I did write this as a christmas present for RobinRocks orginally. I was running short on time though, so there's only four parts when there should be seven.
EDIT: I've now seperated each section into its own chapter and I'm currently writing the other three. Thanks for the reviews, people!
Sometimes, on long journeys during the silent patches of conversation or at night, when he's lying in bed at night, Lloyd thinks of what it would be like to be someone else. He looks at his hands, sometimes clothed in red, sometimes not and he wonders what it would be like to be Regal and what it would be like to have his hands tied together. His legs would certainly be a lot stronger than they are now.
Sometimes, Lloyd wonders what it would be like to be Colette. He presses his hands together and stares down at the shape of prayer and knows his faith and courage of convictions would be a lot stronger than they are now. On occasion, Lloyd splays his hands out and holds them up to his face and imagines what it would be like to be Sheena and hold the power of guardians and summoning within her hands. That would make him a force to be reckoned with to be sure.
When he grips his blade in battle, Lloyd wonders what it would be like to be Kratos. He watches the fluid grave with which the man glides through enemies, leaving only death in his wake. It is more than just his hands at work and Lloyd looks down at himself, wondering how he could ever dream he could be truly strong.