AN: Thanks to everyone who reviewed. You rock. And thanks to SatanicMechanic (anonymous reviewer from AdultFanFiction), for the idea for this chapter, I didn't copy it exactly, but it will still be amusing. I promise.

"The bell has rung," I heard Mr. Aurion say, and watched him step into the classroom on Monday morning. "Settle down and get to your assigned seats."

I banged my head against the top of my desk for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning, with the same thought running through my head since Saturday night. What the hell am I going to do if he recognizes me?

"You know you're going to get a bruise for sure if you keep doing that, right?" Mithos said as he took he seat behind me.

"I'm fully aware, thank you," I said banging my head a couple more times.

"All right." I heard Mithos say. "Just making sure."

"Mr. Wilder," Mr. Aurion said and I looked up to the front of the classroom. "Will you please refrain from banging your head until I have completed taking attendance?"

I looked up to see Mr. Aurion leaning against his desk with the attendance sheet in one hand and a pencil in the other. "Sorry," I said and this time gently rested my forehead on the cool surface of my desk. I desperately prayed to any kind of god I could remember at the moment that Mr. Aurion wouldn't recognize my voice from Saturday. And then I made a mental note to avoid Seles and Sheena for the rest of my life; no good could possibly come from talking to them anymore.

"Ok, class," Mr. Aurion addressed the everyone after he had completed the attendance. "Take out your homework and pass it up to the front of the class. Anyone who has not completed their assignment will join me after school for a detention."

"Can we join you after school even if we did do our homework?" one of the cheerleaders from the back called out, making the rest of the popular kids laugh, and some of them exchanging high fives.

"Who says I want you to join me anyways?" Mr. Aurion responded coldly. It was the rest of the class' turn to snicker with laughter.

Even I cracked a smile at Mr. Aurion. He was slowly becoming my favourite teacher at this horrible school.

"Alright settle down now," Mr. Aurion continued, "and to answer your question, Ms. Drake, detention is a punishment, not a reward."

Just as luck would have it, I was the only student that didn't do the assignment, so I landed myself another detention. And I take it back; Mr. Aurion is not my favourite teacher. Not at all.

As soon as lunch had started I grabbed my stuff and headed to the table I usually sit at with my friends. But to my surprise, when I got there, Sheena and Seles were sitting there waiting for me. "Don't you have someone else to annoy at lunch?" I asked them as I approached.

Yuan glared at the back of their heads as they turned to look at me. "They won't leave," he whined. "Make them go away."

And that's exactly what I was planning to do. "You heard the man," I said to the girls. "Beat it."

They smiled evilly at me as if they hadn't heard me at all. "Brother Darling, we have another dare for you," Seles said sweetly, and Sheena batted her eyelashes at me. It almost made me sick.

"And it probably took you guys hours last night to come up with it," I countered and their smiles faltered. "But not right now. Lunch is my time. Come back later."

"Are you refusing?" Sheena asked, then turned to Seles. "Is he refusing to do our dare?"

"I think he is, Sheena." Seles said with fake sadness. "What do you think everyone would say when we tell them he refused to do our dare?"

"He's not refusing, whore." Mithos spoke up from his spot beside his sister. "He just said he's not taking dares during lunch. So be a good little girl and come back when he is."

I can always count on Mithos to back me up.

"Mithos that was mean," Martel exclaimed and hit her little brother on the back of his head.

"No, it was great," Yuan smiled. "Here, have a cookie," he proceeded to toss a chocolate chip cookie to Mithos.

"Yuan don't encourage him," Martel said watching Mithos chew on the cookie. "You boys are hopeless."

"I agree. Boys are hopeless," Seles said, bringing my attention back to her. "But I know a way to counter that." She cleared her throat then stood up and raised her arms to the rest of the cafeteria and when she spoke next, it was loud for everyone to here. "Good people of the cafeteria, listen up! My dear brother, Zelos Wilder, has refu-"

She didn't finish her sentence because I quickly put my hand over her mouth and shoved her back down on the seat. "Fine," I hissed at her. "I'll do your fucking dare, just shut up and leave us alone."

I heard Martel's voice as she said, "watch your language, Zelos." But I ignored her.

