Fox's Eating Habits, Introduction

Kal Takane Veras, 7/31/2005

Author's Note: I am having writer's block on Fox, Roy, and Yoshi, and Yoshi 007 as well. Here's a little something for you to chew on (pun intended) while you wait for that stuff. It's about Fox, as the title suggests.

Important notes:

-Fox, Roy, and Yoshi are still best buddies in this story, for those nostalgic Fox, Roy, and Yoshi fans.

-Bowser is still a vile cholesterol thief. It adds depth to the story.

-Fox, Roy, and Yoshi are not rich in this story. Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

-This will be a separate series from the Fox, Roy, and Yoshi series.

-This is still a humor story. Fun.

-The next Fox, Roy, and Yoshi story will be made of recycled plots. (If you read my original story, The Weird Exploits of Fox, Roy, Yoshi, and Others before it was deleted by you-know who, it will be familiar.) By the way, TCK will not be in it this time around.

-Enjoy the story, and please review. Review me like. If you no review, me get mad. And if me get mad, story go boom. Hehehe.

