Author has written 33 stories for Fire Emblem, Super Smash Brothers, Tales of Symphonia, Pokémon, Harvest Moon, Tales of the Abyss, Naruto, and Gundam 00.
Onward and Upward!
Awww, I kinda feel bad for changing my Blaziken icon...since he's been there for the past...whenever FF allowed us to have icons. Special mention to my Blaziken avi
ICON Circulation: Blaziken--Pokemon (til 12-18-08), Vanessa x Lute--Fire Emblem 8 (til 12-22-08), Leon x Ada--Resident Evil (12-27-08), Zelos x Seles--Tales of Symphonia (1-06-09), Ichigo x Ishida--Bleach (1-11-09), Flynn x Yuri--Tales of Vesperia (1-16-09), Guy x Luke--Tales of the Abyss (1-22-09), Sheena x Collet--Tales of Symphonia (1-28-09), Tieria x Lockon--Gundam 00 (2-09-09), Zero x X--Megaman X (2-28-09), Zelos x Kratos--Tales of Symphonia (4-15-09), Cynthia x Dawn--Pokemon (5-09-09), Klein x Tate--Fire Emblem 6 (6-09-09), Suzaku x Lelouch/Leluko--Code Geass.