Life update since it's been a fucking ride though these past 50 chapters and it is officially Twenty-Validateen.

When I started writing this fic, I was starting college and living with a manipulative boyfriend who drove me to homelessness for 3 months. Now, I have graduated college with a 3.8 GPA and am married to someone who I once vague blogged my crushing on by calling him "Real Sans." Life is a fucking ride, and I really appreciate all of you reading this. Those who first read my story back when I was one of the only five fic writers for Undertale, those of you who helped support me when I was homeless, those of you who are just picking this up now… Thank you so much.

This obviously isn't the end of my fics with Sans, but I wanted to be able to officially say I completed this story. The rest of the Sans Days will likely just be simple chapters about living life with the monsters, like how this story originally started. I don't know how the plot got so wild so quickly, literally nothing in this fic was planned other than the first chapter that Sans turned into a massive monster, but I hoped all of you enjoyed it.

Thank you all for being here, even if you are just curled up in your bed reading a fic at 2am on a school day. I appreciate every Kudo, every comment, and every one of you. Yall are the best.

Even if all of you are skeleton fuckers.



You looked confused at the two skeletons standing close to the doorway, wondering if your hiccup was really the cause of them giving you such looks

"Sans? Gast-HIC!" The hiccup caught you off guard, as they tend to do, and interrupted your sentence. You cleared your throat and tried again. "What's that look for? Weren't we going to the club-?" You barely finished your question when a loud groan came from the side of the room.

"How many fucking times am I going to hear that question tonight?!" Flowey shouted, absolutely furious. "Trash bag! I know you have a breaking point somewhere! You can't let them-"

"Shut up." Sans cut flowy off, taking a single step towards the potted plant, effectively shutting up whatever the flower was about to say. Gaster placed a hand on Sans shoulder, bringing a hand to his suddenly very tired looking cracked face.

"Brother… I am growing weary. Perhaps it is time to fill in their memories before we leave the premises this time." Gaster suggested, keeping his voice low. Sans took a deep breath, hands flexing into fists as he thought. You were confused at how quickly their moods changed, and that confusion changed to anxiety when both of them turned to you, wearing the same tired look.

"Did… did I miss something just now?" You asked, cautious. The three of you had a solid plan just moments ago, why did they look so defeated already?

"Yeah... Gaster will fill you in." Sans sighed, bringing a hand to his temples and motioning with his other one in your direction. Gaster took that as permission to do… whatever he suggested, and moved towards you. Sans grabbed Gaster's arm for a second, face contorting in a slight grimace. "Just… make sure to just give them the shortened version… I think too much of the memories is what fucked us up that one time..." Gaster nodded, seeming to already had planned on doing that. You noticed your hiccups must have been scared away by now.

"Memories?" You asked, watching as Sans released his grip on his brother. Gaster stepped in your direction as you felt the world tighten up slightly around you. Transparent purple strings started appearing around the room, just touching the edges of your vision. "What happened?" You asked, voice having a slight shake to it all of a sudden.

"Please, give me your Soul. I will show you." Gaster stood in front of you with his holed hand held out, waiting. You glanced at his hand before looking at his face, seeing the glowing haloes watching your eyes carefully. Your concern only rose, and the purple threads around the room darkened. Something bad happened, but you trusted them.

You swallowed thickly, bringing a hand to your chest and pulling out your Soul for him. The colors seemed to glow brighter as you held the floating broken heart out to Gaster, but you could tell just how much Determination you had lost in the past few weeks. The blue from the band around the Soul seemed to be bleeding into the rest of the color, making a majority of the heart a deep purple, just the top and bottom edges kept their original redness. As you passed the Soul to him, you could feel Gaster make all of his movements clear and slow, as if he was being cautious of you at the moment.

"Relax your mind. Everything I am about to show you has already happened, but did not happen here yet. Do… try to keep calm." He instructed, carefully grabbing your Soul. He placed his thumb and middle finger on the far sides of it, just below the bumps, and slowly tightened his grip. You instinctively lifted your chin, feeling the pressure on the sides of your neck.

"Gas-?" You opened your mouth to speak, only to find that you were having trouble finding the air. You saw his eye haloes turn to a burning orange, and something held you tight as you tried taking a step back.

