Your bloody kiss
Chapter one: fairy forest

Levy couldn't speak as she wondered through the forest of the fairies (there were no actually fairies...they died along time ago), her mouth was agape as the small fire flies glowed in the thousands around her, lighting up the somewhat dark woodland, the sun had gone down and she should have been finding a place to sleep when she skidded down a large hill and found herself surrounded by the beautiful glittering insects. Not to mention the leaves of the trees seemed to glow an eerie blue, it was a wondrous forest but feared by many people because of the monsters and murderers that hunted inside the beautiful darkness of the trees. Levy was a lone traveler, she didn't get along with people, her love was for literature, plus most people laughed at her because she was small...well that was an understatement, she was fully grown and stood at 4 foot 9, a curse and a blessing, she would be deemed cute by many but others would laugh and call her names. Though she was small she seemed to be blessed with her mothers beauty, her hair was the colour of a summer sky and fell in messy waves up to her shoulders, her skin was soft and the colour of cream though she had a gentle, pink tint in her cheeks, she was slender and had beautifully toned legs, her hips curved generously and even though she wasn't very well endowed she still had a firm handful sized chest. Her eyes, she got from her father, they weren't brown but they shone gold in the sun, like a bright hazel and she also got her height from her father...her parents had died when she was sixteen, struck down by king Jose's men when they refused to hand over their daughter to appease the crude king and she'd been running ever since.

"This place...I could stay here forever!" She sighed as she found a rather large willow tree of sort, as equally beautiful as the surrounding and leaves that seemed to be made of frozen rain drops, tinkling as she moved them aside and nestled her bag against the bark, fire flies flew in and out making the tree glow and she sat for a few seconds, pulling the hood of her large, thick, black cloak down and laying it on the floor so she could sit down. her knee length white dress ruffled at her thighs and her mid calf length black boots tapped together gently as she looked around, the low hanging top of her dress showing her shoulders and top of her chest before large sleeves dipped down her arms and her black bodice made her waist curve more. Her breathing was gentle and fair as she took in the beautiful surroundings, she noticed the dirt of her dress and knees and made a mental mood to take a dip in the next hot spring she came across. With a gentle hum she pulled out the large tome she'd been carrying along with a small apple and she flipped across the hard pages, settling into the floor and reading as fire flies slipped around her glowing against the paper and she fell into a trance of words and ink slipping before her slowly closing eyes, the world around her melting away as she fell to the side, her head thumping against the hood of her cloak as she drifted to sleep...

"You want what!?" Her angry father yelled, his large body blocking the path of the knights in silver armor and her mother stood with him their glares enough to topple and army as Levy hid behind them, terrified and worried, her father, the villages blacksmith and mother the villages clothes maker armed with swords willing to defend their child to the death. They looked like avenging warriors in one of Levy's stories, her mothers long, blue hair swaying in the wind and her fathers bulky body drenched in sweat as they seemed to emanate a deadly aura.

"The king is rounding up all the fair maidens of the land for his kingdom, the beautiful kingdom and he wants your daughter to come forth with us!" The leader of the knights stated louder and Levy's heart thumped as she took a look at the caged girls crying in a small crate, their parents begging for them to be let go but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

"I don't want to go!" Levy said from behind her parents who were still refusing to move and her mother pushed her further back into their tiny hut.

"That isn't your choice to make, you either come or we kill you!" the knight snarled and Levy's parents braced raising their swords in battle stances as the knight came down from his horse.

"The hell you will, my daughter will go no where with you and you'll have to kill us to get to her!" Her father spat back and the knight smiled, his brown eyebrow raising at the challenge as he stepped forwards.

"Levy, I want you to run and you keep running, don't you stop for anybody!" Her mother yelled as the knights sword came up and she screamed as her father pushed her further, her heart was racing as she watched the blood pool from his wound and he looked back with pleading angry eyes.

