Author has written 2 stories for Trolls, and Web Shows. Hey y'all, call me Jovi! I'm a teenage weirdo, and I love reading, music, and rainy days. I'm a huge fanenby (hehe I'm nonbinary and I think the word enby is fun), and I like a lot of different things! I also favourite almost every fic I read that I enjoy, so if you ever go through my favourited list, first of all I'm so sorry there's so many things it's such a mess, and second off oh boy... ohhh boy there's gonna be some weird stuff in there. Watch out lmao. Also if you ever read my writing it's from when I was a lot younger and it's... kind of bad?? Not that I've necessarily improved since then... I just... cringe when I look back at it. But I won't delete my stories, just in case people still want to read them :). Anywho! I've got some wild ships and they're coming at you! Ships: Alice x Tarrant/Mad Hatter (Alice In Wonderland, 2010) Also I'm a huge nerd! I'm trash for a bunch of things and here they are! Movies/Plays: Alice In Wonderland (2010) TV Shows/Cartoons: Doctor Who (NINE IS THE BEST IDC) Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Music: Pierce The Veil That's all for now y'all, see ya! |
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