Author has written 12 stories for Tales of Symphonia, and Yu-Gi-Oh.
Personal Info:
Name: Shadow of Undine
Homeland: That One Place
I find that it's hard to name my interests (or describe myself at all) in a succint way. I like many things. For now, I have reverted to Lurker status, but I hope that one day, that may change. We shall see. Please feel free to contact me, if you wish to talk. I am almost always open for conversation.
Angelic from Mutterings:
Chapter One:
Kalibkyv, me’Il mythsem kug ryt’Il omladnu?
-- By the Tree, why must my child be such an idiot?
Omyinis. Ae numer’na demytha’den, ji’nol Ilji omdiln’rem.
-- (ANGELIC) No. Chosen (Child of the Goddess), it is nothing.
Ilera mer’Il mythsem.
-- She's the Chosen.
Riumvalme mer’nu mythsem ti’mer genivme.
-- I will call the Chosen whatever I wish.
-- I-
uren Llor yd... Mela jitanvol.
--(son) Lloyd... Wake up for me.
(Llor yd = bring change; 'Lloyd' is a vague mutation of it.)
-Please wake up.
-Please wake up.
(There's no real English equivalent. It's... like a stronger please. Sort of.)
-Wake up!
Chapter Two:
-Stay away!
Nis. Menu omyabath’Xitos!
-Yes. They can't stop me!
Dan Ivol?
-Who are you?
-You're lying!
-Are you alive?
(Kel is the conditional/uncertain tense.)
-You're alive.
(The literal translation is “You live,” but this sounds better.)