"I love you mama...papa!" She yelled before turning and running to the back entrance of the hut, bursting into the back pathway of the village and diving into the woodland that they were situated near, her mothers scream was the last thing she heard as she ran through the trees, her tears falling down her cheeks and her cries filling the woods as her legs kept moving. Her heart was aching and her lungs stinging but she didn't stop she would live, for them...she would go on and she would live a life of no regret because of the selfless actions of her parents...

Levy woke with a start as a bird fluttered above her, scwaking gently and she yawned with a stretch, the willow was still beautiful even in the misty air of the morning dew and she sighed, slipping her tome into her bag before stretching her small legs out in front of her, she saw her apple had been pecked at and there was a small bug crawling over it so she pushed it away. Standing up and picking up her cloak, she let out a puff of air that materialized as a small cloud before disappearing, she threw her cloak on, pulling the hood over her freezing ears and picking up her bag, moving the tinkling leaves and setting out again, where? She had no idea and her path may be rocky but she was at her happiest... she smiled and wondered into the misty forest, there was no sun but for some reason she still found it eerily enchanting as she strode through the trees. Her mind wondered and she looked like a traveling angel in a land of beauty and mystery her eyes took in every detail of the alien forest, from the animals that scuttled away from her to the plants that seemed to glow and dance in the gentle breeze. She was always captivated by nature and how people found things that they didn't seem to understand, terrifying, she however seemed to always find beauty even in the smallest of creatures.

"Hmm what have we here?~" A voice purred from behind her and she practically squealed as she turned around, her eyes meet the blue gaze of a rather scruffy looking man with a beard, his brown hair mingling with the bristles on his chin and she sighed, he was human...a dirty one but human all the same as she clearly relaxed.

"A traveler and you are?" She questioned and he looked rather stunned as he looked at her the fact that she seemed to be standing firm and not quivering with fright as he stepped back.

"I...I uhhh I guess I'm a traveler too" he answered not sure on why exactly he seemed to be answering her and she smiled, he was a man alone with her, a small, frail girl yet she seem to care more about the fact that her hair kept blowing in her face.

"Well traveler I have to get going, I'm on a journey and I don't have time for idle chat so I will bid you goodbye!" She answered turning on her heels and his rage flared, he was a bandit and should be fear and she was not going to make a fool of him as he stalked after her, ensnaring her wrist in his hand and she glared up at him, her hazel eyes narrowing on him and he shivered under her intense gaze.

"Just who do you think you are turning away from me, you're the prettiest woman I've ever met and I'm going to have my fun with you!?" He snapped and she let out a small chuckle, deep and ominous as she looked up at him, her eyes heavy with the thought of a fight.

"Levy and I am one of the prettiest girls in the land because king Jose has the rest them though I highly doubt you'll live to have your fun~" she purred and he felt a light tapping on the inner thigh of his leg, looking down he saw her tiny hand clutching a deadly looking knife near his manhood and he stepped back then looked at her, his eyes wide with fear and he dashed away as she let out and evil and proud chuckle. She turned on her heels ready to continue her journey when she crashed into a solid object, cursing as she fell backwards thinking she'd walked into a tree and she looked up confused. Her eyes meeting a deep, red scowl that seemed to bore holes into her soul and her heart was pounding painfully against her chest, his body was towering over her, the shirt he was wearing torn and bloody, letting her sneak a look at the toned, tanned skin underneath it, his long, black hair gently blowing in the breeze as he growled at her.

"What is a human doing in my woods!?" He snarled and she was sought of taken aback at the metal studs on his face, standing up and dusting off her cloak she looked at him, properly taking in how tall her was, coming over a foot and a half over her, standing at around 6 foot 4 and built completely of muscle.

"I highly doubt a man such as yourself owns a place called forest of the fairies!" she chuckled and he raised his eyebrow at her, she seemed fearless to him, even his red eyes and large body didn't seem to phase her.

"What are you doing here, this place has many dangers that a lady as small as yourself couldn't fend off?" He questioned again and she puffed out her cheeks with a glare...was she pouting at him?...she was and for some reason he found it oddly adorable.