"Stay calm. Please, it will be but a moment." His voice flowed around you, trying to reassure you, but your panic only rose when you saw the world losing focus. You saw Sans standing with his arms crossed, looking away and tapping his foot, as if just waiting for Gaster to be done. Your senses started to fade as your head grew heavy, and you felt like you were sinking.

Then, there was silence.

The world around you, however, was very much alive.

You were in a massive club, surrounded by dozens of people without faces dancing to flashing lights. The feeling of bass was vibrating in your chest. A key was in your hand, and you were moving upstairs. Bodies fell to the floor as the hallway was painted red. You were stuck in a door, and you saw a faceless person you could identify as Leader Prick suddenly kill himself. You were back in the car as you saw Gaster and Sans argue in the silence, then you were climbing the fire escape. You found Mettaton on the floor in a puddle of oil, and Leader Prick walked in. You saw Leader Prick kill himself. Sans and Gaster were arguing with the police, you were watching the news from a small tv in the corner. The camera on the helicopter zoomed in on the window of the club, Leader Prick gave a stage bow to his audience. You saw Leader Prick kill himself.

Countless silent memories flashed around, dragging you through all sorts of different situations, yet somehow, they all ended the same way. A few of the memories were incredibly short, jumping to you guys still in the apartment, stalling, before you felt as if that memory was already complete and moving to the next one. Despite the silence and the sheer number of memories you were reliving, you understood what was happening perfectly.

You guys failed.

Over and over.

Leader Prick knew he had the power to reset, so whenever you guys took too long to show up, or if you got close, or if you had others involved... he'd just kill himself. No matter how close to success you got, he'd just reset and take away all of that progress you made, only to keep that new knowledge to himself.

It was also clear in a majority of the resets, the brothers didn't bother giving these memories to you. They simply led you to do something different, and hoped for the best. You could tell there were lots of holes in the memories as well, and a few Gaster probably completely left out, but in all honesty you felt thankful for that.

You gasped in air as if waking up from a nightmare, and stood in the middle of Alphys' apartment with your eyes wide. Gaster and Sans watched you carefully, but your thoughts were too busy to pay too much attention to them. Your brain was trying to organize all of the new memories, something that seemed to be easier than your first reset, strangely enough. Sans cautiously spoke your name, but you quickly lifted a hand to shush him.

"Hold on." You muttered, brain still filtering the events. Somehow your breath kept steady, probably Gaster's doing, now that you thought about it, but it was helping. The purple in the room drew your attention, and you saw more than a two dozen purple threads hanging around the room, and grew brighter as you focused on them. "I think I understand." You quietly said, blinking slowly and bringing you gaze up to Sans, and then Gaster. You blinked, slowly tilting your head. "How did you do that?" You asked, wondering since when Gaster could do things with memories. You noticed your voice felt far away, almost like you were hearing the echo of it rather than hearing yourself speak. Gaster seemed to notice it was off as well.

"I can manipulate the subconscious, thus why I had to… restrain your airflow, and partially knock you out." He explained with a stall, eyes still filled with caution. "Since our Determination is connected I could refabricate your memories by-" Sans coughed, stopping Gaster from going too much further with his explanation.

"That's not important. But you get it now, right? We are at a standstill." Sans said with a sigh, tired eyes staring at the floor.

"We can't win as long as he can reset." You started. "So… Either we have to get him on our side-" Gaster and Sans immediately looked at you as if you grew a second head. "Or," you quickly added. "We keep him from resetting." That thought made the purple threads pulse, causing your eyes to follow them around the room. You could see Gaster watching you closely from the corner of your eye, but you continued to trace the thread to the base of Flowey. That's it.

"How did Frisk do it with you?" You quickly walked up to Flowey and knelt in front of him, bringing yourself eye level to the plant. He looked rather uncomfortable at the sudden attention, and his eyes kept looking at your own and looking away rapidly.

"Do what with me? Stop my resetting? They just… existed." He continued avoiding prolonged eye contact. "They had more determination than I did, so when it came down to it, the power went to them. So when Chara started helping them as well..." He drifted off again, as he tended to do when it came down to his step-sibling and cause of death.

