Reviews for Take Flight While Angels Sing
knz.cali chapter 6 . 5/21
pls update! i love this!
Rosencrantz95 chapter 6 . 3/15
At long last love this chapter
Yana5 chapter 6 . 3/14
Thank you for the chapter
Rosencrantz95 chapter 4 . 12/30/2019
I want to order all your stories as a book; a compilation of your beautiful work. My Lord it’s just gorgeous. Your talent makes me want to throw my arms up and give up writing because I will never dream up something this wonderfully sincere and true to the characters. Please never stop writing. Thank you for sharing your gifts ️
Donkerblauw Fluweel chapter 5 . 11/20/2019
This chapter was deep! So much emotions and feelings. The fear Crowley and Aziraphale felt for death’s warning and how they keep looking over their shoulders was so palpable, you wrote that really well! I was really swept away by it. I think that warning can be interpreted in multiple ways though. It could also be about the arrangement, how they’ve helped each other out during the centuries and that their head offices will find that out. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The part about Eden and how they first met death was so fascinating to read. How they both at first didn’t understand but became afraid once they understood (and how they turned to each other). It really gives depth to the story to see how that relationship between the three of them grew. It was also interesting to read your take on Crowley’s first days as a demon and how he saw Aziraphale back then. That whole scene really brought a new dimension to the story.

And then that part about Aziraphale forgiving Crowley! That was so intense and heartbreaking, really. I felt so much for Crowley and how he has been pining after Aziraphale for so long!

Can I say that I was so happy that they finally got together? I must say that Aziraphale’s reasoning was one that has crossed my minds at times as well: would it really make that much of a difference? Well done by the way: that scene was equal parts hot and sweet!

As usual, I absolutely loved your use of words, your build of sentences and your vocabulary. You have a way of building beautiful sentences that read like poetry and yet flow very naturally.

Excited for the next chapter! We’ve caught up with canon and Armageddon is around the corner!

I’m also excited for your ‘spin off series’ with the scenes that didn’t make it in the final cut! Will be looking out for that as well :)
moongoddessgirl1 chapter 5 . 11/18/2019
This was so worth the wait! Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I screamed out loud when Aziraphale finally said it. Amazing chapter for a breathtaking story!
Yana5 chapter 5 . 11/17/2019
I loved it. Thank you for the chapter
Yana5 chapter 4 . 11/8/2019
Thank you for the chapter
Jafryn chapter 4 . 10/9/2019
No se porque pensé que era Dios, cuando era evidente que era la Muerte.
Jafryn chapter 4 . 10/9/2019
Hermoso capitulo el de hoy, me rompió el corazón el sufrimiento de Aziraphale y la poca empatia del cielo con el, aunque hay que considerar que ninguno de ellos ha vivido, ni pasado, ni sufrido, ni muerto en un cuerpo mortal tal como lo ha hecho el pobre Ángel como para saber que es lo que se siente. Crowley tiene razón, me pregunto como lo traicionaría Miguel...Aunque es fácil suponerlo.
La voz del final me congelo...¿Acaso era Dios?
P.D.: Gracias por el agradecimiento del final y no dejes de escribir esta grandiosa historia, que como tus historias hay pocas.
Donkerblauw Fluweel chapter 4 . 10/8/2019
Thank you so much for this highly emotional and exciting chapter! Well worth the wait! I always read your chapters multiple times to take in everything, and there was a lot to take in! I feel Aziraphale is turning more and more human at times. The whole trauma and nightmares bit? A very human and not an angelic thing at all! I wonder if he realises it himself. That was such a sad thing to read! Those angels really treated him badly. And the lust Aziraphale was feeling for Crowley: So conflicting, so human! And poor Crowley had to fix it and ignore what he wanted.
You give Crowley such devotion to Aziraphale and such a big heart. Really like how I feel how he is deep inside. It’s not too much, but totally believable. Just right.
The ending was such a cliffhanger. Can’t wait to see what comes next. As always, loved your use of words, syntax and how you use it to create an atmosphere and story. Keep up the good work!
LStarrunner chapter 4 . 10/7/2019
So glad that was not the end! Will continue to watch for updates as you bring them up through time, especially now for resolution of what looks to be a disagreement between Heaven and Death. The missive from Heaven made it clear they believe Death does not have dominion over angels, then your Being of Eternal Darkness had something to say that appears to differ. That is a unique spin. Keep it up!
Jafryn chapter 3 . 9/22/2019
Pobre Crowley, al igual que el temería por Aziraphale si hubiera otro demonio en mi puesto y mucho mas si fuera Ligur. Aunque no creo que el ángel sea tan tonto como lo pintan, al menos no para pelear contra un demonio, yo creo que el si sabría como defenderse.
No se como decirlo para que no se entienda mal, pero la parte de la tortura de Crowley te quedo horriblemente bien, me llego a doler hasta a mi, sobre todo cuando por fin logra liberarse de todo ese dolor en los brazos de Azirapahle.
Ojala y el próximo capitulo no se tarde mucho.
Gracias por continuar la historia.
Donkerblauw Fluweel chapter 3 . 9/17/2019
I’m not going to lie, I checked every day for the last two weeks to see if you updated (I know I’ll get a notification but still, I was too excited) and now that you did you certainly delivered! This was a very intense, emotional instalment. Poor Crowley, he is enduring quite a lot! I like to think that the demons could never get hold of that ‘little mustard seed’ inside Crowley’s self that is Aziraphale because to truly remove that bit of Crowley is to destroy him, they are far too entwined to exist without the other.
I like what you did with the moon and the metaphor there: every one needs a companion for eternity. Just like Aziraphale is Crowley’s and vice versa. Also lovely to know that it was Crowley’s idea and creation.
And finally, now Aziraphale is there for Crowley, has to be, is allowed to be. I’m very very curious and excited to see what will happen next.
LStarrunner chapter 3 . 9/17/2019
This entire story is beautiful, but the third chapter tops it all. Crowley undone, and the lunar landing, and a miracle through a telephone line. Keep going! I want to see how the Apocolypse Averted plays out in your universe as you come up through history this way.
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