Drabble #2 in the 365_drabbles challenge on LJ.
She'd dreamed of this day so many times in the past year, longed for it, thought it would never come. Both her concern for her grandfather and her obligations to Caelin would make that impossible, she feared. And with her grandfather dead, Caelin's wellbeing would surely fall into her hands.
Lyn thought she was dreaming the day she announced her plans to leave Caelin in Ostia's care and depart for Sacae with Florina, and instead of looking down their noses in disapproval the people had given her their blessing.
But as Huey glides through the sky and she sees the familiar green fields on the horizon, she knows this is real. Sacae is her true home, and will remain so for the rest of her life.
As soon as Huey lands and they've dismounted, Lyn pulls Florina into her arms and sighs happily. They'll make their home in the recovering Lorca lands, live the simple and fulfilling lives of plainsfolk.
Florina snuggles against her, and Lyn leans forward to brush a kiss over her lips.
"We're home," she whispers.