"I can handle myself just fine thank you...I've been doing it for five years!" She snapped back and stomped her foot with her fists balled at her side in offense at his words.

"Do you have any idea what I am little girl?" He questioned and again she did her adorable cheek puff, her hood falling down a fraction and he caught sight if her face properly, his eyes falling wide, she was...beautiful, her blue locks framing her face so gently, her skin almost glowing in the dim light, her small frame cradled by the white fabric of her dress, she was a dangerous mix of cute and alluring to his eyes.

"No, I don't and I hardly care now stop insulting me and get out of my way you twit!" She snapped her voice clipped with anger as she moved past his large body, his nose catching her scent, the mix of frosty air and spice filling his nose so delicately as he caught her wrist and she rolled her eyes... for the love of god will men just leave me alone! She though as she pulled out her knife and held it to his abdomen in warning.

"I, my dear, am a vampire, you are my prey and I will not be insulted and yelled at by a tiny girl such as yourself!" He growled and oh yes her fear smelt so sweet as her eyes went wide and her trembling fingers dropped the he had he attention he could really have fun with the tasty morsel that was trying to pull herself from his iron like grip.

"Let me!" She yelled bashing her fists against his stomach and he chuckled, even when she was scared she seemed to be quite the little spitfire.

"What happened to your bravado...your sense of importance did you fearless attitude dwindle at my words?" He smirked and she looked up at him, eyes searching his face, his eyes, mouth every inch of his looks and she stopped hitting him.

"I was never fearless you idiot I just...fear less" she whispered and it was like she gave up, she knew she couldn't out run him, vampires were faster than stampeding horses, there was no use fighting him, his strength could topple towers and reasoning with a creature of his sorts was out of the question, she was going to die and for some reason she was okay with that.

"That makes no sense, shrimp...can I kill you now?" He said and she made no attempt to run from him but instead she unclasped her cloak, letting him look at her creamy skin, the pulse in her neck pumping delicious blood throughout her body. At least this one has the decency not to waste my time... he thought, she was giving herself to him willingly which made him smirk as he picked her up, her squeak making him chuckle as he pressed her against the bark of the nearest tree, her hands were on his shoulders as she waited for him, his tongue running along his throbbing fangs and he hooked her chin with his thumb moving it to the side, his large body in between her legs as he pressed his lips to her throat. A small moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes tightly, her nails digging into his skin and he snarled, his fangs quickly penetrating her skin as she screamed, tears dripping down her face, his tongue running along the mess of blood that was pooling from her savage wound, one hand was in her blue locks, tightly gripping her head and the other wrapped around her stomach. Her blood was sweet and metallic as it made it's way down his own throat, her cry making him more excited as he drank from her and her felt her arms start to grow weaker, her body becoming paler as her blood was being drained and only a soft moan was heard as her body fell limp and all of a sudden her stopped, her blood pooling down her neck and soaking her dress, her eyes completely shut and he grumbled, feeling a strange sensation in his heart. "Oh for fuck sake!" He hissed placing her gently on the floor and sitting beside her, biting into his wrist and taking a large mouthful of his blood, pulling her small, frail body against his and opening her mouth, pressing his lips to hers and gently pouring the blood into her, she stirred and he felt oddly relieved as she started to drink, a small trickle of blood escaping her mouth and slipping down her cheek. She moaned and he growled pulling away from her and scooping her up in his arms, he didn't know exactly what he was doing but he knew where he was going as he leaned down, grabbing her bag and coat from the floor, leaving the dagger and walking away with her in his arms.

"Mama...papa..." she whispered breathlessly and a tear fell down her closed eyes, he didn't know what had happened but from the looks of it he had a pretty good idea, she was a beautiful girl that wasn't in king Jose's kingdom and clearly not sticking around, no doubt her parents saved her from his clutches but died in the process...the fuck am I going to do with you?!...