You stood up, trying to think a plan out loud. "So we just have to get the kid and-"

"Ah, yes… That will not work." Gaster cut your thought short, knowing your train of thought already. "They have more Determination than all of monsterkind, sure, but that is not saying a lot when comparing humans. You originally had more Determination than Frisk and… the HP leader, but obviously some things have changed since then."

"...Then you just have to give me back my Determination, and I can take some of that artificial Determination Alphys made, and that should be enough." You bounced back. Maybe all you needed to do is make previous mistakes again.

"It might be, or it might just send him to the Void, and on the next reset Gaster won't exist again." Sans added. "We can't rule out that the leader of HP might have gained even more natural Determination from all of this. In his eyes, he probably just became God."

"If this situation persists for too much longer and we grow desperate, we could always overload my form with Determination." Gaster offered, face growing grim with the thought. "It would send me to the Void, but I could attempt to alter things from there. At the very least I should be able to use our linked Determination to Reset to some previous major life-changing event for the human-"

The purple threads around the room grew more solid at that, and you felt almost angry at that suggestion. "What kind of Bad-End bullshit is that suggestion?" You frowned at Gaster, and he startled at your outburst. "'Some major life-changing event'? That could be anything from the past month! That could just be me bumping into Sans! Not to mention you'd be lost in the Void again, after all of our effort, and we'd be further behind than square one." If he managed to reset things from beyond the Void, who's to say anyone would even remember anything? What if then, even Sans would forget? The three of you, along with everyone in existence, would be stuck in the same loop for the rest of eternity. That would be a terrible ending for this arc.

You shook your head. "No. While I appreciate you being so willing to throw yourself back into the Void for us, I'm not so down for it." You looked around the room again for more ideas, but your attention got brought back to the thread that was tied around Flowey.

That thread stood out from all of the others. There were some that tied to the brothers, or just hung in the air, but nearly all of them lead out. The one that was tied around Flowey lead further into the room. You walked over to it and grabbed it before you could think about what you were doing.

Visions of a goat-like monster flooded though you head, but it was different than any of your other visions. It wasn't a memory or something that happened in a different universe. It was fuzzy, and undefined. Every time you managed to focus on a detail it shifted to something else. The goat monster was a child, but then it was a god. He was small, then it warped into something monstrous. It was something you've never seen before.

It was something that you guys haven't tried yet.

You shook yourself out of the vision and found yourself back in Alphys' apartment, and you quickly started following the thread across the room. You heard Sans say your name.

"Where are you going? Did you think of something?" He asked, and he followed you into the kitchen. You went to your knees and opened one of the cabinets, catching yourself in the glass reflection. You stopped, and looked at your wrongly colored eyes. They seemed to be purple? You shook your head and decided to cross that bridge later. You turned your attention back to the thread and following it up and behind a stack of pots in the cabinet. You moved them out of the way, and your hand brushed against the back. You felt your eyebrows lower in confusion. The thread was phased right through the bottom of the wall, as if it wasn't there at all. You rapped your knuckles against the wood paneling, and you heard it sound hollow. Alphys watched too much anime.

"What are you doing?" Sans asked, seeming even more confused at your silent actions. You ignored him and carefully used your nails to wedge against where the walls met, and you felt your nail catch a lip. You gently pulled the thin wood to the side, and a secret panel behind the cabinet revealed itself.

You heard Sans inhale behind you as you looked at the various test tubes and small machines, but you doubted that's what got his attention. You reached in, and pulled out a small glass beaker that had glowing red dirt at the bottom, and a bright white plant growing in it. It was still young and partially curled in on itself, but it looked like it was close to blooming.

Your Soul throbbed in your chest as you looked at the illuminated plant, and you had the overwhelming feeling that it was the same plant that caused you to die the first time.

It was Flowey's seed.

"She lied to me." Sans' voice grew dark as he stared at the plant with hollow eyes, and you do vaguely remember Alphys saying she was planning on burning the seed after she was done studying it.

"Looks like it, but she might have just solved our problem." You said, standing up and holding the beaker carefully in front of you. Gaster's eyes went wide when he saw the beaker, but he stepped to the side as you passed him and placed it by Flowey.

"Is that… Determination? Being used as a dirt?" Gaster asked, following you closely behind. Flowey seemed anxious as the plant approached, unsure and unnerved by all of the attention and the silent acquisitions.

