Reviews for Lokiday
May.097 chapter 18 . 8/5
I love this story. It didn’t turn out the way I thought it would but it’s so much better. I LOVE everything about it. Please please finish the story. It’s so close to the end. I need to know what happens to them. Do they get out of the loop. WHAT happens? I need to know
AraelDranoth chapter 1 . 7/13
An interesting take on the groundhog day concept.
danaen chapter 1 . 5/25
Please do not abandon this great story so close to its end...
Margaritasc chapter 18 . 3/7
Well someone bitter.
suitablycontrary chapter 18 . 2/17
I have loved this story from the first chapter and it’s gotten better and better with each successive installment. I’m so stoked you released a new chapter and it happened to fall on my birthday. Best gift ever!
Shay chapter 17 . 2/6
I always get ridiculously excited whenever I see an update for this story. I love it so much. I think it is my fav in this fandom.
ukyryo chapter 18 . 2/6
OMG I need more, please
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 18 . 2/4
I lived for the relationship and now I live for the plot xD What I'm wondering now is how much of the legend will you include, and when Loki stopped loving Sigyn (and vice versa I guess!). Just- I wanna know every backstory you've created, it sounds absolutely fantastic!

But Jane and Loki breaking curses using sheer stubbornness- I'm so looking forward to that ;))
The White Leopard chapter 18 . 2/2
Well. Well, well, well. Sigyn is the bad guy in this story. Or at least, the antagonist. Color me intrigued. And Jacobine and Hilde are her minions. I do wonder how she roped Chronos into her plot, though.

Finally, we start getting answers! I wonder how closely their story here mirrors the myths. But Loki has a plan, so that's good.

And I'm gonna have to go back and look for that bit with the letter in a previous chapter, because I can't quite remember what it was about, but it's apparently a very important recurring event, which is also part of Sigyn's plan. Hmm...

As always, this was a wonderful chapter. Very fascinated to see what the next one will reveal.
ArafelSedai chapter 18 . 2/2
Now this... this made my Superbowl Sunday. What an awesome treat! I almost squealed when I saw the story pop up in my email! Loved it. And loved the "historical myth" twist at the end of the chapter.
JoJo chapter 18 . 2/2
I'm so happy to see a new chapter! Poor Loki though, his crazy ex is like the worst of all time! I am glad that he finally became conscious of Sygin harassing him in his sleep.
I am curious if Loki's eyes changing color indicates him breaking free of the mind stone though. And if breaking free if the mind stone is how he managed to become conscious of Sygin screwing with him.
I am already looking forward to the next chapter.
nrunn30 chapter 18 . 2/2
I get so excited when there’s an update! This is by far my favorite Lokane fanfic.
Imogen74 chapter 18 . 2/2
Wow. Superb.
TheEdgeOfTheDeepGreenSea chapter 18 . 2/2
What an amazing update! Dying for more!
plainolejane chapter 18 . 2/2
Wow! Can't wait to see what's next!
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