Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, Transformers/Beast Wars, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey all, name's Calo, the co-user of this account. My friend and original user, Britt, has taken a step away from writing for an indefinite time, and has graciously allowed me to continue posting my stories here on her account as I have way too many accounts and passwords from all over the place to keep track of, so just as a heads-up: All Harry Potter Stories = Britt (currently inactive) All Other = Calo I'm not as active as I used to be - real life stuff and so on and so forth. However, I do still write the occasional story, depending on mood and interest. Currently there is a sort-of prequel and sort-of sequel to Flip Side being slowly hammered out, and I do mean slowly. They will be posted at some future point, but when that is... Also, a new (technically speaking, it's an old, very obscure) show called Iron Leaguer has taken over my brain with ideas, so possibly expect something from that field at some point. If you need or want to contact me, use the below (they're in order of fastest response to slowest): calovere@; ; . Oh, and if somethin' ridiculous pops up in the A/Ns, please try to ignore them - I tend to post things when I'm out of it. Hey presto. Ladies and gents, that's all she wrote. |