after that sad mushy goodbye, you thought that was it, rite?

well you were WRONG.

:) here are some chapters/chapter fragments that didnt fit into the final draft.

Crushed: The Lost Chapters

From chapter 34: Final Destination i deleted this part cuz i didnt really think it suited the mood. still kinda funny though...
The stadium around Link vanished and was replaced with grassy plains.

"Where is Farore's name have you taken me?"

"Why, don't you recognize your home?"

"…Home? You've taken us to Hyrule?"

"Yes. Now, prepare to fall at the hands of the Great King Ganondorf."

"Oh please."


"Just admit it, you're trying to sound all tough just to psych me out!"


"Just cut the crap."

"Oh I see how it is. You're stalling!"

"Stalling! How dare you say that! What, you think I can't beat you? I've done it once! With ease might I add!"

"Are you kidding me? You used at least a dozen fairies!"

"That's not my fault! You practically gave them to me!"


"There were a whole bunch hiding around in pots in your tower!"

"What, you think I went around my castle just hiding fairies in my pots? I didn't even know I had pots! You're such a cheater, you've been stealing my stuff!"

"Are you retarded? That's nothing compared to what you've done! Besides, you turned into a fat pig thing, that's cheating too!"

"Why you!…"


From chapter 34: Final Destination. this is scene actually explains how link got ressurected. After Link dies, Young Link starts cursing at the goddesses and shoots the sky with arrows. Was replaced by Link and Zelda scene.
"Hey! Watch it with those arrows!… HEY!"

Young Link didn't stir.


"NAVI GO AWAY! I…" Then it dawned on Young Link. He turned around. "Navi the fairy? Navi is it really you?"

"The one and only!"

"But where did you--"

"They sent me."


"They." Navi said, emphasizing the word more.

"They who?"

"THEY!" Navi flew upward in three short bursts. Link looked up to the sky.

"You mean… they?" Link asked pointing to the sky.

"YESS! Now… it's time to bring our hero back."

"You mean you're gonna--"

"Give up my life for Link's."

"But! But you can't die!"

"Link don't worry! Fairies sprout from the fountains every minute!"

"But you're special!"

"Aw… nice to hear. But, Link is more important. It was fun travelling with you!" Navi hovered toward Link's dead body. She flew around in a circle around his body, then disappeared. At first, Young Link thought nothing happened. He waited… and waited… until he could wait no longer.


The glaze of death slowly melted from the Hylian's stunning blue eyes. "M…Mini Link?"

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Young Link cried and engulfed Link in a huge hug.

"Hey buddy! Don't think I can die that easy can you?" Link embraced his younger self in a big bear hug.

"Oh I'm so glad!"

"D-don't… celebrate just yet."

The two turned their heads to see Ganondorf stand up behind him. He pulled Young Link's sword out of his stomach and tossed it aside.

"I told you. You can NEVER defeat me!

Original chapter that came after chap. 36. didn't like the way it was going.

Dear Saria,

I'm finally coming back home. As it turns out, it wasn't a fighting tournament at all. It was another one of Ganondorf's attempts to kill Link. I don't know if you know this, but we actually came back to Hyrule, and that's where we defeated Ganondorf, Yeah, he's gone now, so, no worries. I've had a fun time here. I've made a lot of friends, and we've done a lot of cool stuff, but I really miss you. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I really can't wait to get back home, and see you and the rest of the guys! I hope your all doing well! Well, I'll end there. I'll be landing at the airport 6PM Monday night.



PS: When I get back, we really have to hang Mido up and piñata him to death.

Young Link smiled. He licked the envelope and sealed it tight "I hope Link and Zelda are up to another trip to the post office."

He found the two in the dining hall having a late lunch. They happily agreed to escort Young Link to the post office again. After quickly finishing their meal, the three left the hotel for the Nintendo City Post Office.


With the trip to the mall called off, Marth had found something else to occupy himself with. He wanted to find some things out. What did happen to the Smash Brothers? Or a better question would be, who were they? They mysteriously disappeared after the ordeal with Ganondorf, and Marth really wanted to know a little more about them. What were their motives? What did they have against Link? Maybe Ganondorf forced them. All these ideas, and then some, were all bouncing around Marth's head, but he couldn't find any way to figure it out. He shortly abandoned his fruitless attempt at figuring everything out. Everyone was safe, that's all that mattered.

Roy had found him, and having nothing better to do, the two thought they'd head down to the stadium to do a little sparring. They ran into Peach and Samus along the way, and they tagged along as well. It was still early in the afternoon as the four walked along the hilly landscape of Smash Brothers Estate. They jabbered away about good times during the tournament.

"I remember," Peach said, "My very first day here."

"Yeah, that was a day to remember." Roy sighed. And the four found themselves taking a walk down memory lane.


Marth was the first to arrive at the hotel, as he left home the moment he received his letter. He arrived by "airplane", a strange transportation vehicle that he had never heard of before. He was greeted very early in the morning by the two suit donning Smash Brothers, Gerald and Ronald at the front doors of the hotel. He was ushered in, and a bellboy took his things to his room. He was led into the dining hall and was served breakfast. It was some time before anyone else arrived, and Marth whiled away the hours exploring the hotel. It was Roy who showed up next. Marth had only heard about Roy before, but they soon found they had much in common. They instantly became friends. It wasn't until after the arrival of Peach, Mario, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Kirby, and Donkey Kong, that Link, Zelda and Young Link arrived. Marth and Roy welcomed the other swordsman. They found him interesting. His clothing suggested he hailed from a rather exotic place. Young Link was delighted to see he wasn't the only child in the tournament. He met up with Ness and Kirby, and they all demonstrated for each other their special attacks. The rest of the Smasher crew arrived, and by six o'clock, everyone was seated for dinner and formal introductions.

