Warning: There are some adult things I discuss in this chapter. NO, I'm not vulgar, and this isn't done in a crude way. I keep it classy. But I'm aware that I might have younger readers, so you've been warned. If you have a feeling you might be one of these younger readers, then don't go any further. Love ya lots.

Chapter Twenty-Six:
Twentieth Encounter: Learning to Breathe

"I feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks."

It was later that night, after our college group had dined on the best of Paris cuisine. It was late, almost ten, and Patti and I were walking back to our hotel. We had just visited the Eiffel Tower, and since we were both exhausted, we decided to spend the rest of our time out walking back to our lodgings.

"Oh, so you just feel that now?" She asked, turning to me.

I shrugged, and gazed forward on the sidewalk, watching as the people walked in and out of clubs, cafes, and stores, enjoying the nightlife.

"It's odd to have someone you care for so deeply, suddenly return to you when you think they're gone forever." I said, "It's been weird for me. I've missed Erik so much, and now he's here in Paris. It's remarkable and scary."

"What's scary about it?"

"I'm… I'm so attracted to him, Patti." I confessed. "I'm even more attracted to him now than I was years ago. He has this power over me. I can't describe it. My soul literally pulls toward him." I clutched the pendant around my neck and sighed. "I don't want to need him like I used to. I don't want to need anyone like that."
We made it back to the hotel by ten twenty, and I took a quick shower before going lying down for bed. I heard Dr. Larson knock on our door, and ask if we were inside. Patti said yes, and then there was silence. I guessed at that point, she was taping it up, knowing that if the tape were broken, we would have had to sneak out in the middle of the night.

Patti said goodnight to me, and shut off the light. I stayed awake though, unable to sleep. Thoughts of Erik kept me awake. How did I feel about him being back in my life? Would he leave me again? What would happen when this trip to Paris ended?

And then, I heard his voice.

It was a quiet echo in my head, like it had been years ago, when he first called upon me. Soon darkness overcame me, and I relaxed in a tired heap. I didn't fight it. Even though it had been a while, I knew where I was going.

I felt it then, the grass below my back, and the sunshine on my face. I opened my eyes, and found myself in the meadow. Nothing had changed since my last visit… except the dress I wore. It was a deep purple, made of velvet, with sleeves that hung off my shoulders, a tight bodice, and a full skirt. My hair was pulled back out of my face, and those familiar black boots were on me.

"Hello beautiful." Erik greeted.
I turned toward my right side, and saw him leaning against the tree above me. He was looking the exact same as he did in the opera that day, and he kneeled down at my side.

"Jacque gave you my key." He said.

I nodded. "He did. I can probably come see you tomorrow."
"No. Come in four days time. You need to go out and enjoy Paris. I want you to walk where I walked, and see where I spent most of my life. You'll be amazed, darling, at what you see."
I sighed dramatically. "But Erik, I want to see you again."

He chuckled, reaching out to touch my face. "I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Well, I guess you are."

At that moment he pulled me up to his chest, his arms tight around my waist, and sighed. "I forgot how you felt, until I held you today. It had been so long."
"Do I feel any different?" I asked.

"A bit." He confessed, "You feel more… more like a woman."

"Do I now?"
"Oh yes." At that moment his eyes glazed over, and he looked at me seriously. "I feel for you too much, Mysteri."

"Erik," I began, "I need to ask you something."
"What would that be?"

"I need to know what would happen if I were to say I loved you."

"Excuse me?"

"You said earlier that I had to make a choice about our relationship. And I've made it. I need to know what would happen if I said I loved you."
He looked down in disbelief. "It… it would mean that we'd be connected in some way, forever. That our souls would be bound through out time, and that I could kiss you and hold you without asking your permission…"

"Erik. Look at me." I stated.

He did so, and I smiled at him, no longer afraid. I knew what decision I had to make. "Erik, I love you. I love you because you're one of my best friends, and you know me completely. Three and a half years separated us, and yet, we could still feel each other at that time. We did what we had to so we could survive, and even when we tried to go without each other, fate brought us here. I know your past and I know this will be difficult, but I love you. I've loved you in different ways, since I was five, but all I know is that through out time, no matter what type of love it was, I felt it."

He gazed at me in shock, and said, "Mysteri, I don't know what to say. I've never had this happen to me before, so I can't think of any words to fit this moment. This is remarkable to me, a miracle. I just…"
"Erik," I interrupted, "someone wise once taught me, that when were weren't any words… just sing."

"Then this is my song." He whispered.

And then he leaned in to kiss me.

It was the most beautiful melody I had ever heard in my life.

Our hearts pounded out the music, while his lips harmonized with mine, and our tongues kept time. His hands around my waist followed the music, roaming over my waist during a crescendo, and then reaching for my fingers when all went silent. I don't know how long we kissed. All I know is that I ended up with my back against the ground and him above me, holding me close as though the barriers between our skin would disappear. It was then he quickly sat up.

"My God, what am I doing?" He asked, appalled. "I wanted to kiss you, not maul you!"

"I was actually enjoying the mauling, thank you very much." I teased.

He smiled lightly, and lifted my hand to kiss it. "Darling, this isn't how I planned on… this happening. I don't want to capture you yet. I understand that you have probably been with others, but I…"
"Erik, I've never slept with anyone." I said, "Let's just call it like it is."
"Yes, darling. But of course, if you have had someone, please understand I'm not upset at you. You're beautiful and I…" It was then what I said registered, and he looked at me quizzically. "Did you just say you haven't…?"
"I've never slept with anyone." I repeated. "Ever."

"Mysteri, I left so you could love someone."
"Funny. That never happened."

"So, you haven't…"
"I'm a virgin. Erik, were you ever with anyone?"

He shook his head. "No."
"Oh, then we're a good pair. But Erik, I don't think I want to do this yet."

"No Mysteri, not yet." He agreed, "It's too soon right now. We should just get used to both of us as… us."

I nodded. "I feel the same way. Erik, I love you."

He smiled. "I love you more."
"Do not."
"I believe I do. I loved you over a century of time." He kissed the tip of my nose. "And if that isn't love… I don't know what is."