![]() Author has written 22 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, Fushigi Yuugi, Trinity Blood, Sonic the Hedgehog, Beyblade, Inkheart, Bleach, Digimon, and Glee. Some say that she is the messiah of the Cakeist religion. Others say that she's fucking sick of thinking up stupid jokes to put at the top of her profile. All we know is, she's called kirana44. You may know me from (where I share the same name), so for those who DO know me...yeah, I just felt like making an account on here and sticking all my fanfics on here. I may or may not start putting more fics on HERE and more poems/other stuff on THERE, thus seperating the two accounts. Maybe they'll be the same except my non-fanfic stuff is on dA too...I dunno. For those who DON'T know me...go on dA, you'll find out there. XD Joking, joking. Okay, here's me: A Genki Girl and self proffessed Large Ham (has been chewing the scenery since 93) who also happens to be a Cloud Cookoo Lander (can you tell that I visit TVTropes?), kirana44 is an airy blonde girl with a hidden brain (somewhere...I think I left it in my appendix). Incredibly AWKWARD with people, I can be really loud and cheery and witty with some, but just shy and unable to speak coherently at other times (usually around popular people).Was a student librarian, NOT a prefect (couldn't be bothered). Has no indoor voice AT ALL. Loves music, anime/manga, films, video games and writing. Was weirded out when my father assumed that my creative writing (which she keeps top secret) is actually me writing love letters to a secret boyfriend that I've not told anyone about. ...lol what? I wish. Playlist Drabble Challenge!!! Here's an exercise that I use to help get ideas going. It's hell of fun, and I've gotten some damn good fics out of it (Ten Years Today is a big example of this). Here's what you do: 1. Pick a fancouple to write about. Any fancouple. I've done about three of these for thiefshipping, but I have done some other couples too. 2. Stick your ipod/mp3/iplayer/whatever it is you use on "play all" and "random, so it has a random selection of all your available songs. 3. Make a numbered list in a word document of the first ten songs you get (NO CHEATING. Cheating takes the fun out of it) (also, it's helpful to list them by name so you know what songs are coming next). 4. Make these ten songs into a playlist, in the order you heard them. 5. Play the list and get writing. The aim is to write something about the couple based on the song playing in the time it takes for the song to play. No more. When the song changes, go onto the next one. It doesn't matter if the fic is unfinished. 6. By the end of it, you should have the beginnings of ten sort-of songfics that you can expand on if you want to. Ideas that don't work can be ignored, but sometimes you just get stuff from it that really works. 7. Have fun and try your best! Fandoms and couples that I read/support/write, along with my OTP's for each fandom (dont expect me to write about all of them, though) (you may have to guess what the couple names mean since I made some of the abbreviations up): Ace Attorney Het: NickMaya, EdgeKay, GumMaggey, KlavEma, DiegoMia, LangKay (IKR?) Yaoi: NickEdge, LangEdge, PollyKlav, EdgeGum. Yuri: FranzAdri OTP: NickEdge (who else?) Yu-Gi-Oh! Het: Revolutionshipping (Yami Yugi/Tea), Peachshipping (Yugi/Tea), Polarshipping(Joey/Mai), Apprenticeshipping (Mahaado/Mana), Manipulashipping (Marik/Tea), Ardentshipping (Tristan/Serenity), Devotionshipping (Joey/Tea), Cheershipping (Duke/Serenity), Trustshipping (Kaiba/Ishizu), Halfshipping (Ryou/Miho) Yaoi: Puppyshipping (Joey/Kaiba), Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura/Marik), Angstshipping (Ryou/Marik), Chaseshipping (Tristan/Duke), Irateshipping (Marik/Joey) Yuri: Nurseshipping (Mai/Serenity) Threesome/Poly ships: Ettushipping (Kaiba/Joey/Mai), Tornshipping (Yami B/Marik/Ryou), Spiritshipping (Yami Y/Tea/Yugi), Crushshipping (Tristan/Serenity/Duke) OTP: Thiefshipping OT3: Ettushipping One Piece Het: LuNa, LuVi, SaNa, Luffycock (mostly because of the name XD), Frobin Yaoi: ZoSan, ZoLu, SanLu. OTP: Frobin Bleach Het: IchiRuki, IshiHime, HitsuHina, GinMatsu, HitsuMatsu. Yaoi: ByakuRen OTP: IshiHime Fushigi Yugi Het: MiaTama (obviously), TasuMia Yaoi: TasuChi, TasuNuri. OTP: TasuChi Sonic the Hedgehog Het: SonAmy, ShadAmy, Knuxouge, Shadouge, Taiream, Silvaze, Silvamy. Yaoi: Sonadow (JUST BECAUSE), Silvadow OTP: SonAmy Glee Het: Finchel, Puckleberry, Sinn, Kurtcedes, Wemma, Bartie, Artina, Chachang, Quick, St Berry, Kuinn. Yaoi: Klaine, Purt, Hevans, one-sided Kurtofsky. Yuri: Brittana, Quincedes. OTP: Klaine Beyblade Het: TyHil, ReiMao, MaxMari, KaiHil, OzuMari, ReiSali, KaneSali, KevMao. Yaoi: TyKa (of course), ReiMax, ReiKai (Rei's such a playa XD), EnriOli, TalBry. OTP: ReiMao Digimon Het: Matora, Taiora, Joumi, Koumi, Daikari, Takari, Kenyako, Koyako, Michmi. Yaoi: Jyoushiro, Taiato, Daiken, Taori Yuri: Miyako (oh, you get what I mean), Karyako. OTP: Jyoushiro Naruto Het: SasuSaku, NaruHina, NaruSaku, LeeSaku, KibaHina, ShikaIno, ShikaTema, NejiTen, KankuTen. Yaoi: SasuNaru, GaaLee. OTP: GaaLee Tales of Symphonia Het: LloydColette, LloydSheena, Sheelos, RegalRaine, KratosAnna, YuanMartel, ZelColette Yaoi: LloyZel, KraZel. OTP: ZelColette Trinity Blood Het: AbelEsther, TresCater, TresEsther. Yaoi: AbelTres. OTP: TresCater May, if I'm bored enough, do comission/trades. I WILL NOT DO A COMMISION FOR ANY COUPLE I DON'T SUPPORT (only in some/special cases, i.e. I like you a lot). |