Seles smirked up at me. "I dare you to call every male who talks to you today 'Sugar'."

"All the time," Sheena supplied. "And you can't tell anyone."

"That's it?"

She responded by holding out her hand to me, which I shook without a second thought. "Now fuck off."

"Zelos," Martel snapped at me for the second time today, which I ignored again.

"What's up with the weird dare?" Yuan asked as I sat down and began to eat my lunch.

"Weird? No, that dare was nothing compared to what they made me do on Saturday," I said and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"What could they have possibly made you do that's weirder than calling all the guys you talk to 'Sugar'?" Mithos asked.

"Cross dress." I said simply between bites.

"They made you do what?" Martel gasped.

"Oh man, you have got to be kidding," Yuan laughed, but then continued in a more serious tone, "did they get any pictures? I bet you looked hot in a dress."

"It was a skirt!" I snapped.

"What was a skirt?" I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Aurion behind me, and snapped my head in his direction in panic.

"Nothing!" I said way too quickly.

"We were just talking about Halloween a couple years ago," I heard Yuan explain. "You see Mithos, Zelos and I all cross dressed. With makeup and everything. It was really quite cure, you should have seen us."

I could kiss Yuan right now for saving my ass, but I won't because Martel would probably slaughter me for touching her boyfriend.

I almost laughed at the funny look Mr. Aurion gave us. He shifted uncomfortably and his gaze fell on me. "I just came to remind Mr. Wilder about his detention today after school," he said, changing the subject.

"Consider me reminded … Uh, Sugar." I said just as he walked off, but he turned back and looked at me funny again.

"Another dare," Mithos supplied for me.

As soon as I was sure that he was out of earshot, I turned back to my friends and gave Yuan a grateful smile. "That was close. How long what he standing there?"

"Just the from part about you being hot in a dress," Yuan replied.

"Thank god."

Martel looked at me as she took a sip of her orange juice box. "Why are those girls making you do ridiculous dares anyways," she asked and then began to finish off the rest of her sandwich.

"Yeah," Mithos agreed. "Don't they have anything better to do than come up with stupid dares like that."

I sighed. "Apparently not."

Yuan paused from chewing on a cookie to say, "I think they're plotting something."

Well, thank you Captain Obvious. As if I didn't already know that. But I didn't feel like being sarcastic at the moment, so instead I just nodded.

Mithos smacked Yuan playfully in the arm. "Did you figure that out all by yourself," he asked. Yuan said nothing as the little blond continued, "Even a blind person could see that those two lunatics are up to something. But what I want to know is what they're doing."

It surprised me a little that Martel didn't scold her brother for making fun of Yuan. She just sat quietly eating her lunch and listening to us talk. Finally, she put down her half eaten sandwich and looked up at me. "What happened when they made you cross dress?"

I blinked stupidly at her. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"If we know what happened, maybe we can find out what they're trying to do," the green-haired girl replied.

Oh. Well I guess that makes sense. Of course Martel would be the one to figure out what my sister and Sheena are doing. After all, Martel is just about the smartest girl in the school.

"Let's see," I said thinking back to the weekend. "They dressed me up like a girl and made me go shopping with my mother." I paused to let what I told them sink in before continuing. "Then I my mom forgot to get the sugar when we were there and sent me by myself to get it and I bumped into Mr. Aurion."

"You met him in the store?" Mithos asked. "When you were dressed like a girl?"

"I bumped into him." I repeated. "Literally."

"You didn't," I heard Martel gasp.

"Yeah, I did," I sighed again. "And I fell on my ass too. High heels are so hard to walk in."

"Smooth," Yuan cheered sarcastically from beside his girlfriend.

"Then what?" Martel asked.

"Nothing really," I supplied. "He helped me up, took me to get sugar and I ran away before anything else could happen."

"That's it?"

"Well, I thought I heard Seles and Sheena laughing at me, but I'm not completely sure it was them I heard."

"Oh dear, I think I know what they are up to," Martel said. "Well, sort of."

Good. Now I don't have waste my time going crazy trying to figure it out all by myself. I love my friends.

