Author has written 13 stories for Gossip Girl, Thor, Captain America, and Avengers. Just a girl who belongs to a lot of fandoms and sometimes gets the urge to write. I love all my readers, you guys are the best! I also love reviews. Seeing people favorite and like my stories is fantastic but reviews are really what keep me going, especially when real life gets so busy and stressful. So drop a review in the review box and let me know what you think! I love many canon and fanon pairings, but when it comes to fanfiction I'll admit that I mostly love to read and write OC/character (as long as the OC is well-written, of course!). Feel free to PM me anytime. I'm very friendly and I love talking to my readers. STORY STATUS ONGOING: The Original Three, The Second Trial, Run with Me, The AU Files COMPLETE: Heading Home, Odd Pieces ONE-SHOTS: Candy Coatings, Dark Minds Think Alike, Dinner with the Devil, Friend or Foe?, The First Mercy, Things That Never Fade, Ultraviolet FAN ART -- I will paste the links with spaces in them for formatting. When pasting them into Google, just remove the spaces! WestOfTheGlass has made two awesome gifsets for The Original Three! Find them here: westoftheglass. tumblr. com/tagged/the-original-three Fraisei on DeviantArt has made this lovely work depicting the kindness Ihuicatl showed Sophie from Run with Me. Find it here: deviantart. com /art/Kindness-693565108 An artist on Instagram drew this fantastic sketch of Sophie from Run with Me. Find it here: imgur. com /a/6aQg0KU A user on here created this "sassy sketch" of Sophie and the Winter Soldier from Run with Me. Find it here: imbxckytrash. tumblr. com /post/162750930113/so-i-found-this-old-sketch-i-did-of-sophie-and-the TV TROPES User Eliasfw on here made a TV Tropes page for Run with Me! Feel free to contribute to it if you'd like :) Find it here: tvtropes. org /pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/RunWithMe DISCLAIMER NOTE: In the event that I do not update ANYTHING for two straight years, please assume that I've died. I realize this is a tad morbid (lol) but I've always considered how would my readers ever be notified if something happened to me? I wouldn't want to leave people hanging for years. I've been there, as a reader, and it is NOT fun. I can't fathom not updating absolutely anything in two straight years, so I feel that's a reasonable amount of time for me to say that I've probably died if that's the case. With that said...let's all hope that we all live long, healthy, happy lives, eh? :) |