Author's note: damn, this fickle here has TONS of pairings, mostly yaoi. Tala and Kai are bisexual, others, are also bi, straight, gay, lesbian, whatever.

Multiple pairings: KaiTala Kai x almost everyone SpencerBryan slight BryanTala, EnriqueOliver, OzumaMarium and eventually ppl find their 'soul mates' whatever, more pairings develop.

OOC Kai, please forgive me u.u

Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade

Worn Out Dolls


-SLAM- Ah!

"Hey Tala," Crap…Kai.

"Must you always slam my locker in front of my face?" I frown opening my locker again taking my needed books after lunch period.

"N-o-o," I roll my eyes closing my locker.

"Then why do you do it?" Locking my locker, slipping my bag on my shoulders then turning my back to Kai without waiting for an answer, but he replies anyway.

"Because it's fun," I control myself not to roll my eyes again, instead I settle for huffing shoving my hands in my pockets walking down the hall, Kai following behind me winking to every swooning girl and or guy we pass.

"You're an idiot Kai."

That insult doesn't seem to affect him since his arms slide across my shoulders huddling me closer, cuddling me…I do not like to be cuddled.

"Aw, c'mon babes, go out with me?" I frown. Not this again. Removing his arms from around my shoulders I answer him.

"No," he huffs latching on my arm.


"Why the hell should I? You'll just leave me like you did with the others! And what happened to Miriam? She told me you guys broke up."

"Eh, not my type."

"Che, you guys been going out for what? Three months now?"

"Y-e-s but anyway, you're different, I won't leave you," smirking seductively he replies. I can't help but shiver.

"Yeah, I am different. I am only one of the few that can resist you. Later." Brushing him off I make my way outside towards my group of friends.

Man I hate that guy. And to think I we were best friends at one time.

"Yo Tala."

"Yo," sitting down next to Bryan, my new best bud. Now here's a guy who has always been there for me, even during when Kai was my best friend.

"I see Hiwitari is still harassing you?" Ozuma asked me smirking. I roll my eyes opening up my lunch. An apple and a water bottle, all I ever have, gee my mum must love me very much, then again…an apple and a water bottle is all I ask of her for lunch…eh.

"Yes, he's so annoying," I whine tilting my head back.

"Hehe, why don't you just go out with him? You did used to have a crush on him."

"Shut up Enrique," I bite back. He shrugs wrapping his arm around his French boy, Oliver.

"I'm just saying if he's offering-"

"Go fuck yourself," he's really pissing me off, teasing me about my feelings for Kai, che, that crush was a long time ago.

"Nah, I'd rather fuck Oli here," he winks kissing the feminine boy on the cheek.

"Really Tala, what do you suppose you should do? Kai doesn't seem like he'll stop," was the smart remark by Ozuma. Sighing I shake my head.

"Just drop it."

I smile.

Bryan's always there.

"Yo I heard that his last partner got pregnant, that's why he dumped her," my eyes widen. Miriam!

"Enrique, don't even joke!" Seriously! Miriam…she's like a sister to me! And even though I told her how Kai was such a player, and she didn't listen to me, I still stuck by her side! I even stayed by her when she told me Kai broke up with her! I-I-I damn him! If he got her pregnant!

"Chill Tala! If you wanna know for sure, ask her, but don't take it out on me," damn this kid annoys me, not as much as Kai, but still does annoy me.

"Later," grabbing my back I stand up about to make my way inside the school.

"Wait Tala!" I don't stop. Bryan will catch up.

Author's note: okies, another idea up. Like no like? Tell me if I should continue or delete this.