Hey everyone! SO this is my brand new story! :D I think a couple of people have done this before and I think it'd be an interesting thing to write about. So with that, I hope you like this! (By the way this is the only chapter in Katniss POV, for now.)


I walk home with Peeta from the bakery hand in hand. Lately I've been going with him since the kids are old enough to stay home alone. Rose is 16 now and a little too much like me. She sure has "fire in her" as Haymitch likes to put it. She looks just like me except for the same blue eyes as Peeta. She's quite the heartbreaker at school, or so I've been told.

Caleb's now 14 and a little too much like Peeta. He has the same blonde hair but my grey seam eyes. He likes to help at the bakery after school with frosting. He loves to paint just as much as his father.

It's not a long walk from the bakery to our house in the victor's village so we make it to the house in no time. I notice the lights on and groan. "Peeta did you leave the light on again?"

"...No. It must have been one of the kids." he says. I sigh and open the door. I take off my shoes and walk to the closet to put my jacket up. Peeta walks into the living room to turn off the light. I follow after him. I think I left my Book in there yesterday. I walk in right after Peeta and I see it first. "Oh. My. God." I say. Loud enough for just Peeta to hear. Rose and some boy I've never even seen before is sitting on our couch kissing-or should I say making out.

"Oh my gosh!" Peeta practically screams. Rose jumps up from the couch and looks at us, her eyes huge and her face red. "Dad!" she says biting her lip.

"Who's this? You know the rules Rose, no boys at the house if there are no adults at home." he asks his eye brows raised.

"Uhh dad this is-"

"Roy Hawthorne." the boy says standing up. My jaw drops. Hawthorne? He stretches out his hand but quickly realizes it won't be touched. "I was just giving her a kiss." he says innocently smirking.

"More like eating her face." Caleb says coming down stairs.

"Wait, Hawthorne?" Peeta says ignoring Caleb. "As in Gale Hawthorne's son?" he says, raising his voice.

"Yep, that's me. We just moved in next door." he says. Holy crap, the Hawthorne's moved next door? How on earth did-

"I swear-" Peeta starts but I interrupt him.

"Peeta! Why don't you go upstairs? I'll take care of this." I say. This will get real ugly real fast. Peeta is never this angry. All I know is if he does get angry, it's not pretty especially if it deals with Gale. He shoots Roy a look then heads upstairs, Caleb in tow. I look at the two teenagers in front of me. Rose has backed up her eyes wide and mouth open. I look at Roy.

"You should leave before he comes back down." I say. He takes a step towards Rose, to kiss her again I assume. "I suggest you don't do that." I say stopping him with my hand, halfway glaring at him. He nods his head.

"Bye Rose!" he says walking out the front door. The door slams and I turn towards Rose.


"It's okay, just go upstairs." I say. She quickly walks out without saying anything else. Though I hate to admit it, I can't punish her. She's a teenager and I was one once, just like her. I sigh and walk upstairs I have a feeling I'm going to have a long talk with Peeta.

"Peeta..." I say walking into our room. He's sitting in a chair looking out the window.

"Gale. Ugh. How could he even think about coming here after all that happened? And with Rose, she knows the rules."

"Peeta, come on. We were teenagers once. We pretty much made out in front of the whole country of Panem. We can't really get mad at her can we?"

"But we can at that Roy kid. What right does he have to come into our house without us even here?" He says. He never usually gets angry. But when it comes to our kids, he'll do anything to keep them safe.

"Okay if it upsets you that much we can just talk to the Hawthorne's tomorrow. Let's just sleep on it okay?"

"Fine." he says getting up. He gives me a quick peck on the lips and crawls into bed. I get in after him and fall asleep with his arms around me.


I awake to a piercing scream and bolt upright in bed. I look over and see Peeta do the same as me. I scramble out of bed and start running towards Rose's door, Peeta not far behind me. I run right up to her bed and see she's asleep. I start shaking her lightly. "Rose wake up. Wake up." she sits up and looks at me. My arms are still on her shoulders and I look into her eyes. I see a new look in them...fury.

"Get your hands off of me you mutt!" She screams. She reaches for a pillow but Peeta stops her hand.

"Rose what is wrong with you?" he says. She keeps staring at me, her nostrils flaring. She frees her hand and grabs a pillow. She throws it at me and I back up. I stumble into her dresser. She's screaming at me, over and over. "Get out mutt!" I reach the door and the last thing I see before I leave is Peeta putting his hands on her shoulders as I did before.

I run into our room and shut the door. Mutt. My daughter just called me a mutt


Okay, I know, I know. That was really OCC. But Peeta is very protective of his children! :P So please review! Tell me what you hate and what you like! If there's anything you want me to change or add, tell me! So, I guess that's it! Peace!

"I always channel my emotions into work. That way I don't hurt anyone but myself "- Cinna

(For any of you wondering I'm now ending all of my chapters with quotes from The Hunger Games.)

PS: If you're as excited as I am for the movie, go vote for it in the MTV movie brawl! We NEED to win so everyone will know how awesome this movie will be! Tell your friends too! I hope the odds are in our favor! :P
