AN: This is an edited version. If you have not seen the first version, don't worry. I fixed up the spelling mistakes and grammar. Nothing was changed storywise.

Tia Dalma woke up to the sound of her daughter's voice, "Mama wake up". Tia opened her eyes and saw the same brown eyes looking into hers.

"Marina, what time is it?" she asked as she sat up with Marina on the right side of the bed.

"It's ten in the morning, Mama" she said excitedly with a smile.

Tia smiled playfully at her and asked in a teasing voice, "Now what would get you so excited and full of energy more than usual?"

Marina giggled at her Mama and decided to play along, "It's my birthday or did you forget when you went out yesterday?"

"Forget?!" she asked in fake shock "How could I forget one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to me?" she said as she tickled Marina. They both began to laugh.

"Happy birthday, Starfish! Now get dressed" she said. Marina kissed Tia on the cheek and left.

Tia smiled sadly to herself "Twenty years since I lost you Davy" she thought sadly. Her daughter's birthday was always bittersweet for her. Sweet for her daughter, all the wonderful times of raising Marina and Marina being the light of her life. Bitter for the reminder of the betrayal of her love Davy Jones, The Brethren Court bidding her into a single form, being cut off from all that she loved: the sea, her family, some of her powers and most of all the Father of her child Davy Jones.

Tia shook her head "No, I won't ruin this day" she thought.

After getting dressed and making her bed, she went to the middle of her home. After losing some of her powers and finding out she was pregnant, Tia made a big sprawling wooden shack perched on a treetop, in a swamp and a bayou by the mouth of Pantano river in Cuba.

She found Voodoo was easy to do with her remaining powers, after a few years of being a Voodoo priestess she got a reputation of being powerful enough to be able to help with anything. That was when she assumed the alias Tia Dalma but her true name is Calypso, Goddess of the Sea.

As Calypso walked towards their large round table, she heard a familiar tune and saw Marina playing her locket.

Marina looked at her and closed it "Sorry Mama, I know you don't like it when I play your locket on my birthday" said Marina as she gave it back to her.

Calypso sighed as she sat down and put on her locket "It's not about the locket starfish it's about ..." she trailed off, the locket brought memories of a happier times with Davy but today the fragile, sweet and innocent music nearly brought her to tears.

Marina frowned "It's about Daddy, isn't?"

Calypso nodded, she always felt guilty about never telling Marina the truth about her past or Davy. All Marina knew was that she was trained in Voodoo and medicine at a young age like Marina is now and at some point she met David Jones but most knew him as Davy Jones, a pirate but still a good man. They soon fell in love but he had to go back to the sea. They made love on his ship on his last night and when Calypso was one month pregnant, she got a letter saying that Davy died at sea. Thankfully his name was so common that Marina never put together that he was the Captain of The Flying Dutchman and the Devil of the sea and Calypso was grateful for that.

"Why do say that Marina?" asked Calypso.

"You never really talk about Daddy and when you do, you seem sad" said Marina.

Calypso smiled a little at her and Marina smiled back "Since when do you have my talent in seeing into people's souls?" Calypso joked.

Marina shrugged "I guess for turning twelve today, the Gods decided I'm mature enough to handle it" said Marina.

"Now let's make breakfast together and bake a cake" said Calypso.

Marina nodded excitedly in response.

As night fell, Marina was in her bedroom on her bed reading a book about sea mythologies and sea tales. The true versions as Mama would say. It was a gift from Uncle Edward though she knew he wasn't her real Uncle. All of Mama's family abandoned her when she was a baby.

Edward Teague was a know and feared pirate Captain who was an old friend of Mama's and was like an Uncle to Marina who came to visit when it was a special day or when he needed help with something.

And there was Jack Sparrow. Jack was Edward's son though they didn't share the same last name and Jack always called him Edward, which Marina never understood. Edward wasn't always the best Father but they did care for each other and Edward had saved Jack's life several times from Jack's crazy plans - Jack is a bit mad.

Jack was Marina's best friend though they didn't see each other often and he was two years older than her but he always made her laugh and she did the same even though he teased her being small for her age and she called him Jackie to annoy him.

Marina put the book back on her bookshelf and stared out of her window, she traced the river up to where the narrow river flowed to the sea with her finger. Her room was on top so she could see everything including over the forest.

Marina loved the sea as much as loved Mama. She always wanted to be a sailor and a pirate like Daddy when she was older.

A few minutes passed, Marina saw something burst from the sea and a faint outline of a ship.

She got her spyglass and her eyes widened as she saw the ship more closely. The ship was large. It was green. Its ripped sails seem to glow like fire and it was sailing with such a speed that normally it wouldn't be possible on the calm water. Marina recognised it as The Flying Dutchman!

Marina put down the spyglass, grabbed her small dagger, put it in her small brown bag that was around the waist of her dress and climbed down the stairs.

"Mama I saw a ship. It looks like The Flying Dutchman!" she shouted. Marina was very scared of the ghost ship and of her Captain Davy Jones, the Devil of the sea from the tales she heard.

Mama ran up to her with a worried look on her face "Are you sure it looks like The Dutchman?" she asked.

Marina nodded "Mama the ship is traveling at a very fast speed, what should we do Mama?" They both knew that they had very little time. The river was too narrow for anything other than a rowboat.

Mama took her hand, brought her to her room. Mama removed a carpet, removed some floorboards and revealed a secret tunnel.

