Reviews for Two Sides to Every Story
PHOENIX FURY chapter 6 . 4/13
I really enjoyed reading this, though I would have like a longer more involved story. Like Maybe Alan ended up working for the FIB/CIA and ended up having to return to his family as part of undercover op to get the bad guy, like he had to pretend to be penniless or something as an excuse to return because he had no other place to turn, and trying to keep his family in the dark until near the end when they nearly blow it. Then his family realize that maybe he was more than skilled to join IR, maybe more skilled than they are.
I think your stories focusing on Alan's relationship with his family are really good, families always have miscommunication and misunderstandings. I hope you do more.
jmountyn74 chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
s.mansoni chapter 6 . 8/10/2018
Ugh this was excellent! Please return to writing Alan-centric stories. You've been sorely missed in the fandom!
Fenix Uzumaki chapter 6 . 1/1/2018
Loved it! Why did I never see this story before? Beautifully written. :)
ngairetaylor chapter 6 . 11/6/2015
Fantastic... This story actually helps put the 2004 movie into the context of the original Supermarionation movie perfectly.
To tell the truth I did not love the movie all that much. I thought that putting Allan as that much younger was a bit silly and having Fermat so much like his father Brains was even worse. The only reason for giving Fermat the stutter I could see was for a single joke - "I can not talk, but you can not listen - we make a perfect team". It wasn't that funny.
I also thought that the boys were as a whole a bit too shallow, especially John, who looked like a Ken doll when he stood beside his picture - that hair Doo of his was very silly indeed. It was not the colour - it was the amount of hair gell. It reminded me of "Ace Rimmer" who was a parody.
Have you seen the new cartoon? I live in Australia and they have shown almost the entire first season over here. I love "Thunderbirds are Go". Just be warned the have been changes... Including swapping John and Gordon's hair colour, and TB5 looks very new.
The others look very similar to the original... I would have been very upset if TB2 had been changed.
There is a lot more of John in the new cartoon... Which could be the reason I love it as much.
I hope you get to see it and it gives you inspiration and motivation to write more.
So far my favourite episodes are episode 8 "EOS" and episode 9 "Slingshot".
With thanks for another great story,
pippalina chapter 6 . 7/30/2015
This is my favourite "Alan ran away" fic by along shot
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2015
oh my...
Sarai chapter 6 . 9/7/2014
Cute story!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/30/2014
Nice story . We'll written. I wish it was longer. I would have loved for Alan to have spent more time away from the family. Maybe fall in love, marry, have a family. Thanks for the story. Looking forward to your next story.
SubRosa7 chapter 6 . 8/23/2014
What a wonderfully written conversation! I liked Jeff's realizations of the mistakes he'd made, and his willingness to own up to them. I also liked how Alan apologized for how he left and making his family worry, and I liked how Alan managed to listen to Jeff say that he wasn't ready for IR without losing his temper, and Dr. Ariee's having mentioned that being in that type of environment settles his young engineers down. I think that makes a lot of sense. Some parts of growing up, it's easier to do away from your family.

Jeff's explanations of why they felt Alan wasn't ready to be in IR yet -as opposed to didn't want him there - made a lot of sense, I think that would have been a hard thing to explain to Alan without going into what had happened with Gordon. And I loved the exchange with Jeff reassuring Alan that the job he had in mind hadn't been a figurehead position, and Jeff's realization of how little Alan must have truly believed his father thought of him, to think that. I liked Jeff's resolution to make sure that his sons know how much he thinks of them, in the future.

I also liked Alan holding onto his apartment and his independence despite reconciling with his father, and Jeff's plan to have a dinner for all of Alan's friends.

Thank you so much for writing and sharing another really enjoyable Thunderbirds story, I hope that you are inspired to write in this fandom again!

SubRosa7 chapter 5 . 8/23/2014
Another great job with the conversation between the older brothers and Jeff, I think. I especially like the way you've written Gordon and John here, and in this story in general. It makes a lot of sense that Alan would make the choices that he has, and to see Jeff and the others realizing that makes everything comes together well. And a clever plan on Jeff's part, at the end!
SubRosa7 chapter 4 . 8/23/2014
Loved this chapter! I think you did a great job of showing Alan in his new role, still the same guy but in a new role. You showed so much of the past few months, and the family dynamic, and brought it together beautifully in one short chapter. I admire the way that you write dialogue and internal dialogue with these guys.
SubRosa7 chapter 3 . 8/23/2014
I liked getting to see Jeff's perspective here, and what his plans had been for Alan, and his reasons for not wanting Alan in the field - yet. It makes sense that Jeff would feel that way and come up with those plans, and also that he would have lost his temper and failed to convey all of that to Alan. I also liked seeing Jeff get shut down over wanting to find Alan - hard for parents to accept, but if your adult child doesn't want to be found and there was no foul play, there's nothing to be done.
SubRosa7 chapter 2 . 8/23/2014
I really liked the way you handled the conversation between the older brothers and Jeff, and I think it is really logical and a good fit for Alan to be so very service-oriented.
SubRosa7 chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Wow! That was quite an argument. I don't blame Alan for getting mad!
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