a pair of arms attached to Intense grey blue green eyes attached to a tall man Charles had never seen before. After his lapse, Charles quickly gained control of himself and stood up straight smoothing his cardigan. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going, thank you for not letting me hit the floor." Charles was bright red and it wasn't helping that the tall broad man was giving him a shark like smile revealing a very nice set of teeth.
"It's alright; perhaps you should look before running into the hall after speaking with your professor. These halls usually have people in them."
"Oh well yes…of course, but I'm not here to speak with a professor, I was just going to grab a quick cup of tea before returning to my TA's." it was not the first time Charles had been mistaken for a grad student by someone new to the campus. He still had a boyish charm and wonder that made him seem younger than his years to most.
"You're a professor?" The man's eyebrows rose.
"Yes, oh I'm sorry I should have introduced myself," Charles extended his hand which the shark took. "I'm Charles, Charles Xavier from the Science department." Charles couldn't help but marvel at the way the man's muscles moved during the handshake.
"Yes, I do believe I've heard of you know. Genetics right?"
"That's my specialty yes." Charles tried not to stare at the sideways smile the Greek statue talking to him had.
"I'm Erik Lehnsherr; I'll be in the office next door."
"Professor Lehnsherr! You're the new History and German teacher! Groovy!" Charles quickly schooled himself when he saw Erik's raised brows. "I mean, I'm glad to see a new face and uh well, I better go grab that tea a get back before the boys start arguing enough to cause damage." Charles nearly stopped breathing when a full blown smile appeared on Eric's face. "It was…it was nice to meet you Eric, I'm sure we will be seeing more of each other."
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well Charles and I have no doubt of seeing you often considering how close our offices are. Try not to run into too many people, I'd hate for you to rumple that darling cardigan some more." With one more shark like smile Erik went into his office.
Charles made his way to the lounge and grabbed a cup and put his tea bag in water. "Groovy…you said groovy. This is not the sixties Charles." Charles grumbled.
"What's not the sixties?" Moira grabbed the sugar next to Charles startling him.
"Nothing! I was just, it's nothing."
"Oh yeah? Nothing groovy you wanted to mention?" Moira sat down and smiled innocently down at some paperwork for her next class.
Charles grabbed his tea and strode out of the room and back to his office and if he slowed down outside of Professor Lehnsherr's office door nobody was there to notice.
Charles' final two classes of the day flew by and when he returned to his office to go over some of the surveys he gave during class he was greeted by Raven sitting at his desk.
"Hello dear sister. Hasn't anyone ever explained to you that breaking and entering is frowned upon?" Charles placed his bag down before flopping down on the sofa beside his desk.
"It's not breaking and entering if you have a key. There was no breaking, only entering, so hardly criminal." Raven sat reading over something from her classes while her feet sat upon the corner of the desk.
"How did you get a copy of my office key? You can't just get a university key copied." Charles' brows scrunched in confusion more than annoyance.
"I know a guy who works in the hardware store who does keys." Raven lifted her head. "So, do all professors find it necessary to give homework on day one or is that just my professors? Professor Storm was the only that showed compassion." Raven put her feet down and sat with a pout.
Charles laughed. "Most do give at least a small assignment to 'whip the students back into shape' yes. Ororo likes to give it a few days before piling on the work load like I do, but I wouldn't expect to have too much compassion from her. She's very stern in her grading." Charles rubbed his face and grabbed his bag and took out some of the student surveys. "How were the rest of your classes?"
"Great so far! English with Moira, I mean Professor McTaggert, was good. The guys that sat next to me are determined that she will sleep with them eventually," Raven made a face of mild disgust causing Charles to laugh. "I had track practice with the Wolverine, which apparently is what everyone calls Professor Logan, and Spanish with Professor Azazel was pretty smooth. Although, I'm a little on the fence wither or not to be upset I decided against taking German." Charles looked up from his surveys.
"Oh yes? Why is that?"
"Well, Angel is taking it and she says that Professor Lehnsherr has already given homework, his expectations are crazy and he pretty much scared half the class into leaving after his speech about his policies on late work, absences and being tardy."
Charles smiled and then quickly gulped when he pictured Eric being as stern as what Raven had described. He pictured his intense eyes and broad shoulders addressing the class and he quickly shook his head. "And, uh, what is there to be on the fence about then?"
"Well, there's all that and then there's that fact that Erik Lehnsherr is absolutely delicious."
"What? He is! Wait till you see him for yourself. Seriously." Raven sighed. "Too bad there's that whole code of ethics thing."
"Raven, do not go there, and I have seen him. He's in the office next door and I ran into him quite literally this morning on my way to get tea." Charles didn't look up trying to hide his blush.
"Next door? Really? Wait, you ran into him," Raven laughed. "Tell me you did not fall over and make a fool of yourself."
"Well, not by falling. He caught me actually, which was embarrassing enough but then I had to go ahead the use the word groovy like a sixties teen." Charles scrunched his face with annoyance with himself.
"Oh Charles that's adorable! Haha!" Raven's face lit up.
"Oh do be quiet…"
"So, what did you think? Am I right? Isn't he yummy in a scary kind of way?"
"I am not going to refer to another man as yummy Raven."
Raven scoffed. "Do you agree that he is handsome Charles?"
"I would say that is accurate." Charles went back to his surveys trying to hide from Raven's line of questioning.
"Accurate? Oh so you do take notice…good to hear. I worry." Raven got up from behind the desk and kissed the Charles cheek before heading for the door.
"You do not need to worry about me Raven; I should be worried about your wish that the code of conduct didn't exist." Charles gave a pointed look towards his sister. She just smiled.
"I'll see you later, love you."
"Yes, yes, I love you too. Try to behave."
"Can't promise anything!" Raven left with one last smile over her shoulder.
"She gets it from her father, certainly." Charles tried to get back to his surveys until he heard the door next door close alerting him to Erik's return. Charles sat there looking over the papers while his mind wondered to the man next door.
Moira hadn't been too far off when it came to his personal life. Charles didn't graduate early by going out every night to meet people and although he got out more as a professor he was not like most his age. He liked have a drink but usually did it with dinner or over chess with anybody willing to take his challenge. He also had the tendency not to realize someone was flirting with him until someone tells him (Raven, Moira, and even sadder, The Wolverine once). He had always known that he found both sexes appealing, but was not exactly Casanova when it came to wooing either. He didn't want to ruin the relationship with his new neighbor anyway. He didn't even know if Erik liked men and if he did, he would certainly be out of Charles' league anyway. Perhaps he could be friends with him though. If he could manage not to be a blundering idiot in front of the man it might end up being a great friendship. Charles went back to his surveys content on his decision, or so he thought.