![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. I was sorted! and you can be too! enjoy: be sorted @ Congratulations on making Slytherin! So basically, you're cunning, ambitous, and willing to use any means to meet your ends. Lots of people think Slytherins are cold, evil, heartless people.. and although some are, some are not. Slytherins are the most misunderstood people.. You're not all evil! We're misconceived and misunderstood, and have been given a bad rep.. The movie makes us look terrible. People just have this thing about people about ambition.. Hmm.. Well, you know you're the best, so I guess it doesn't matter. Gryffindor may beat you at everything.. but you still keep trying! COME ON, SHOW SOME SLYTHERIN PRIDE! Name: Wouldn't you like to know?... Just call me scalvim. Everybody does... Age: 19 Hometown: Portugal Job:"To enjoy life is a full time job" So in my particular case, studying and thinking creative ways to kill my older brother, is just a part time job. About me: Well, I must admit that is really hard not to like me... but feel free to disagree...lol I like reading, writing , listening to good music and playing funny RPGs online. I ADORE fanfiction! I LOVE ANIME!! I also like manga, some good doujinshis and I'm a big, huge yaio fan! To correct a former opinion: my utter dislike of book six was finally surpassed, now that I've finished reading the seventh. and then I read the epilogue... and once again it was all ruined for me... crap! XD Interesting fact: I like all tipes of writing, as long as its good writing. And so, although I'll read angst, I'm not a big fan. So most of my stories will be comic or romantic, or both. And always with a happy ending! Another interesting fact: As I'm Portuguese, I write in Portuguese, so I probably won't post anything, until I have some time to put them in English...lol Quote:"My life could be a book...but one of those books that you really don't wanna read, but end up reading anyway, because it has a nice-looking cover and a funny name..." My Plot Bunnies Are Mad Bunnies... so FEAR ME! So about my stories... regardless of whatever I end up posting here, I am working on this hp stories: 1. Title: Don't Fear The Reaper What's it about:This is a Harry doesn't go to the Durleys story, instead he's put under the care of a friend of the family. The beginning is just Harry and his life growing up in this different enviroment, but there's a story behind Harry's new mother and brother... 2. Title: A Fun Ending or Everything Begins with A Baby What's it about:Final battle, everything happens exactly in the same way, and Voldemort is wining… except… BABIES?! What the hell?! Follows the canon until the final battle and it’s AU. 3. Title: We Survive What We Can't Change What's it about: This is cannon until about 'Order of the Phoenix' and then Voldemort wins the war. Dumbledore dies and everyone thinks Harry is dead too, but he survived and is emprisioned by old-voldie, who gives him a choice between three very special potions. AU kind of, rating is M and again pairing is HP/LV, (slash, duh) with some side roles for SS and LM. 4. Title: By Chaos Done, By Chaos Undone What's it about:This is my take on 'Brother-of-the-Boy-Who-Lived', so its AU. Harry's Parents are still alive and mistreat Harry even as a baby, due to the fact that he was born second, and acts strangely. Voldemort comes to kill the 'potter-brat' but is confronted with a mistreated and abandoned harry, Voldemort also recognises the boy for what he is: an empath, and decides to take him and raise him as his heir. So he marks Harry's brother Gabriel, and vanishes, making all the Wizarding World believe that he was defeated by Gabriel. Harry grows up with Voldemor or Tom, as his father and mentor, while the world is unaware of his existence, and worships Gabriel as the WW's savior. But that's all about to change. Rating is T for now, and honestly will probably stay that way, because I can't see Harry's relationship with Voldie in this fic, going any farther than a mentor thing. And for now that's all! about updates and all, well it really depends I will update more on the fics that get more reviews, for now I will just try to post 3 chapters by fic. I'm a BIG Harry Potter Fan, (obviously) so I just had to do this: List your top twelve favorite Harry Potter characters in no particular order. 1. Harry Potter 01.) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? Draco/Rom? Obviously. All that loathing... makes great sex tension! 02.) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Oh sweet Merlin! Lucius Malfoy? The God of hotness? Hotter would be impossible! It should be a sin to be that HOT! And in some countries, I’m sure it is. lol 03.) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Oliver with Sirius? Now that’s a combination I don’t see enough of! And a baby? I’m sure he or she would be beautiful, that’s for sure! 04.) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Can you recommend any? Now that’s funny! I’m sure I’ve read a couple or more, where Neville features, but I don’t think I’ve ever read any with him as a main character… 05.) Would Two and Six make a good couple? Another fun one. Well, at least they would be sexy as hell together! And now that you mentioned it, I'm really interested... 06.) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Fred and George/Neville or Fred and George/Hermione? Personally I always prefer slash! So the boys all together, has more appeal to me. 07.) What would happen if Seven walked in on Eight and Three having sex? Ok, so Remus walks in on some Severus/Sirius action? I’m pretty sure he would freak out for about a second or two… and then he would join the fun, of course! 08.) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fanfic. Severus/Hermione. "He’s finally gonna teach something useful to that know-it-all..." I actually am a fan of this pair; it’s one of the few hetero couples I can stand! Miss Figg fanfics got me hooked on it. Try some! 09.) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff fanfic? Yes, of course. I’ve seen some… ‘godfather and little Harry action’. lol 10.) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. I can’t! Sorry, but I just don’t see it happening! 11.) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? Oh… Actually that’s one of my favorite ones! Lucius des-flowers Harry come on! Who wouldn’t want to see that? Something after the war, definitely... It doesn’t matter who wins really, but if the dark side had won then the fic would have to be a little darker… If the light side won… Well, I don’t know, but it would involve wine and an orgy-size bed and lots of luxury and lust! 12.) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash? I’m pretty sure someone must! I mean who doesn’t love Remus? Even I read it sometimes. 13.) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? Yeah. I love Severus fanfics, especially slash, of course, but het? Sure! Some Severus/Hermione. 14.) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? Amazingly as it seems, no… I don’t think so… I mean, he features in some fanfics they have written, but no major parts no… 15.) Would anyone you know write Two/Four/Five? Tom/Lucius/Fred and George? Sure! And if nobody did… I would! 16.) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? “Oh, professor!” or maybe “work it Ron!” 17.) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? I’m not a fan of song-fics. 18.) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Harry/Draco/Oliver? Warning: Threesome, Oral and Slash, lots of it! 19.) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Hermione and Tom, hum? Well, I guess it’s possible, maybe with a time-turner or something… Maybe: "Knowledge is power, and I could give you so much…" 20.) When was the last time you read a fic about Five? Two days! I’m a huge fan of the boys! But always together and never apart… threesomes are also nice… even orgies… I’m not picky; anything with the boys is good for me. As long as it is well written, I’m fine with it! After all… “It’s not incest, its brotherly love!” 21.) What is Six's super-secret kink? Bondage… he just can’t resist it! He needs to be controlled, tied down and fucked hard! 22.) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? Ron shag Neville!? Hum...both! First drunk in a Gryffindor party (orgy), and the sober in the next morning. 23.) If Three and Seven got together, who would top? Now that’s a though one! Severus and Remus... I think they would both give it a go. 24.) "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it. "Harry and Neville are in a happy relationship until Neville suddenly runs off with Lucius. Harry, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Ron and a brief unhappy affair with Oliver, then follows the wise advice of Fred and George and finds true love with Severus." You know… I think you’re on to something! Good god, but that actually makes sense! Let’s see for the title: “Learning To Love The Bad Guy” or “What Does He See In Him?” Hum, everyone on my friends list would read it, but to write it, I don’t know, really, everybody I know who does Snarry, can’t write Neville without making him a weakling, which he cannot be in this fic, if he is to run of with Lucius… But if you can, please e-mail me! I would love to read that! 25.) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? What do you mean? They aren’t? Sirius and Remus? Are you kidding? If the books had any more innuendo about these two, it would be plain obvious! And this are children’s books. But if you can’t see the love you are either, very blind, very straight or very thick. Or maybe you are reading the wrong books: It’s called ‘Harry Potter The Series’, these pair appear in all of the books from book three on, come on! I bet that in Remus honeymoon he turned to Tonks and said: “This was a big mistake, I think I’m gay and I still haven’t got over Sirius death.” I'm currently seeing toons of anime but here is a list of the ones i already saw! ANIMES I FINISHED (In order of Enjoyment) 1. Death Note (I thought this would be boring. The HELL it ain't! If you want a real page-turner, look no further! There's just something about Light to love and admire! And L just rocks my world…) 2. Chrono’s Crusade(WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO DIE?!) A.N: This anime is in 2º place, because it was one of the first great anime serie I saw on TV, sic radical. 3. Ouran High School Host Club(FUNIEST SERIE EVER!! and I want a new season! THIS is my absolute favorite comic/romantic series of all time! Seriously, see it. You WON'T regret it!) 4. Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files(Amazing!! It reminds me of Dragonball, expecially because it’s such a long anime, but in general, it’s a excellent history, quite the “go on” fun anime! Great quotes! The best characters ever! Love Kurama and his other self Youko. Hiei is just plain cute, Botan is fun, Yusuke is a sexy bad boy when he wants and he should stop putting so much gel in his hair! and all others are just adorable!) 5. The Prince of Tennis(This serie rocks! And he’s like, really cute! Greatest anime eyes ever, and believe me, in anime eyes, there’s a lot of competition, so this is a though spot to get! A must watch, even if you don’t like tennis you have to LOVE this anime!) 6. Hikaru No Go(That serie was great! Love the rivaliry! Love Go! It’s so emotional! And it has the second plance on the best anime eyes ever, for Hikaru, Sai and Akira!) 7. Fruits Basket(Cute charactes, great references to Chinese mitology, I never get the ending) 8. Yakitate! Japan(Come on it’s a serie about bread! And it’s so freaking funny!) 9. The Law of Ueki (He’s the anti-hero, and I LOVE IT!) 10. D N Angel (Too small. But, Dark is awesome. What more must I say? It's a... interesting story; to say the least...) 11. Detective Academy Q(This was the first anime I searched and watched online! It’s the best detective story ever! Personaly I’m not a fan of Conan, so this anime does the TOP of detective stories in anime, for me!) 12. Princess Tutu(This one gains two awards! One for the extraordinary music and dance scenes and one, for best pairing: Fakir and Ahiru! How can you not a love such an angsty, assertive boy? And he's a knight and a writer. Who wouldn’t like those two? does anybody else thincks Fakir should take some anger management classes? They rock my world.) 13. Yami No Matsuei(I LOVED IT AND I'M MORE OBSESSED IN YAOI! A MUST WATCH!) 14. Akagi and Kaiji(I put this two different series together, ‘cause I watched them at the same time and because their style of drawning it’s praticaly the same. Akagi its better, because the main character is soo cool, but kaiji has more games, so they tie in awsomeness!) 15. Hellsing (just because) Hope you enjoyed reading my profile, at least as much as i enjoyed making it! |