"Remember Marth, we asked Link if he spoke English?" Roy said, laughing.

"Yes, we thought he was some sort of uncivilized jungle man."

"Jungle man?" Peach said laughed, "Hah. Link's much too pretty to be a jungle man. Oh he's gorgeous! That perfect tan, those blue eyes…"

"Enough Peach!" Roy said, "I was right about you when I thought you were an absolute flirt who thought of nothing but guys."

"Of course I am!"

Everyone laughed.

"I remember seeing Samus on that day." Peach said, "No offence, but you kinda scared me."

"Scared you?"

"Well, you were in your big suit and had your blaster…"

"Yeah, I guess that'd be kinda scary…"

Everyone laughed again.

"Those were some good times…"


The smashers enjoyed another fantastic dinner that night, and afterwards, Link, Marth, Zelda, Peach, Roy, and Samus retreated to the lounge for their daily ritual of coffee drinking and talking. Roy sat in his usual cushy armchair; Link, Zelda and Marth on the sofa by the fire; and Peach and Samus their loveseat. Link had pulled out Monopoly from the cabinet, and the six decided to play a game.

"Youngest first, so my roll." Roy said. He picked up the dice and rolled seven. "Zelda, your turn. I'm not buying that."

Zelda rolled the dice and landed on Connecticut. "Not buying."

Peach rolled and landed on jail. Link landed on St. James and decided to buy it. Marth rolled seven as well, and Samus rolled two. The game went on, and Peach found herself leading.

"Yes, Pennsylvania! I'll buy that one too, and Roy, please put two more houses each on Kentucky and Illinois." Peach handed a thick stack of bills to Roy, who was the banker.

Link rolled the dice, and he landed on Boardwalk. He grinned. "I always get this one when I play." The game progressed further. Link had bought Park Place too, and everyone, Peach in particular, found themselves landing on either of Link's best properties.

"Oh Peach, I'm so sorry." Link said, his grinning face saying anything but. "That's the eighth time you've landed on Boardwalk. Oh, and look, I've got three houses now. $528 Please."

Peach grumbled and handed Link his money.

Link shuffled through it. "Oh dear, twenty dollars short. Tsk tsk tsk. I'll be nice and let you pay me your rest next turn. Got that down Roy? Peach owes me twenty."

Link was not smiling for long. Peach had paid off her debt, and then landed on Community Chest, drawing a "SOMETHING" card, earning her $XXX. The game ended sometime afterward, neither Link or Peach winning, but Zelda.


from chapter 37: The final days conclude. got deleted, cuz at first, i didnt want to have the smashers plastered cuz i was going to have link propose at the party... didnt work out, which is why there's another chapter. u well, i like the way it turne dout :)

The evening turned to night, and the little ones decided to go back to the hotel; fed up with all the drunken smashers.

"Let's go you guys." Said Young Link, "Everyone's getting out of hand."

"Really," said Ness, "You think people their age would be a little more responsible!"

Kirby was crying. "Someone tried to eat me! They thought I was cotton candy!"

"That does it, I'm leaving." Link said. And the three left.


"I'VE GOT AN IDEA!" Yelled a drunk Roy. "LET'S ALL DO THE LIMBO!"

"YOU WANNA PLAY BINGO?" Peach asked loudly.

"LIMBO!" Roy yelled in her ear. "COME ON EVERYONE! HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?"

All the smashers got in a very unorganized line and proceeded to roll, trip, crawl, and slide under the limbo stick, which kept moving, for Samus and Captain Falcon, who were holding the stick, were having troubles standing. They decided it was no fun anymore when Donkey Kong landed on the stick and snapped it in half. Everyone was now rolling around on the ground, giggling…

something i did. i went to babelfish and translated the sumarry into french, then into spanish, and back into english, the result is this.

good morning and welcome! fanfic is my first. in this épico story, the bond is worried about a dream that worries to a letter comes in the mail and is as if their dreams were to the being reality. to the match, nothing outside the ordinary takes place, and the bond forms of the changing information of the life with some of the people fresher than there is never m.. the part of t of tournamentbecomes seconds that the life but the part of isLink are obtains defeat by the plus later trusting pirates of part and findings of SQUASHED bond he himself of more ways than one! ZeLink. main of others includes RoyXPeach, and MarthXSamus. Yaoi SMALLER SMALLER MINOR towards the extremity, but nothing that interferes with history.

PIRATES! LMAO! SQUASHED! hoo boy. anyways, yea.

this one is eng>span>french>eng

hello and reception! this one is my first always fanfic. in this epic history, connection is worried by a dream which disturbs a letter comes in the mail and is as if its dreams were reality which converted in the tournament, nothing out of what is common arrives, and connection forms relations which they change the life with some of the freshest people who it is always puts the party of the tothe tournamentbecomes seconds which is the life but the party of the isLink obtains possible broken by unsuspecting of the crashers and discovered themselves of the party of the connection CRUSHED of more manners that one! ZeLink. important of others include RoyXPeach, and MarthXSamus. Yaoi of SMALLER IMPORTANCE of SMALLER IMPORTANCE of SMALLER IMPORTANCE towards the end, but nothing which interferes with the history.


dont you love fresh ppl:) XD

and thats it. there were more deleted scenes, but i didnt save them :(
o wel.
now my dear reader.
it would please me very much


