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![]() Author has written 25 stories for Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Holes, Divergent Trilogy, Delirium, Lauren Oliver, and Tomb Raider. This is a joint account. There are two of us: the Keeta Everlark half, and the Tribias/Fourtris half. For Keeta's fics, there will be a little note in the summary telling you it is (or wouldn't say at all); for Tribias' fics, there will be a -Tribias- in the summary. Sometimes, we help each other with our stories, at least with the brainstorming and idea-making parts, but we give the credit to the one who contributed most to the story. But, most of the time, we write the whole stories on our own and consult each other on whether or not we should post. Starting January 14, 2013, we will be using our summary signatures (-Tribias- and "by Keeta") for reviews. We've been friends since September 27, 2009. Yes, Typhoon Ondoy (as it's called in the Philippines). We're the queens of coincidences, and if you knew us personally, you'd know why. We're real-life besties and we both love reading. We're good at writing fanfiction (well, it depends on whether or not we're inspired). You are, I'm not. Since when was I good in writing fanfics? :( Yeah, right, Keeta. We now have a DeviantArt account!: Keeta-x-Tribias. Yep, the same name. Feel free to check it out! Tribias will be posting the originals of her rewrites there (including with-lyrics songfics) as well as the new versions she will post here. We also have our own tumblr accounts, now. We'll soon have a joint one, too. The links are on our profile portions below :) Please note that ALL FLAMES WILL BE GIVEN TO KATNISS, CINNA, PEETA, PORTIA, LEO, HESTIA, HEPHASETHUS, and #4/JOHN SMITH. So, that's about it for the joint section, on to the individual parts! TRIBIAS//on hiatus. sorry. you can still contact me on my tumblr. Let me start by telling you that... I am proudly Pinoy (Filipino) I'm a girl. I'm a teenager like most of you. A young one, though. My real name is..._ My little sister is The Everlark Daughter I can speak English and Filipino, but I’m definitely not the best at the either. My three best friends and I tend to exagerate things and make things more serious than they are sometimes. I AM A FEMINIST General Announcments: For songfics, I will be rewriting all of them to comply with ff rules. I'm just a bit short on time right now. I am currently on hiatus. However, I am open to beta reader requests.Story announcements: 15 Surprises for you- Being rewritten. Original is posted on deviantART: 15 Surprises dA History Repeats Itself... But not this time- I need a collaborator. That's a pairing? This story will be deletedCollaborations Aphrodite's blog - Author collab. with azulas. Aphrodite writes a blog with lots of news, advice, and you guessed it, gossip. My chapters start at chapter 7. It's on her profile. Click the title on here to get there. My co-author is taking advice and requests. I take requests. Sorry for the lack of updates. -_- [PJO/HoO] Spined- Author Collab. with liquified flames.There's chaos in Camp Half-Blood. Leo wakes up siblingless; Travis discovers the meaning of "solo". Nobody knows how or why he or she is doing this, exactly. They do know two things: nobody is safe, and the traitor might just be any one of themselves. Oh, and one more thing- a certain Hero of Olympus isn't himself lately. My main fandoms: The Hunger Games Divergent The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, TLH, The Dark Artifices, The Bane Chronicles, etc.) Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus, as well as the Kane Chronicles Delirium Trilogy John Green Lorien Legacies Taylor SwiftThank-yous and shoutouts hutcherwife- Thanks a bunch for my former beta, hutcherwife. We were planning an Author Collab. for History Repeats itself but not this time, but I don't think it will push through. azulas - Thank you for choosing to collab with me for Aphrodite's blog! MS.K216 - Thank you so much for being my 100th reviewer! Osas1234- Thank you for reviewing my non-PJO fanfictions! Holly Chase and of the seas - Thank you for reading and reviewing my PJO/HoO freeverses! Cinnominbubble- Thank you for reviewing majority of my stories! Even if some of them were just punctuation marks... Keeta (see below profile), Innoverse, Exceedingly Peculiar Chick, HAWTgeek , Our Dancing Days , of the seas , azulas , HecateA , and everyone who inspired me- Thank you for inspiring me with all your fanfictions! Even the unpublished ones *cough*Keeta*cough* I'm a big fan of your work! And HawtGeek and HecateA, you guys are some of my writing idols. I adore your work. Jo Denise, and all other guest reviewers- Thanks guys! So glad that even people outside like my stories! Oh, and Jo, I might give Wattpad a try, but for me, is CHB and Wattpad is CJ. I'm more used to CHB. Also, I'm sorry if you didn't get that. It's the best analogy I can give at the moment. Legend of Derpy and IamBellatrixLieutenantofVoldy - Thank you. Without you two, "Red" would have been inaccurate, suckish, and against the rules. I'm really glad that you didn't just put "this sucked" or reported it straight away. Thank you for not being one of those flamers, but one of those that really wanted to help a writer through constructive critisism. I also want you to know that though I took "Red" down several times before I finally got it right, I'm not frustrated or mad at either of you. I'm nothing but grateful. If you would look at it now, you'd see that I really took the time to fix my mistakes, and it's all because of you guys. I make sure to check my stories for any inaccuracies or OOC-ness and am rewriting my songfics because of your reviews. ALL MY REVIEWERS, FOLLOWERS, FAVORITE-ERS, and anyone who supported me- THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You have made my writing better through all the feedback, all the support, and all the patience. I know I can be a very slow updater, but all of you have been so nice and so patient to hang on to the ride. If I could give you all a hug, I would. I'm also forever grateful that all of you, including those that gave me constructive-critisism-reviews decided to take a chance on me. So this is Keeta. Yeah, I know that I've been quiet for the longest time, but I FINALLY got to post this after Tribias's non-stop nagging. Non-stop nagging? Let's see... what should you know about me? Well, Tribias and I are almost the same. but I'll post here, just for the heck of it. ;) I am a proud Filipina. I'm slightly (Slightly meaning less than a week) younger than Tribias, but we're the same age. I'm a girl. My name? Don't bet on it. According to many, I should be girlier. I'm not a tomboy, mind you. I just despise the girl stereotype. Don't hope that I will post a story often. I suck at it. I'm just the supporter of Tribias. She writes everything. It's a miracle in itself that I manage to pass Language/English class! Says the girl who got a higher grade in it than me. And I've read some of them. They're really good... even if I'm not in that fandom. Still, I got inspired to do 15 surprises from it. Don't underestimate yourself. :) Basically, most of Tribias's profile is mine too, (see, I told you we're almost the same.) but I want to post, just for the heck of it. Hmmm. Well, I don't know where to start. Fandoms, perhaps? Hunger Games. Divergent. Across The Universe. Legend. Everything and anything John Green. Shadowhunter Chronicles. Delirium. Lorien Legaices. Divergent Trilogy. Include anything that has to do with Rick Riordan and his love for making all his fans wait in agony for his books. The Walking Dead. The Last of Us. Tomb Raider. Uncharted. Trauma Center. Assassin's Creed. I guess that about sums it up. I'll skip the pairings. That alone would take forever to get past. My Soon-To-Come-Stories: Surprise - Tomb Raider, Alex/Lara That's all I have that I'm actually more or less sure of. Give or take. Everything else is just swimming across my head like... I don't even know. And you say i'm the delusional one. YOU WERE A KEETA AND GADGE SHIPPER!!!!!!!!! Also, who was the one teasing me for liking gotta be you (or whatever the title was)? Correction: AM a Keeta and Gadge shipper. And yes, I admit to teasing you for that. But you looked almost... I'll stop the thought right now, I don't want to die yet. Then again, I suffer this song almost everyday, so why do you think the fan fiction wheels in my head will not turn? Anyway, like you said, I solemnly swear to God; the Greek, Roman, AND Egyptian gods and godesses; the Angels; AND ALL OF THE CHARACTERS OF HG, TMI, TKC, HOO, PJO, LL, Divergent, Icemark, and all the other pairings and fandoms that THIS WILL BE MY FIRST AND LAST GALENISS FIC EVER. I SWEAR THAT, TRIBIAS. Yeah, that should do the trick ;) This rant came from both of us "arguing" over why I wrote More Than This, but since Tribias told me actual legit songfics (lyrics and all) are going to be taken down, I had to bid goodbye about 72 hours of work on it. Oh well. Oh yeah. Keeping this because it's just too funny to forget ;) You are aware that songfics can be converted to oneshots (like what I did), right? "Schedule" I'm currently on a semi-hiatus, but I will try as much as possible to post. However, considering school and its equivalent of honor's classes, the "as much as possible" may easily translate to "never". -x- This portion is reserved for our two other best friends who are not yet on ff. If they decide to use on this profile, they will be given this slot. The following things do not belong to either of us. If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile! The pairs people come up with these days... Pairing Clove and Marvel is disgusting. Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Pairing Prim and Cato is disgusting. Copy and paste this on to your profile if you agree. Pairing Rue and Thresh is disgusting. Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Pairing Katniss and Haymitch is disgusting. Copy and paste this on you profile if you agree. Pairing Katniss and Cato is disgusting, Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Pairing Glimmer and Cato is disgusting. Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Pairing Seneca and Katniss is disgusting. Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Clato! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Gadge! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Prory! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Keeta Everlark(Peeta and Katniss)! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Annick! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Yay for Haysilee! Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree. Glarvel is okay... Ganna ( Gale and Johanna) is okay... Haffie is okay... PLEDGES in no particular order The Percy Jackson pledge: I promise to remember Percy I promise to remember Annabeth I promise to protect nature I promise to remember Luke I promise to remember Chiron I promise to remember Tyson I promise to remember Thalia I promise to remember Clarisse I promise to remember Bianca I promise to remember Nico I promise to remember Zoe I promise to remember Rachel yes I promise to remember PJO The Kane Chronicles Pledge I promise to remember Carter I promise to remember Sadie I promise to remember Desjardins I promise to remember Amos I promise to remember Iskandar I promise to remember Bast I promise to remember Horus I promise to remember Isis I promise to remember Set I promise to remember Anubis I promise to remember Zia I promise to remember Julius Kane I promise to remember Ruby Kane And whenever I read The Kane Chronicles The Mortal Instruments Pledge: I promise to remember Jace, I promise to remember Clary, I promise to remember Jocelyn, I promise to remember Jonathon, I promise to remember Luke, I promise to remember Simon, I promise to remember Isabelle, I promise to remember Raphael, I promise to remember Alec, I promise to remember Magnus, I promise to remember Maia, I promise to remember Valentine, I promise to remember TMI, Always and always! Hunger Games addict prayer. This is NOT mine... I promise to remember Rue I’ll think of Foxface If my little sister pets a goat, and if my best friend acts depressed then, When I toss some wood in the fire, and I’ll always think of Peeta The Capitol will cross my mind I’ll be sure to think of Clove I’ll always think of Glimmer and Thresh will occupy my mind Whenever I watch a reality show, I’ll sure imagine Haymitch I swear to think of Cato I’ll make sure I think of Effie I swear to remember the Hunger Games, It’s important to think of the characters Gods of Olympus Pledge!!! I promise to remember Ares I promise to remember Athena I promise to use the internet I promise to remember Poseidon I promise to remember Zeus I promise to remember Hera I promise to remember Aphrodite I promise to remember Apollo I promise to remember Artemis I promise to remember Hades I promise to remember Demeter I promise to remember Hephaestus I promise to remember Dionysus I promise to remember Hestia Yes, I promise to remember The Gods Now swear it on the River Styx! *Thunder* Heroes of Olympus Pledge I promise to remember Jason I promise to remember Piper I promise to remember Leo I promise to remember Annabeth I promise to remember Percy I promise to remember Hazel I promise to remember Frank I promise to remember Reyna I promise to remember Octavian I promise to remember Don the Faun I promise to remember HoO I promise to remember Rick Riorden |
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