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![]() Author has written 22 stories for Super Smash Brothers, and Tales of Symphonia. Check Homepage for DeviantART. TVTropes: http:///pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Tropers/RoyalFanatic ...whew. It's dusty in here, isn't it? Oh hey, there's the Marth plushie! Wondered where that old thing went. Man, my old profile was…it was terrible, wasn't it? The fab four favorites and side-kick idea...well, I'm not sure how well I pulled that crap off. My profile was crazy. So I'm revamping it: I'm hoping I've matured as the years went by. So, dare I say I'm back? Who's to say? Welcome to all the new, and welcome back to the old: RoyalFanatic is the penname, but I have a few Fan Nicknames as well. RF is the most popular, but I've heard Royal and RoFa as well. If you have any, by all means, feel free to share them with me. I may be snappish, but I promise, I don't bite. I suppose I'll keep some things from the previous profile, but for the most part, it's all new. I'll try to keep it structured nicely, as well as be short and straight to the point. But knowing me, I'll ramble on about things anyway. It's a curse, I know. Well, let's get down to business, shall we? The Authoress Herself Name: For those of you who don't do pennames, you may call me Jocelyn or Cecilia (the former being my real name, and the latter being my internet alias). Joc/Joci are nicknames of mine, yes. However, they are OFF LIMITS unless you are a dear friend of mine. You may call me Cece if you wish. Profile Icon? Speaking of Cece, focus on the profile icon to your upper left (picture made by the lovely Cinna-Star of DeviantART). She's an important part of my life, and thus gets her credit here. However, she has taken a backseat as a few other important characters made their way into my life. You might have seen them, if I'm ever on Trillian/Messenger, other accounts like Formspring, or if you view my icon/ID on DeviantART. Don't worry; even if you see those two (respectfully named Joc and Al), it's still the same RF you know and hopefully love. Age/Gender/Astrology/Beatleology: Of this July 27, 2012, I will be twenty four years old. And yes, I am female (I've been called male before; both online and in real life). If you wish to learn a bit more about my personality generally, I am a Leo-Dragon, and for you Beatleologists out there, I am a Ringo with a George Rising. A Bit More: Even with writing, this isn't my career of choice: I've graduated with a Liberal Arts degree...yet not doing much with it. I'm working on it. Slowly... I am still interested in the crew aspect, and am hoping to work behind-the-scenes, such as building the sets, working the spots, or else light/sound board, ext. My big goal is to one day make it to Broadway, but if living conditions prove otherwise, I hope to find a good theater I can make many good years in. You'll find me in Somewhere, New Jersey on the East Coast of the United States of America. Yet, most of my friends aren't in the nearby area; I can only make semester long friendships, which die afterwards. I'm all talk when it comes to writing, my works, video games, whatever; otherwise, I'm quiet and anti-social. I hope to fix this, and make a few friends I can hang out with at the mall and stuff. My love life hasn't been the best either; I bailed on the two guys who were unfortunate enough to be interested in me. I am a virgin still, at twenty-two, but I got my first kiss at nineteen. I am short-tempered, and I can get pissy/snappy quite easily. I'm still not happy with my laptop for deciding to be a bitch on me. And yes, I am an active user of profanity. For those of you who dislike swearing, I'll try to tone it down (I don't like swearing in front of my family either), but it's a part of my speech. Be wary; you have been warned. I can get road rage at my worst, which has gotten me in trouble...and points. I've finally given up, and will let the idiots pass me, but seriously... My interests mainly include video games, writing, martial arts, and psychic abilities/angels/Wicca and magick/anything you'll find in the New Age Section of the bookstore. I buy various books, even if it makes my mother sigh, and I hope to make a personal library of my own, for use in the future. Despite, perhaps, being Roman Catholic, confirmed and all? I'm very lax in my religion, however, and even I have been told I'll be going to hell because I'm not that big on the practicing. I take the core values to heart, but other than that...believe what you want to believe. Hell, I still question my sexuality. I've never been diagnosed, but I think I might have some form of ADHD, as well as OCD. Now, I'm not saying this for attention, even though blah blah blah; it just might be a reason why my updates are so sporadic at their best. If I am an attention whore, I assure you, it's for different reasons. I will admit to my closet comment whore, but I