Chapter 1.

Author note: So this is one of my first Fanfictions and I am probably going to be writing multiple at a time. I am quite bad at describing what the characters look like but for more detail just google image search human strange magic and that is basically what I am going off. Anyway, on with the story, hope you enjoy.

"Leave me alone Sunny, I have to finish this score by Friday, I need to pass this class." Bog was trying to plead but failing drastically, he needed to concentrate.

Sunny rolled his eyes, he knew Bog had finished and perfected his piece.

"C'mon Bog, it's a beautiful day, you need to get more sun, you're beginning to look like a ghost." He said, trying to tower over Bog who was lazily slumped on the torn up bean bag on the ground.

I say hey, I'll be gone today. But I'll be back all around the way. It seems like everywhere I go. The more….

Sunny shook his head at Bog and walked to the other end of the room to answer his phone.

Bog wasn't paying attention to what Sunny was saying to his loooove on the other end, but when Sunny quickly turned around with a mischievous grin on his face, he knew he was in trouble.

Sunny hang up his phone and strode over to Bog.

"I'm heading to the hockey training, Dawn is there waiting for her sister to finish. Did you know Marianne is the captain?"

"So what? Why would I go there? Roland is probably lurking around fawning after her." Bog grumbled has he sunk further into the bean bag. He hated Roland, why would Marianne date such a clot pole. She deserved someone better, someone like…

"Roland doesn't like going to her hockey training or games, he thinks it's too rough for her. Soooo with that get off your lazy ass and change your shirt." Sunny kept trying to be intimidating, but as soon as Bog got off his lazy ass Sunny faltered again. Why wouldn't he, he was double his height.

"So, Roland wasn't at your training again I see." Dawn noted as they walked into their home. She has never like Roland, but he made her sister happy, although she has changed since dating him.

"Yeah, you know he never goes to these things, he tutors the same time as I play." Marianne dropped her hockey stuff onto the couch and made a beeline to the fridge. She pulled out a lemonade.

Dawn thought that was strange, she didn't think there was any tutoring program going on, she was head of the community service committee with Sunny. She thought he didn't go because hockey wasn't lady like.

"Oh, okay then," she hesitated as she asked, "What's with the lemonade? Didn't we buy Coke the other day?"

"Oh yeah I just, don't like it anymore" Marianne stumbled as she dismissed her sister and started walking upstairs.

"Well Sunny's friend Bog was there, he's cute" Dawn knew Bog had the biggest crush on Marianne even though whenever they talk the end up insulting each other.

"Cute? What are you on about? We don't even get along, and anyway Roland is perfect, the way his hair does that thing. That reminds me, I'm gonna go give him a call." Marianne waved off her sister and went into the privacy that was her room.

Dawn became disappointed. Whenever Bog and Marianne are in the same room, Marianne becomes herself again, not caring about looks or being lady like or trying to impress Roland. Instead she was her punk pixie chick again. Dawn needed them to get together, Roland was all kinds of wrong for Marianne. Yeah he was rich and probably going to achieve greatness but she knew he only cared for himself and being in a relationship with Marianne practically guaranteed him a position at their Dad's banking firm.

So there is the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it.