Pirates of the Caribbean, the Bleeding Ruby.
Disclaimer as much as I regret I do not own anything to do with potc. . can only try though. I say I'm sorry now of any thing that is not spelt right, spelling is not my strong point as I am a dyslexic. Well I hope you like. Pleas enjoy and review.
Thanks to thoughs who have reviewed metyna20, Lindorie- Chan, Deez, Reverence, Jujuberry, Ninja Stealth Noise, and to Kerry Thank you.
"Jack!" Rose cried as she fell to her knees at his life less side. By the time Bill reached them she was checking Jacks heart beat. She looked up at Bill and shook her head.
"Nothing!" She told him. Bill went even paler as it snuck in.
"You knew he was dead so why the shock. After all that was what this deal was for all this time!" Jones said as he stopped a few steps away. Rose snapped her head up and glared at him. She was just going to say something back when a call reached them.
"Arr they you are!" Came Captain Levey's voice as she and a few others appeared on the opposite sided of the beach. Rose looked over but only caught a flash of red as Levey fell to her knees on Jack's other side, she too checked her vital signs.
"There's nothing," Rose told her as Jones pulled her to her feet and away from them.
Levey Glared at Jones.
"Well then lassie, I'm waiting where's me heart?" He asked keeping his claw on Rose elbow so she couldn't make a run for it.
"It's coming," She told him getting back to her feet.
"Oh really well I'm not seeing it and unless it gets here soon the deals off and you condemn the Lass to a life of survitude on my ship!" he snarled.
"It's coming!" Levey smiled at him.
Jones opened his mouth to say something but Rose cut him off,
"Would you stop and wait a moment for god sake!" She yelled at him, "Cause if you would then you might just hear something!" She finished glaring at him.
The group was silent now and sure enough the sounds of running and screaming reached them. Seconds later a screaming Norrington came running out of the forest being chased by Captain Levey's crew. The group watched as he continued to run towards them only to trip on some wreckage. The heart which had been in his hands went flying in to the air only to land in Jones's out stretched hand.
"One heart!" Levey smiled. Jones didn't say anything but he let go of Rose and then in the blink of an eye he and his crew were gone.
Seconds after they were gone Jack sprang to life, bolting up right and yelling out,
"I'm alive!"
"Not after I'm finished with you!" Levey yelled grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him.
"Emma, sister!" Jack cried pulling her in to a hug.
"You sank my ship!" Emma yelled pushing him away.
"No Jones's terrible beastie sank your ship and took me down with it, I stayed with your ship to the end," Jack smiled as he got to his feet. Levey sighed,
"Can't live with you can't live with out you!"
"I'm captain Jack sparrow what would you expect savvy?" He asked looking round the group.
"Didn't I kill you?" Jack asked as he looked at Barbossa and the monkey who just smiled.
"Aye jack you did shoot me but a good friend saw fit to bring me back to help your sorry arse!" Barbossa smiled at him.
"Oh well thank you… friends?" Jack asked offering him his hand. Barbossa rolled his eyes but took the hand,
"Still gonna get you though!"
"Wouldn't have it any other way mate, just keep that monkey away from me!" jack said as he continued to look round the group.
"Rodger my man and Gibbs couldn't get any where with out me could you?" Jack smiled at them.
"WE tried but she'd have none of it," Rodger smiled.
"Will, Elizabeth, felt for sure you'd be long gone by now," He said to the pair.
"WE owed you one Jack and it's not like we could go home and leave you now could we!" Will replied.
Jack smiled then turned round looking for some one,
"Some ones missing… Rose where is that Rose! You haven't killed her have you" He said spinning round and grinning, "There she is!"
Rose hadn't moved from her spot but smiled at him.
"Why the long face? Your Jack's back time to party time to smile!" He said walking over and hugging her.
"I missed you Jack, just enjoying being free again," She smiled hugging him back.
"Free?" Jack asked turning to his sister.
"Well I hate to make a deal with Davy Jones and he took Rose as a hostage till he got his heart," Levey explained. Jack turned back to Rose,
"You poor thing," He cried hugging her again.
"Hay she wasn't complaining. In fact she and Jones were getting close," Rodger sneered.
Rose glared at him as Jack steeped away and out of the firing range. Every one took a steep back.
"And just what are you implying Rodger?" Rose asked.
"Nothing much just that from how things looked you were close to Jones and after all this time one could question you loyalty to the captain!" He told her.
"My loyalty has and always will be to Emma and you know that damn well. What every you think was between me and Jones it's just in your fucked up head! If there had been anything do you really think I would be here now?" She yelled clenching her fisted.
"What ever you say Rose," Rodger shrugged though it was easy to see he still didn't believe her.
"My affects!" Jack screamed all of a sudden, "My hat my compass where are they?" He yelled looking all around for them.
"Jack!" Rose called.
Jack turned to her then ran over and grabbed his hat off her head and jammed it back on to his.
"And my compass?" he asked looking round again.
"Lost!" Levey sighed.
Though Rose just smiled again as she pulled a small box out from her pocket and dangled it by the string.
"My compass!" Jack cried grading it while every one else looked shocked at Rose.
"You never said!" Levey said looking astonished.
Rose shrugged,
"Couldn't in case Squid man found out, but I'll tell you this Jack the kraken had a hard time dealing with you!"
The whole group burst into laughter.
"Come I say we head to Tortuga and Welcome good old me back!" Jack called putting an arm round both his sister and Rose and heading off towards the Bleeding Ruby.
"Aye!" came the Call as they followed.
The faithful bride was a live with activity as every one partied hard. Every one was drinking and dancing as they celebrated having good old Captain Jack sparrow back with them. All but one who sat in the dark corner of the tavern watching them all and playing idly with the silver ring on her hand witch had a small blue stone set into it. She couldn't remember when she had got it or who had given it to her but it felt important to her so she clutched it to her again before getting up and joining in for some well deserved fun.
To be continued in
Pirates of the Caribbean the hangman's noose.
Please, please review as this is the last chapter for the first story. Please show me some love people.