![]() Author has written 11 stories for Beyblade, and Fairy Tail. Anime/Manga: 1. BeyBlade 2. Fairy Tail 3. Naruto 3.5 Attack on Titan 4. FMA 5. Free!/Yuri on Ice!!! 6. DBZ 7. The Last Airbender 8. yu-Gi-oh 9. The Legend of Voltron Hey'o! I've been on here for about FOREVER and only have a few stories - sad I know. I never had the motivation to write. I haven't had the easiest/fairest/nicest life in my 20 years, so I never thought I was good at anything especially writing. That's one reason I don't have that many stories, two is that I didn't really have anything too write about - yeah I will always love me some good BeyBlade Yaoi, but I guess I'm just not the type to... type that stuff! haha. I make stupid jokes. A lot... I also make promises about updates that almost never happen... Anyway, I have a few stories started and rolling, with more to come if the well of ideas in my mind doesn't dry up that is... NOTES: 9/7/15 - The Phantom Dragon is a one-shot and i have no plans of continuing it, because frankly i have no idea where it would go next. 05/15/18 - Sup y'all? been a while... I have a new job with a lot of down time now so i'm going to be picking things back up here, slowly but surly. FTT is top of my list because i LOVE that story so much and rereading it has lite the fire to write again. Getting paid for it is a total bonus. anyway stay tuned for some updates in the near future! thanks y'all! Story notes: (This goes for all stories - Your comments make the stories better! even if it is "good job" or "nice work" something as little as that keeps the works coming - I know I can't be the only one that runs off some recognition every now and then!? - so COMMENT on what you like, don't like... If ya' get nasty, i'll prolly' bitch ya out some, then delete the comment *shrugs* just so ya' know!) "In The Morning Light" - GajeelxLevy *complete* This was actually the result of a dream that I had, Yeah, I dreamed up this Fic, LITTERALLY! haha... Cute and kinds fluff... nakedness (because who doesn't want to imagine Gajeel naked mmmhhmmm...) and the three little words that Levy's never heard from Gajeel before. "Of Monsters and Men" - GajeelxLevy *ON HOLD* Fic going a little deeper into the minds of our favorite couple as their relationship begins and grows. Starting from when Gajeel first joins the guild until past the S-Class Exams, but before the Grand Magic Games (as of now: I haven't gotten that far in the anime/manga because of school). This suckers gonna be LONG! Has some darker theams/chapters, gets a little "Pyschologie" because that's just the way I think. Lemons for sure. I want to get a pretty good start on it before I upload anything so that I can stick to a pretty good weekly updating schedule, and with school taking over most of my time I want the buffer room, so just the first chap for now! MORE COMING SOON! -UPDATE 12/19/14- so things are taking a little different turn than I was expecting haha gotta love wirting for that though. I'm still plugging away at the story and I'm really liking it, jut the new angle is throwing me off a little. I should be back on track soon. Also... I may or may not be planning a second story for this? had a few ideas... it wouldn't be as long as OMAM, but just another little taste haha. Idk about that though so don't quote me on that. -UPDATE - 2/13/15 - Ah, well as it has been a month and a day since my last update of this tale, I have to declare it ON HOLD... I have totally lost all desire to write at this point in time and I have been forced to focus on my studies, and my work has been giving me a crap ton of hours (I work as a security officer) which I am grateful for the income, but I am lacking on the time... Hopefully I will get sometimes this weekend with it being a four-day weekend to get something done! ahh the glamorous life a college student! "It's The Little Things" - GajeelxLevy *complete* The little things about Levy that make Gajeel happy. IDK what this was supposed to be, I've always been the kind of person that notices all the little details about a person, especially when I meet them for the first time. Kinda a twist in there that you all might like/not IDC really they're just words haha. -Update 7/8/15 - well as per request I did a second chapter from Levy's POV. But its just like the first ;) "From A 2 Z" -GajeelxLevy *In Progress* I've seen a few 'alphabet' shots and thought Id try one of my own. no specific updating schedule for this one, just something to keep my mind working if I get stuck on OMAM. First two chapies are up and im in the middle of the third so that should be coming up soon. There will be a total of 26 little shots, one for each letter each detailing a word about the blossoming relationship of Gajeel and Levy. I guess you could say that all of the stories are loosely related. "The Dragon's Hoard" - GajeelxLevy (sensing a theme yet? :p) plus the main ships *In Progress* A collection of randomness that invades my mind every now and then - usually a flash of a scene of GaLe or whatever - If anyone has an idea or what not shoot me a message or leave it in a comment and I can take a look at it. I will credit all those who send me ideas in the work itself. I promise nothing and everything with these!! Fairy Tale Twist - GajeelxLevy *In Progress* Sooooo, I have a "knights and princess and Dragons OH MY!" story in the works. GaLe NaLu Jerza Gruva (Maybe LaxusxLevy?? (: ) and a lot of other kinda crack ships. I'm completely messing with the relationships of all the characters, everyone is still portrayed in character, i just created a new character in this story and picked which FT Character matches it best, then adapted it. IDK, LOL!! It's a little confusing to me even, but damn is it gonna be good (and LONG!) I've got nothing ready yet, just been working on individual chapters as I please . For a reference, checkout Miss Mungoe – Ravaged/ MsKtK – Monster. This story will be written/structured similarly to these two amazing fics! Anyway, just posting a blurb about it here for my die-hard fans (lol I know I don't have any!) or for those readers who just like a good fic to snuggle up to! Well, Until then! - Update 12/18/2015 - Well i have three chapters posted as of now... totally didn't expect the reactions to it! thank you everyone! It was you all that got so many chapters up so fast. I am working on the fourth as of now ans should have it up before the new year! - Update 5-29-16 - So I have Chapter 6 almost completed and will be posting in the next few days! It'll be a long one as i've made you all wait a while for it. - Update 06-09-18 - Well I'm back at it! working on the next chapter! After being away from this story for a while, i have decided i don't like where it's going. but i'm not going to rewrite the chapters i have so forgive me as i try to untangle the mess i've made! of course ya'll don't think its a mess, but i do. We'll see what happens... No planned update for it, but soon-ish... Update 09-04-18 - Finishing touches on chapter 7, should be updating this month... I say month, because it could be this week, could be the 30th... no idea, depends on how the writing Gods bless me... "Nightmare" -Gajeel's POV/Thoughts *complete* I'm working on FTT don't worry - but I needed to write something different to get the words flowing again. Its short (I can't believe it either) and open to more interpretation than my usual works. IDK, do what you must yeah? "The Great Red Dragon and The Woman Clothed With The Sun" - NatsuxLucy *complete* My first non GaLe fic! but you can't really tell... I have a style I've found, her her no dur. Anyway... Inspired from William Blake's paintings and the story of the fight between good and evil that they tell. Also the movie The Red Dragon from the Silence of The Lambs series is responsible for me knowing of these paintings and thus the idea for this story. Though I've added a flare of romance, I feel I've done the works well. Other: "Until Next Time! - Enjoy!" |