"Why are you placing… that, by me?" Flowey moved his body to give himself extra distance from the beaker. "Just because it's a plant, doesn't mean it has anything to do with me!" He quickly said, but you ignored him, and slowly brought a hand up to the glass. You felt the magic radiating from the plant and humming at your fingertips. You turned towards Sans.

"Call Toriel. We don't have a lot of time."


It was a mad rush after that. You, the skeleton brothers, and Flowey all got into Metatton's car and drove to the grocery store parking lot, as it was a good mid-way meeting place. You were the one responsible for holding Flowey and the plant, which he still did not like being close to. Gaster was busy making calls to the police, telling them of Mettaton's location. Sans was charged with being the one to drive and explain to Toriel everything she needed to know over the phone.

"I really don't think this is a good idea! I don't think Cha- er... Frisk, will be happy to see me." Flowey looked up at you, but you shook your head.

"Maybe not… But I have a gut feeling." You adjust your grip on the two plants.

"We are betting everything on your gut feeling?" Flowey asked, growing more irritated.

"If this doesn't work then everything will reset again and none of this would have happened. No stress." You shrugged, and Flowey frowned even more at that.

"No stress?! Lots of stress!" His stem wiggled in frustration, but you kept your eyes to the window as the car pulled into the empty parking lot. The lights were dim, and one of them was flickering with a bad bulb. This definitely wasn't a place you would go to in the night under any other circumstances.

A soccer-mom van pulled in as well, and you could only assume that was Toriel's car. Sans parked the car and all of you got out and you quickly placed the plants onto the hood of the car as you heard the other doors slam shut. You saw a very tired Frisk and Toriel walk up to Sans and Gaster beside the car, leaving you to do your thing.

"Sans, who is this?" Toriel kept her paws on Frisk's shoulders as she looked at Gaster, who gave a royal bow.

"This is Gaster, my other brother." Sans quickly introduced. "I know everything I've been saying sounds crazy, but you need to trust me." They continued to talk as you brought your hand to the glowing plant, feeling the magic surge under your palm.

"This is crazy! Whatever you think that is, it won't-!" Flowey was yelling at you, but his yells cut short as your hand turned into a fist and pulled towards your chest, and a small, white glowing heart popped out of the other plant. The plant immediately stopped glowing and wilted, but Flowey's attention stayed on the small Soul floating in front of you.

He stared at it for a moment, shaking, before looking at you. "I d-don't know what you think you are doing! But don't do it!" Flowey was leaning away from the Soul, very much afraid of it.

"Wait… that voice." Toriel spoke up, turning to the two of you. She looked confused at Flowey, a hidden wound in her eyes. "Human, what are you doing to that monster?" How she addresses her own son hit home just how alone Flowey had been all this time. You turned to Flowey and saw that his face was afraid, more in his three dimensional face that vaguely looked similar to Toriel's.

"Giving his Soul back." You said, pushing the white heart into Flowey.

Flowey immediately started glowing, and his features turned to horror as he looked at his leaves. "No! You can't! This is a mistake!" He cried as his light brightened so much that you had to turn your head. When the light started to dull you looked back at him, and saw a small goat monster sitting on the hood of the car, bawling. "I don't deserve this!"

"Asriel!" Toriel immediately ran over and picked her crying son off of the car and embraced him. You glanced at Sans and saw that he was slack jawed, apparently never thinking that it would have actually had worked. If you were being honest yourself, you based this off of a gut feeling, so you were rather shocked as well. In your mind if it didn't work then the reset would have cleared up everything anyway. Not that this was going to stop it, now you realize. Now Flowey was just a normal monster with a Soul. Not the powerful being that you saw in that fuzzy vision, or even someone with more Determination to override Leader Prick's resets.

You turned to see what Gaster thought about everything, but he had his attention to the grocery store. You followed his gaze and saw a tv had been left on, and showing the late night news. You could see a helicopter heading towards downtown, and you felt your heart sink a little. Leader Prick is going to end this happy reunion real soon, but at least you guys did something different this cycle. Maybe it will help with moral during the next one, you would be okay with that.

"How did- where- how?" Toriel stumbled over her questions, crying freely while running her hands over her son's fur and seeming to not believe that he was really there, right in front of her after all of this time being 'dead.'