Mama let go of her hand. Marina hugged her and Mama stroke her long black hair "Marina you need to go in here. If I'm not back in an hour, go to the end of the tunnel. There you will find a small rowboat - in it there's a seashell, a bag of supplies, a letter and only use the seashell in the open sea" Marina hugged Mama tighter and Mama kissed her forehead.

"The tunnel leads to an open sea. The letter is for you. It explain's something that I wanted to tell you if I couldn't see you myself - if this day ever happened" she said.

Marina looked up at her as tears ran down her cheeks "You coming with me right, Mama?" she asked.

Mama smiled a sad smile "I don't know but Marina listen to me, no matter what you hear do not under any circumstance leave the tunnel or make a sound" she said.

Marina began to cry even harder "Mama, I'm so scared" said Marina.

Mama knelt down and wiped the tears away with her thumb "Now there's no need cry. I know that you are scared, Starfish and I'm scared too but I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that?" she asked.

Marina nodded with a sniff, Mama placed her hand on her check with a sad smile "That's my little girl, I'll give your birthday gifts. They will help to protect you" said Mama.

Mama took out a small book and a locket that was a crab-shape heart with a long sliver chain. It was a new version of Mama's and Daddy's locket for it was a symbol of endless love. Marina couldn't sleep without the tune the locket played.

Mama put the locket on her, tucked it in her dress and put the small book in her bag. "Now the book has spells that you can use, be safe my sweet" she said.

Marina stopped crying and hugged her "Mama, I love you so much" she said.

"Marina, I love you more than you ever know" said Mama and kissed her forehead.

Then they heard a knock on the door! They were out of time!

Mama put her in the tunnel "Be safe and be brave Marina" she whispered and then put the floorboards back in place.

Marina looked around the tunnel - it was dark. The tunnel was cold and hard and she heard water in the distance. Marina didn't know how Mama kept the secret for this long or why.

There was a second knock. It was even louder this time.

"What do I owe the pleasure of getting a visit from the crew of Davy Jones?" said Mama calmly.

"The Captain wants the girl" said a cold male voice.

There was a few moments of silence "She isn't here. I sent her away a few hours ago. Tell Jones that she's safely away from him" said Mama.

A group of men laughed. "We all know she's around here, somewhere here. Now the faster you cooperate, the faster we can leave. Don't worry, we got direct orders from The Captain not to harm the girl in anyway but not you" said another man in a too sweet of a voice.

Marina was getting more terrified by the second "Why would Davy Jones want me?" she wondered, Davy Jones was known and feared for his deals. Something that a person desired in return Jones got there souls.

Mama never made a deal with him and Marina was certain she would never make a deal with him. In fact, Mama and Uncle Edward drilled into her and Jack to never make one with him because it was never worth it in the end, so why were they here?

"I'm not letting you take my daughter without a fight!", Marina heard the clashing of swords and a crash.

The men laughed again "One of you tie her up. The last thing we need is her waking up and fighting again. Once you are done, start looking - she hid her somewhere" said the first voice.

Marina covered her mouth with both of her hand's trying not to scream. Tears were in her eyes as she slid down next to the wall and down on the ground. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. Mama was hurt and there was nothing she could do without the possibility of getting spotted or - worse - getting captured.

Marina heard footsteps and the door closed "Come out Poppet, come out whereever you are" said a third voice, which was more gruff.

Marina tried not to make a sound and prayed to the Gods for protection as he walked around the room "We won't hurt you, Poppet and your Mother is fine if that's why you are being so quiet" he said.

Marina heard him looking through the large wardrobe and heard the man curse.

After a few minutes she heard two other footsteps "We can't find her anywhere. If she is here, she's damn well hidden" said the first voice.

"But we found this sign that said "Happy birthday, Marina" which means that it's the girl's birthday today" said the second voice.

"Boys, what if the Mother was telling the truth and the girl isn't here" said the third voice.

"Then I suggest we take the Mother prisoner instead to show the Captain were the girl is" said the first voice.

Marina eyes widened at this. Did Mama know that this was their plan? Marina couldn't lose Mama.

Then she heard one of the men walk above her head and heard the floorboards creek and Marina prayed in fear that they wouldn't find her under the floorboards.

"I think there might be something under here" said the first voice.

Marina got up from the floor and took out her new book as the floorboards were removed.

Marina nearly screamed when she saw them. They were in all beside each other in a line. The on the right looked like a shark. The one in the middle looked like a stonefish with the teeth of a piranha and the one on the left looked the most human but the right side of his face, left shoulder and arm had been fused with the spines of a pufferfish, and seemed to inflate and deflate with his breathing and his right eye was a bloated fish eye.

Marina stood there paralysed with fear and horror. The man on the left smiled at her "You can come out now, Poppet " he said in a gruff voice as he tried to grab her but Marina backed away as far as possible.

"S-stay back I-I don't want to hurt you" said Marina as she moved her right hand to project spells.

The man on the right laughed. It was cold. "What do you think you are doing, little girl?" he asked.

The man in the middle look at the both of them and then back at her "I think the book, the little girl has can help her to use spells like The Captain said" he said.

Marina eyes narrowed. She had enough. If they wanted to see magic, they will get magic.

Marina mumbled the spell. She threw blasts of energy at all three of them and ran.

Marina heard them coming after her. Marina ran faster and saw the boat, which just needed the rope to be cut and she could escape.

Marina felt something go around the ankles, she tripped and fell on the ground.

Marina was grabbed and lifted up in the air. Marina screamed and struggled as pieces of cloth went over her mouth and nose until everything went dark.