Author has written 1 story for Labyrinth. Hey, Well first off my name is Kay. I love Labyrinth, Sherlock Holmes, and Phantom of the Opera. It's a strange combo, I know, but can't help what you love. I do and will write Labyrinth stories. I don't know if I'll ever write any of the other genres. Although I'm open to ideas and if any of you guys have requests I can type you up a quick other genre story. Jareth- Well usually I'm going to portray him as a Fae, a Celtic folklore being. I have many different ideas for his deeper personality, but if you use wikipedia and search Jareth- http:///wiki/Jareth - then you'll see what I'm mainly influenced by. Sarah- I personally have mixed feelings and will won't like torture her or anything...probably xD but I won't go easy on her either more than likely. Robert, Karen, and Toby- First off Robert, I think he tends to be too absorbed in his work and wife to really pay much attention to Sarah, but I don't find him overly neglective. All in all, I like Robert, but that doesn't mean I won't get in the mood and change that. Secondly Toby, What can I really say... He's a baby, or toddler... Not much I can mess with, but I usually make him a pretty sweet baby and the front of my comic relief. Lastly Karen, I generally don't care for her, but she won't be horrible... just sometimes xD maybe if it strikes me. I probably won't make her Sarah's loving mom replacement (most likely), but I'll make her tolerable. I just didn't like her attitude that much. However, I'm prone to impulses, so who knows- I might change it up one day. I am currently 18 years old and I first watched Labyrinth when I was only 4. I usually have a plan for my stories...but some of the time they take on a life of their own and completely run away with an alternate plot. I REALLY love reviews, but what kind of a writer wouldn't? Lastly I am horrible at summaries. I never have been very good at them, and I likely never will, but please... I promise the story is better than the summary gives it. -Kay |
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