"What?" I asked anxiously. If my sister and her stupid friend are going to try to make my life a living hell, I might as well know what it is so I can be a little bit prepared for what they throw at me.

"Think about it." Martel said softly. "If they were there, then they knew that Mr. Aurion helped you get sugar."

"Yeah, so?"

"And now you have to call every male 'sugar'. It's like they're trying to make Mr. Aurion aware that it was you in the dress by having you say 'sugar' all the time."

"Those sneaky little bitches," Yuan blurted out, and two seconds later Martel slapped his arm and scolded him for using 'inappropriate language'.

The rest of school was pretty much a blur. Going from class to class and doing work isn't very interesting anyways. At some point Seles came to check up on me and see if I was still doing her dare, and I remembered to tell her to warm Mom that I got another detention. Stupid girl. If it wasn't for Seles, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. And now, I swear her current dare has everyone questioning my sexuality. And it's worst because I'm not allowed to defend myself. I swear the entire point of this is to make people think I'm gay. Which I'm not.

So at the end of the day, I once again found myself staring at the closed door to Mr. Aurion's classroom. I signed, adjusted my bag on my shoulder and slowly knocked on the door. Part of me was hoping that he forgot about it and wasn't on the other side of the door. And I knew that it wasn't going to be like that because he came to remind me about it at lunch. For some really strange reason another part of me was really hoping that he was there.

A few moments passed by before the door eased opened and Mr. Aurion stood on the other side looking slightly annoyed. I would have walked into the classroom, but he was blocking the way.

"Mr. Wilder," he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yes?" I asked and dropped my gaze to the ground because the intense look he was giving me was making me blush. I almost forgot about the dare too, and added a quick 'sugar'.

My mind was spinning with all the possibilities of what could happen, but my mind seemed to stop and dwell on the fact that this was starting to be like a really bad porno. I couldn't stop myself from blushing harder as my mind showed me pictures of Mr. Aurion grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, kissing me hard, then pulling me into the classroom for some hot sex. My entire body seemed to grow warmer as I thought of all the dirty things we could be doing behind the closed door of the classroom.

"Mr. Wilder, Are you feeling well?" Mr. Aurion said, pulling me from my thoughts. I jumped back slightly as he moved to place his cool hand gently on my forehead after he moved some of my hair out of the way. "You suddenly look very red."

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine," I insisted as I moved away from Mr. Aurion, but I actually just wanted to get closer to him. My eyes found their way back to him, and I probably couldn't get any more red than I already was, so it didn't matter.

He put his hand back in his pocket and gazed at me curiously. "Alright then, you are free to go home now."

What about my detention? Was he just going to let me leave without punishment? Suddenly I felt really angry that we weren't going to be able to spend any time alone for my detention.

I guess upon seeing my confused look, Mr. Aurion frowned. "I said that I have personal business that I need to do, so instead of your detention, I'm letting you go. And I expect that both yesterday's and today's homework will be completed for tomorrow morning or you can guarantee that you'll have more detentions. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I replied almost right away, putting on my most charming smile. "Don't you worry about a thing. I'm on my way home to get it done right now." With that I walked backwards slowly to make my way down the hall to the exit of the school.

"Excellent," Mr. Aurion smiled back at me and waved. "See you tomorrow then."

"Bye," I said, giving a small little wave. I turned completely now, and began my walk home. When I heard Mr. Aurion's classroom door shut, I added quietly to myself, "I wouldn't dream of missing it."

I smiled, an almost girly smile, and made my way home so I could finish my homework. Ok, so maybe I am gay. But just a little.

AN: Yay. I'm finally updating, so you guys can stop yelling at me in reviews to tell me to hurry it up. Haha. Just Kidding, people reviewing threatening me with monkeys or whatever to get my ass moving is what motivates me to write.

Anyways, dun dun duuuun ... Zelos is starting to realize that he like Kratos. Oh noes. I hope that it doesn't seem like their relationship moving too fast to be realistic. Well ... I mean Zelos liking Kratos. Anyways, tell me what you think, and I'm always open for new ideas for dares!!

Oh, and I hope that you guys liked when Zelos showed up for his detention. I was aiming to make people laugh because I was giggling the entire time while writting the last bit of the chapter. Haha.