Still not beta-read.

"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time." ~Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes


Phoenix ran his finger over the thin magenta circle of wax that had sealed the letter. How many times had he done that very same thing, and yet never opened a letter, until that afternoon. The moonlight that streamed through his tattered blinds cast enough light that he could see the embossing of the initials that Phoenix had grown so fond of. His heart ached, not realizing how much he missed his friend, companion ... lover...

"Phoenix..." The voice was soft enough that it didn't disturb him the first time he heard it.

"Phoenix... wake up." Phoenix stirred. He knew that if he just laid quiet Trucy would eventually let him sleep.

"Phoenix, please... I need to see you...wake up." You can see me just fine...that voice...

His eyes flew open. Darkness engulfed him and the smell of cinnamon surrounded him as he drew a sharp breath.

"M-miles?" He whispered into the now semi darkness. He sat up and squinted. His surroundings had changed, yet they were still familiar. A movement at his right caught his attention, and he gasped. The silver head of hair turned and a warm feeling flooded over Phoenix.

"Mmm...Phoenix, are you dreaming again?" Miles looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"I-I uhhh..." Phoenix was frozen in his position. Miles smirked a little as he propped himself on his elbow and laid a hand on Phoenix's stomach. The weight of his warm hand was too real for all this to be a dream. "Yeah, it was a dream..."

"What about?" Miles yawned.

"Um, I-I don't think you would believe me." Phoenix relaxed a little as he laid back down onto the expensive, buttery soft sheets that Miles kept on his bed. Miles leaned over him and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Mmmm...try me." He stroked the dark hair as Phoenix closed his eyes. It seemed like years since he had felt that comfort.

"I...well, I dreamt that..." Phoenix sniffed, he wasn't sure how Miles would react to such a severe dream. "I dreamt that had gotten disbarred because of falsifying evidence. I took in the 8 year-old daughter of my client that had disappeared after the trial and I started working at the Borscht Bowl as a piano playing, poker genius." Phoenix noted the incredulous look on Miles face. "I knew you wouldn't believe me."

"No, I believe you, except the poker genius part." Miles smirked again and stroked phoenix's jaw with his thumb. "I do not, however, believe that you would forge evidence, at any cost. You have brought about many cases against me with less than solid evidence, but never forged."

"That's your job right?" Phoenix gave Miles his signature grin and pulled him into what he hoped to be a passionate kiss. Miles interrupted.

"What's that supposed to mean? I have changed. I am not that 'Demon Prosecutor' anymore." The fire in Miles's eyes was unmistakable.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." A terrible feeling rose up inside Phoenix. He felt like a huge argument should have ensued from all this. Instead, Miles just looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I didn't mean that...what I said. I am sorry." The fire in Miles eyes took on a new meaning as he placed his hands on Phoenix's face and kissed him deeply. His tongue demanded entrance and Phoenix couldn't deny it. He would never deny Miles of anything. Hands explored soft hair and warm skin as Miles eased his way on top of Phoenix. The weight of him was comforting as he kissed Phoenix's collar-bone and moved his way to his chest. Moans and gasps escaped his lips as the silver-haired prosecutor paid extra attention to the others nipples. Phoenix could feel a bead of cold sweat gather on his forehead as he grasped the sheets in anticipation of Miles's next move. As he took in Phoenix's length, Phoenix almost lost himself. He grabbed the edge of a pillow and bit down, just as Miles softly, gently nibbled on him. He took Phoenix in again and played with the underside with his tongue for a moment, then started a rhythm that Miles knew would unmistakably bring Phoenix to his breaking point.

"Miles..." He exploded into Miles and Miles rolled over onto his side.

"Phoenix..." Why was his voice so far away, he was lying right next to him.

"Phoenix...wake up..." The voice was closer this time, and lighter.

"Papa...wake up...papa!" Trucy shook him and he sat up in a panic.

"My god, Trucy?" He rubbed his forehead and made sure he was still dressed. He was still a bit disorientated from his dream. "Mmm...What's wrong?"

"Papa, there's someone at the door, and he's demanding to see you." Phoenix finally saw Trucy's messed up hair and hearts and diamonds nightie.

"Someone, at ... what time is it?" He brushed a stray hair from her face.

"I dunno, one in the morning I think?" She looked at him anxiously. "C'mon, papa, you have to wake up. The man in magenta really wants to see you!"

"Ok, gimme a ..."Phoenix regarded Trucy with confusion. "Ma-magenta? Did you say magenta?" He threw the covers off and swung his legs off the side of the futon.

"Yes, but what's wrong?" Trucy stood back.

"I-I ... you may have just met Miles ..." Phoenix grabbed his blue cap that had made its way off his head during his dream. It was Trucy's eyes that became large as saucers this time. He wasn't prepared to see Miles this soon. He wasn't prepared to face his past.