So, pencils-up-write is riding in from their shamefully long absence to rescue it! Admittedly, the movie had some mistakes, but I am willing to overlook those for the wonderful message about LOFE. (If you've watched the movie, you'll get it. If you haven't... what are you doing here?! Go watch it!) Everyone deserves to be loved, and I would like to tell everyone reading this story that I LOFE YOU. I would like to broadcast that to the whole world, but unfortunately, most of the world (unlike me) has a life, and they have no time for me. :(- sad face. BUT- I will remain positive and happy and joyful and adorable while still hating people (D. Ily! Kisses! Hugs! Enjoy!
Marianne was not happy. No, that was an understatement. She was angry. Enraged. Furious. She sat in the principal's office with crossed arms, her eyes narrowed as she watched her father pace in front of her, his agitated words merely white noise in her ears. She already knew why she was here. She was here because she had punched Roland, Roland the star quarterback. Roland the hottest guy in school. Roland the charming student. Roland her ex-boyfriend. Roland the cheat, the bastard, the no good, lying, pig-headed, son of a bitch. Asshat! She cursed in her mind, wild with leftover fury from her encounter with him. She had caught him last week. Seen him kissing that stupid cheerleader. It wasn't even like she was very different from Marianne! She had short brown hair and a small frame, just like the girlfriend he already had. But maybe it wasn't that he wanted something different. Maybe he just wanted something… more.
"Marianne! Are you listening to a word I'm saying?!" her father- ahem- principal exclaimed angrily.
"Yes, I'm sorry Dad." she said sullenly, her eyes sad and tired as she looked up at him.
His expression softened, and the chubby man bent to hold his daughter's hand. "Look, sweetheart… I know that the situation didn't look great to you, but you haven't even gotten his side of the story yet. Maybe it was… an accident." he said hopefully, clearly searching for an excuse. She knew why he wanted her with Roland. He knew about Roland's near-perfect game record, about the many scholarship offers he had gotten from prestigious colleges that appreciated his sporting skills. He didn't want Marianne to lose a boy with such potential. He was one of the many who thought they would be the couple that went from freshman year of highschool to senior year of college, then got married and earned a fortune with their combined skills. Sure, he wasn't doing too well in the smarts department, but they had all thought it would be a great way to balance out- his brawn and her brains. She scowled, knowing all this and more was going through his mind. "Honey, he still loves you, he told me so himself! Just... come to the school dance on Friday. Talk to him. Communication is key, you know, in a relatio-"
"No, dad! We're not in a relationship! I don't need to communicate with him anymore! What do you think the word break-up means?" she hissed through her teeth, frustration and hurt showing in her eyes. "I've already got the whole school throwing shade at me for 'breaking the poor boy's heart'" she said in a bitter, mocking voice. "I really don't need my own dad against me too."
He sighed, shaking his head, but it was clear he would give it a rest… for now. "Alright, my stubborn girl." he said with a tired smile. "But at least come to watch that… social sister of yours." he said, wincing at the words. Dawn was surely a lot more than social, but he refused to recognize anymore than that. As her father, it was apparently his duty to stay out of anything boy-related. For some reason, Marianne had received opposite rules.
Her face twisted up as she realized she was going to have to go, for one reason or a other. "Fine." she sighed, but gave him a warning look. "But don't expect me to hang around if Roland shows up."
Her father smiled and enveloped her in a grateful hug. "I would never." he promised, fingers crossed behind her back.
Okay, so clearly I'm taking a new approach with much shorter chapters. If you were following me previously, you may have noticed that I have been absent for quite some time. This is due to some major changes in my life that I will not bore you with xD. My thinking is that with shorter chapters, I will be able to post more frequently, and I won't be absent for weeks (or shamefully, months) at a time. Thank you for checking out this story! I will be sure to introduce Bog in the next chapter, although the viewpoint will stay mainly from Marianne's POV.