Gabe's Punishment
By Muzi Yuki
[A/N Ok guys' soo umm yeah it's been awhile, but before you grab your pitch forks and torches hear me out ok. –hand up in surrender- I have my reasons AND their good! Okay 1st off I moved out of my home town. 2nd I had no internet. 3rd all my fanfic's were on my laptop and I left it. Soo yeah don't kill me. Please!}
(Poseidon POV)
I watched as my son hid in his room his door locked. I wish I'd known sooner I could have helped. As it is I know now, and that monster was as good as dead in my eyes. The fact that he would dare to hit Sally was all I needed to kill him, but knowing that he would do anything to hurt my son.
I found out when Percy went to the beach last weekend. He was wearing the bracelet I gave him, so when he stepped in the water it showed me anything I should know about him. Ropes holding him to the bed, something gagging him, a blade cutting into his back, chest, arms, and sides, a many other things flashed through my mind. I was at his side, even if he couldn't see me, and lightly held him in my arms.
(Flashback Over)
That monster tried to open his door, but after seeing it was locked he sighed and went back to the room he shared with Sally. Percy sat on his bed too scared to sleep. I sighed thinking of a way to help him. He was so young, just nine years old.
"Father?" I heard my other son call.
"Yes. What is it?" I turned to him.
"Stuffed toy animals help little kids sleep. Not that you have any kids." He told me with a wink.
I nodded, he left, and I made a pegasus toy, appear by Percy's side. He smiled picking up his new toy; he seemed to calm down when he touched the toy.
"Sleep my son. Daddy loves you, little Percy." I told him as he drifted off.
I cut through the thin mist, so I could think without watching my peaceful-at-the-moment-son.
"Father. I won't say that I like this son of yours, but I hate that man even more then I thought possible. I will help you get your revenge." I turned to see Triton, my oldest son, watching me with a fire burning in his eyes.
"Thank you, my son, but how will we do it?" I asked knowing why Sally let him in her house at all.
"We wait until," he paused, "brother goes to camp. Then we have our fun."
_3 Years Later_
"Father he made it to camp." My oldest son informed me.
I nodded tears in my eyes already knowing this, because I had been watching my brave young son.
"Shall we pay Smelly a visit?" He smirked.
"Of course, my son." I flashed us both there smiling evilly.
"Gabe, you shall be punished for what you have done to my son!" I yelled.
He stood quickly facing me and my son. Triton quickly tied his hands together, then through him to the floor at my feet. I grabbed him by his hair pulling him up slightly, and then grabbed his neck pulling him off his feet. I slammed him into the wall making sure to hit his head.
"Father, careful, you may kill him. Remember we want him to suffer." Triton reminded me.
I looked at the garbage in my hand. His left arm, and right wrist broken, blood flowing from his skull.
"Wow. He's really weak. Maybe you should take over. I don't want to kill him yet." I told Triton handing him the trash.
He laughed as he punched it in its stomach as it fell Triton kicked its nose braking it. Gabe screamed falling, but we weren't having any of that. We went on passing him back and forth punching and kicking to our hearts content. Five hour later my wife called us telling us how childish we were acting. One of his friends came and found him taking him to the hospital. Now off to talk to my brother about Smelly's afterlife.