"Asriel." Frisk spoke up, and when you looked down you could see Frisk staring at Asriel with their red eyes wide open.

"Frisk, darling, did you just speak?" Toriel asked, shocked at that development as well. Frisk ignored her and continued to stare at Asriel, who cried even harder.

"I'm so sorry, so so so sorry! I never meant to let you down, and I did so, so many times. I'm so sorry Chara!" Asriel wiggled out of his mother's arms and rushed up to Frisk, giving them a big hug. Frisk hugged back, and you could see Toriel growing confused at Asriel calling them Chara.

You glanced back to the tv, seeing that the helicopter was close to Man-Made now… it wouldn't be long before this heartwarming reunion would be ripped away, and leaving you guys to start all over again.

"It's okay, you didn't. We got there in the end, and that's what matters." Frisk said, holding tighter. "I asked too much of you, we were just kids." The way they talked, you could assume they were much older than how Frisk appeared. They quietly broke the hug, taking a step back. "Asriel, will you forgive me? I know I don't deserve it, but it's my fault you died."

"Of course I forgive you, I want nothing but to be with you forever! Best friends, right?" He offered a paw to them.

"Right." Frisk grabbed the paw, and both of their Souls suddenly appeared in front of them. A smaller red Soul separated itself from Frisk's, and merged with Asriel's white Soul. Asriel's body started glowing brighter again, causing everyone to turn away for a moment once more. This time, Asriel was almost the same height as Toriel, looking much more mature with dark marks under his eyes and more developed horns.

Frisk still stood where they originally were, though this time their eyes were relaxed, and you didn't see the red that they had before. Asriel started laughing, looking at his paws and giving himself a big hug as he started crying. "I'm so happy!" He fell to his knees, sniffing.

Toriel didn't seem to know what to make of everything that just happened, but she quickly ran up and hugged her son… well, children? You weren't entirely sure yourself, but you found yourself looking towards the tv again, seeing that the cameras were zooming in on the large windows. You could see Mettatton sitting in the corner of the room, and Leader Prick giving a golfers clap and blowing some kisses towards the helicopter before pulling out a gun and shooting himself in the head.


Everything continued on.

You and Sans met eyes, and the two of you quickly ran at each other, wrapping arms around each other quickly in an excited hug. You apparently threw him off just enough, and the two of you tumbled to pavement of the parking lot, laughing.

"So, would you look at that. We got out of the cycle, and Leader Prick is gone now too! Maybe now we will be able to live halfway-normal lives!" You cheered, squishing the sides of Sans' face.

"I would not get your hopes up." Gaster walked over, looking down at the two of you. "Do you recall anything from the past couple months? There is no redeeming any amount of normality to cover up all of that." He said with a smile, to let you know he was making an attempt of a joke.

You laughed and shrugged. "Well, I think I'd be fine with that. Being normal is too boring for me anyway. Besides, this will make a great story! Not that anyone will believe us. Far as the rest of the world knows, the HP Leader just off-ed himself for no reason."

"Good riddance to bad trash." Sans held his hand up as if it was for a toast.

"Hear hear!" You fake cheered and toasted, Gaster gave the laziest of hand motions to agree.

Gaster chuckled and helped the two of you up. One challenge down, the rest of your life to go. Maybe you should start with trying to explain what happened to Toriel, or you could just leave that up to her child(ren?) and focus on getting a new place big enough for the skeleton family. You'd love to be able to get Samus back, at the very least. Ooph, too many things to do now that the big bad was taken care of. With everything that happened, you doubt humanity will be able to ignore HP any longer, especially with what happened to Metatton. Change was coming, and you were ready for it.

Sans talked to Toriel for a while, eventually agreeing to meet up tomorrow and to talk more then. He and Gaster led you to the car, letting you take the back seat to rest for the drive to Alphys' place. As you were leaving the parking lot you could see Mettaton being rescued on the tv, immediately surrounded by people you could recognize as his fans. You smiled, wondering what adventures you would get into tomorrow.


Monsters, apparently, were going to be a thing in your life forever now. Sure, you heard the stories of monsters influencing others with their wonder and magic, but you didn't believe it until a couple months ago. Now you couldn't imagine life without them.

It sure would have had made a boring story, wouldn't it?