don't raise a fuss if I don't get enough commenting/reviewing. I won't hold back updates for that sole reason. I can also be a fav whore, but same as the comment whore. I work in a hellhole of a store under the company of Stop&Shop/Giant; a Salad Bar clerk with Starbucks training on the side. As of this October, it'll be six years since I've first joined the workforce, and I hope once I'm stable and benefited under my preferred career job, I'll be able to say farewell to the watermelon and corn once and for all. The old lady thief who I believe trolls the store is gone, but there are more to replace her. Worse, if possible. If I get a second job instead, I'll be working both. Fun. Martial arts holds an interest in me because I am currently studying; as of next January, it'll be...three or four years? I forget. I got a free month from a dojo near where I live, and it stuck like glue. I am, as of this update, still a first degree brown in Shaolin Kempo, and will be getting my black belt in November. I hope not to have to use what I know on the streets, but if push comes to shove... If there's more to add, I'll add it here. The Authoress' Favorites Music: I hold no disrespect towards rap/hip-hop/the like, but it simply doesn't hold my interest; I may be slightly biased about it. But generally, all music forms have my interest. Various experiments with Beatles music has proven positive updating results. My music mainly comes from my parents' and brothers interests, as well as stuff on Rock Band/Guitar Hero. My current favorite/obsessive band of the now is Shinedown. You will find on my iPod the following, which is certainly not limited to: The Beatles, Shinedown, A.F.I., Aerosmith, Alanis Morissette, Avenged Sevenfold, Backstreet Boys, The Bangles, Bob Dylan, Boston, Bruce Springsteen, Carrie Underwood, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Def Leppard, Disturbed, Dixie Chicks, Dream Theater, Evanescence, Faith Hill, Fall Out Boy, Five for Fighting, Good Charlotte, Interpol, Iron Maiden, Jethro Tull, Journey, Kelly Clarkson, Kenny Loggins, The Killers, Lacuna Coil, Lady Gaga, Leona Lewis, Linkin Park, Mariah Carey, Matchbox Twenty, Meat Loaf, Metallica, Michael Jackson, Nickelback, No Doubt, Ozzy Osbourne, P!nk, Pat Benetar, Pearl Jam, Queen, R.E.M., Rage Against the Machine, Rise Against, Rush, Steve Miller Band, Stray Cats, System of a Down, Tenacious D, Weezer, The Who, Wilson Philips, 3 Doors Down, 30 Seconds to Mars, ext. Nobuo Uematsu is my only source of video game music, as I have various Final Fantasy VIII and VII things on my iPod. If shuffled, you'll either get the music mentioned above and more, any of these, or Lewis Black. Comedian: Because Lewis is indeed my favorite comedian. If you look him up, you'll see why he's my idol. I also have to add Jeff Dunham, Bill Engval, and Jon Stewart to this list. I listen to quite a few, if I have the time to watch TV and Comedy Central, but mainly it's these four. Food/Drink/Animal: Boring stuff. Anything Italian; fruity drinks (with or without alcohol); lions (with the hawk/wolf/dolphin trio a close second). Moving on. Video Games: Rock Band and Guitar Hero, without a doubt (Rock Band a little more, however. If you have it for the Wii, PM me; we'll trade Friend Codes!), Mario and Zelda, Super Smash Brothers (I used to be a decent Marth and Game Watch), Pokemon, Bomberman, Final Fantasy (VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics), Fire Emblem (BS, SS, PoR/RD, SD), Legend of Dragoon, and the first two games of the Jak Trilogy. Characters: Too long. Way too long to mention. I might update this portion as I see fit, but know that Marth, Irvine, Kratos, and Balthier are still very highly regarded. Because I've lost a lot of interest in Sonic and his ilk, Shadow has dropped quite a bit. I suppose I'd play them again, but...eh. Pairings: Oh dear, do I need to make a new section for this as well? I might, at a later date. But generally, I'm a very lax shipper; as long as I don't cringe, you sold me. CC/CC, CC/OC, and OC/OC, shonen-ai, shojo-ai, straight; give me a ship, and I'll tell you. The pairings section, if I do make it, will be below. If any more favs come to mind, I'll add them here. The Authoress' Works Over Here Completed: Mainly Super Smash Brothers works: The Three Maidens, Blood Links, The Angels' Door, A Grasp at Life, The Demon's Staff, A Forbidden Love, The Angel of Sorrow. Various oneshots, all equally crappy. On Haitus/Currently Working On: Those with no set plan for updation/completion: A Brother's Love, From One World to the Other, The Game of Life, What's Going On Here? It's not that I don't WANT to finish them; I owe you Fantasy Series readers a completed ABL. With my interests in writing shifted so much from Smash Brothers, and even Tales of Symphonia, I just can't find myself wanting to write for these. I apologize, but for the most part, don't expect much from these. Those that MIGHT be updated: [The] Fairy Tales of Symphonia, ZOMG The Three Maidens! The Fairy Tales, well, I could get a chapter up every now and then if you're lucky. And I do have TTM for ZOMG; it's just when I want to look back at my first and oldest fic and make the parody revamp. But really, if I'm going to update anything on here, it'd be these two. In the Works: ...this depends. We'll see. Over on DeviantART Because if you people want to see my latest writings, you will want to check out my DeviantART page. Just keep in mind, as the journal on my page says, I'm even working on getting back into writing over there, not to mention in general. Bear with me, I'm hit a pretty low point: hopefully it'll only get higher and better from here. Once Upon a Shooting Staris over and done with: times change, however, and I've desired a revamp for the longest time. If you're still curious about the start of the titular-named band and the rest of the sixteen and their circle, you can find the chapters lost in my DeviantART scrapbook, but while the core idea is the same, a lot is changing is the new fic. Which will be tied to the new Titleless. Allow me to get into greater detail below. As I see, there are going to be two main writings of importance, even up over there: a new, original work that will have a series all its own. There is no set title for this series, or the first story: indeed, I still have a lot of world building to do. I give credit to Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling: speaking of Hogwarts was what got me the idea of getting a school involved in this world, but this won't be a Harry Potter fanfiction: no Hogwarts, not a school of witchcraft and wizardry, even though magical elements may still be involved. And I will not deny that houses will be involved as well. It'll draw on different types of warrior students, and can even be a basic preschool/kindergarten/elementary/middle/high school/college in its own right. The story of the sixteen chosen ones who rise to defend their world will still come into play, though it won't be the Guitar Hero-based Lou they fight against. But I ramble, and I'm sure few care. Rising Winds of Dreams, the revamp of the old Shooting Star fanfic, will still see the light of day, if I let it. It will be tied with several other Final Fantasy games, Fire Emblem games, and Tales of Symphonia as well. It'll feature new pairings, new ideas, but it will still be Titleless: A love story so strong, it doesn't even need a title. There's not too much else to say, really, unless I get more info. Other Folders You'll Find in my Gallery: You will find Through Her Eyes, and the two chapters I've revamped of it. And you will also find revamps of my stuff from here! Blood Links is completed, and actually A LOT different than the BL you see on here. I explain myself when we reach the chapter in the DA version, so check it out, and see how the story actually SHOULD'VE been. You will also find (not completed) The Angels' Door and A Forbidden Love. You'll also find The Card Duels; does ANYONE remember that one? If you do, I made a Brawl revamp which you will find. Information is given as see fit; read to discover the differences. The Misc. Fic Collection folder is for oneshots/twoshots/old works that no longer have folders/ext. If you find anything good in there, well, enjoy! Basically any oneshots/short fics or anything that doesn't fit into the folders mentioned above, and I have quite a few things, don't I? Either way, they will be gathered there, for people to enjoy. Poetry: Various Sets and a Poems folder as well. I'd link, but I'm lazy as of this update, so go find them all yourselves. From stuff related to my works to stuff related to real life, I have a bunch of poems, some even commissioned!, for personal enjoyment. If you are a DA user, I pimp that I do commissions; you should know where to look to find the journal of interest. If you are not, no worries; just keep an eye out for more poem updates anyway! If I find/remember anything else, I'll be sure to add it here. The Authoress' Original Characters I wish I could go on about each and every one of them. Each and every one of the 71 characters I have (not including two I co-own and characters I may have forgotten about). This will be under revamp, as my procrastination gets the best of me, but the important ones I'll throw information about. This will mainly showcase my Shooting Star OCs, however; maybe I can give you impulse to go read their stuff. For now, I won't name anyone. As I get in the mood, I will. Be on the lookout! The Authoress' Closing Words We're not COMPLETE complete, but for the most part, this is done. Go on and read (although I would prefer you going over to my DA to read), or go back to whatever it was you were doing before. In the meantime, I leave you with a warning: Beware the rabid monkeys standing right behind you oh too late, they bit ya. Unless I just made ya look. Either way, enjoy! |