Flame Rising
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Joined Feb 20, 2007, id: 1223755, Profile Updated: Mar 14, 2009

FP members: I forgot to renew my website, and now I have to set it all up again. Will do that as soon as I have some free time. Much thanks.

Been flamed? Well, feel free to complain about it here. I'm sure you will find many a sympathetic ear.

If you were flamed by someone using one of my flames or saying that I was in some way connected to it, you were flamed by a jackass. I don't advocate people flaming for me; I personally flame everything I want to flame myself using signed reviews (or else it wouldn't be very fun, now would it?); and I have never given anyone permission to use any of my flames.

Alrighty, on to business...

Well, I'm too much of a lazy bastard to list the reasons why I flame again. If you're that interested, you can find them on my FictionPress profile.

Trust me, though, if you were flamed, it was for a reason. Probably a damn good one.

Now, let's get down to business. I don't read PMs from the kiddos I've flamed, nor do I read review replies. If you have something to say to me, please feel free to visit my new digs. Don't worry--you can post as a guest as long as you follow my rules. ;)

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